3. An Unexpected Opportunity

Chapter Three: An Unexpected Opportunity

Chris stood at the kitchen sink, scrubbing the last of the dinner plates, when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

He glanced at the screen and saw a familiar number that hadn’t contacted him for over two years. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to answer.

"Hello, this is Chris."

"Chris, it's your Uncle Martin," came the gravelly voice on the other end.

"I have some incredible news. The tech company you invested in—it’s blown up. They've made an enormous profit. We're talking about a hundred billion dollars."

“What are you talking about?” Lost for a minute, Chris called the attention of his uncle.

“The investment you did two years ago with the company’s money.” His uncle explained.

“Uncle, I’ve been saying this, I made that investment with my money, I only used the family company name as a platform”

“You said it yourself, you used the company name, by default, it has become the family money, and at this moment, I am telling you it has made over 5000 percent profit.”

Chris froze, the dish slipping from his fingers back into the soapy water. "What? Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. But there's a catch. You're the only one who can sign the papers to release the funds to the Family company.” Martins said.

“Okay… what’s your point?” Chris played dumb.

“The Browns desperately need this money. Things have been really bad this year, this money will help revive the state of the company.”

A bitter laugh escaped Chris's lips. "The Browns need my help now? After you all accused me of embezzling and cut me out of from the same family?”

“No one believed me when I mentioned I invested that money in a promising project. Why should I help the same family now?" Chris shook his head disapprovingly.

"Listen, Chris," his uncle pleaded, "this is a chance for you to turn things around. I understand you're angry, but think about Stephany if not for the Browns, this money would be helpful both to you and the Browns."

Chris's mind raced, the memories of Eleanor’s harsh words and Stephany’s burdened expressions flooding back.

He recalled overhearing Eleanor telling Stephany to seek help from another man, undermining his role and his worth.

Indeed, his wife needs this money too. This was an opportunity to salvage her business so she doesn’t have to depend on another man.

"Alright," Chris said slowly, "I'll consider helping, but I have conditions."

"I'm listening," Uncle Martin replied, a hint of hope in his voice.

"I want fifty percent of the profit," Chris stated firmly. "And I want to be made the CEO of MTD Entertainment House."

There was a pause on the other end. "Fifty percent is too much, Chris. They won't go for it. How about thirty percent? And I'll ensure you get the CEO position at MTD Entertainment."

Chris thought for a moment. Thirty percent of a hundred billion was still a staggering amount, and becoming the CEO would give him the leverage and respect he’d lost.

"Alright. Thirty percent and the CEO position. Final offer."

"You've got a deal," Uncle Martin agreed, relief evident in his voice. "I'll get the paperwork started right away. We’ll need you to come in and sign the documents."

As Chris hung up, a sense of vindication washed over him. This was his chance to prove his worth, not just to the Browns, but to himself, most importantly, he’d be helping his beloved wife.

He dried his hands and made his way to the living room where Stephany and Eleanor were still deep in conversation.

"Stephany, Eleanor, I have some news, I’ll be able to help Stephany get that money very soon.” Chris announced, his voice steady. Both women turned to look at him, surprise evident on their faces.

"What's going on, Chris? You don’t have to give us false hope because you want to help. This is doing the opposite of helping." Stephany said, concern flickering in her eyes.

"Chris, what did I say? Stop daydreaming and bring us more tea.” Eleanor said.

Chris knew there’s no way they’d believe him, he had to use actions rather than words.

That night, he barely slept until dawn, the excitement of the next day had engulfed him and he kept thinking about the smile that’d be on his wife’s face when he helps her.

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