2. Spend with caution

Chapter Two: Spend with caution.

Eleanor Preston stepped into the house, her presence immediately commanding attention.

Her eyes, though kind, missed nothing as they scanned the room, taking in the sight of her daughter, Stephany, surrounded by a lot of shopping bags.

"Stephany," Eleanor began, her voice warm yet tinged with concern, "I see you've been shopping again."

Stephany looked up, a flicker of guilt crossing her face before she forced a bright smile. "Just a few things, Mom. Nothing extravagant."

Eleanor walked further into the room, her gaze shifting to Chris, who was quietly finishing up his tasks. She offered him a brief, unsmiling nod before turning her full attention back to her daughter.

"Stephany, you know we need to be careful with our spending right now. Spring Fashion Week is coming, and Luxury Flair hasn't planned anything significant because we're still searching for investors. Last year’s profits weren't enough to support this year’s endeavors."

"You're right, Mom," she admitted, her tone softer now.

"But these aren't just frivolous purchases. I got a few items for Grandma’s birthday and some clothes that I’ll need to meet potential investors. It’s still for the business, in a way."

Eleanor's expression softened only slightly. "I understand, dear. And I appreciate your dedication to our family’s business.” She relayed her concerns.

“Just remember, every penny counts right now. We need to be strategic in our spending if we want Luxury Flair to thrive again."

Stephany nodded, feeling the weight of her mother's words.

"I know, and I promise I’ll be more mindful. I just wanted us to have something nice for Grandma’s birthday, and I want to make a good impression on the investors."

Eleanor reached out, gently squeezing her daughter's hand.

"I trust your judgment, Stephany. You've always had a good head on your shoulders. Just make sure you're balancing things well."

Chris, who had been quietly listening, felt a pang of empathy for his wife.

He understood the pressure she was under, especially with the family's fashion business teetering on the edge.

Summoning his courage, he stepped forward. "Maybe I can help—"

Eleanor's gaze snapped to him, icy and unwavering.

"Help? Chris, how exactly do you propose to help? You've been living under this roof, contributing nothing financially. My daughter needs real support, not empty offers."

Chris recoiled slightly, feeling the sting of her words. "I-I could try to find—"

"Find what?" one of Stephany's friends interjected, her tone dripping with disdain. "A job? With your reputation and half leg? Please, Chris, you can't even take care of yourself."

Chloe and Sandra, Stephany’s friends laughed at the same time,"Yeah, maybe if you weren't such a burden, Stephany wouldn't have to worry so much." Said Chloe.

“Seriously, I wonder why you’re still married to this looser” added Sandra.

Chris's face burned with shame and frustration, but he bit back his retort, this was a family conversation, why was Stephany’s friends getting involved.

“You just keep out of this, from what I gather, you can’t help her, so it’s better to be silent.”

“Haha I am her friend, but you are her husband, who’s more obligated to be in the position of helping her?”

Chris had a back and forth with the friends until Madam Eleanor has had enough.

"That's enough, all of you, you’re not helping matters, instead of arguing like children, find a way to help out or keep quiet." Eleanor said, her voice cutting through the tension.

“I will definitely find a way to help my wife” Chris said.

But at this point, nothing he said was treated with regard, no one believed him and Eleanor's disappointment hung heavy in the air.

Eleanor turned to her daughter Stephany.

"You understand what needs to be done. Focus on finding those investors that can invest at least ten thousand dollars before the end of the week, We can't afford any more distractions."

Stephany nodded, her eyes flickering with a mix of resolve and remorse as she glanced at the shopping bags on the table. "I will, Mom. I promise."

Eleanor turned back to Chris, her expression hardening.

"And you, Chris, should focus on being less of a hindrance. If you truly want to help, find a way to contribute meaningfully. Actions speak louder than words."

Chris nodded mutely, feeling the weight of her disappointment.

Stephany's friends, Chloe and Sandra exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the shift in the conversation.

They began to gather their things, murmuring polite goodbyes as they excused themselves. Stephany watched them leave, then turned back to her mother with a sigh.

“What of Bradley? Have you approached him on the matter? He likes you and would definitely invest if you play your cards right my daughter.” Eleanor said,

She cracked her brain for possible investors that would be willing to spend that much money on a short time and not expect the return until at least the fashion week was over.

He watched as Eleanor and Stephany continued their discussion, feeling more like an outsider than ever.

His heart ached with the knowledge that his past mistakes and current circumstances made him a liability to the family he desperately wanted to support.

As he resumed his chores, Chris couldn't shake the sense of failure that clung to him.

He was determined to find a way to prove his worth, to show Eleanor and Stephany that he could be more than just a burden.

But for now, all he could do was keep his head down and work, hoping that one day, he'd find a way to make things right, little did he know that today was the day.

Suddenly, his small button phone vibrated in his pocket, picking up, he saw an all so familiar number, it was the landline of the Brown family house.

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