5. A New Bargain

Chapter Five: A New Bargain

Chris stood in front of the towering Brown Conglomerate building, its imposing facade reminding him of the days when he worked there.

He had just started working and hadn’t spend half a year when he was asked to leave and asked never to set foot on the office building.

Fortunately for him, time have turned and he was now invited back by the same people who sent him away.

He took a deep breath, straightened his tee shirt and walked through the revolving doors.

Inside, the lobby was a bustling hub of activity, with employees moving swiftly, their expressions focused on their various activities, no body seem to notice him.

Chris approached the VIP elevator, an old habit he got used to from his days as a member of the Brown family.

As he reached the elevator, a young receptionist, who was new to the building, ran from her desk to stop him.

She was neatly dressed, her demeanor sharp and condescending. "Excuse me, Mr. Man," she said, her eyes scanning him from head to toe. "This is the VIP elevator. Are you lost?"

Chris met her gaze steadily. "No, I’m not lost. I have an appointment with Mr. Martin Brown."

She looked him over again, her eyes lingering on his limp with a sneer and bursted into laughter.

"Here to see the CEO? Haha you must be joking, just say you here for the security guard interview, I’ll understand even though I’m sure we can't hire someone with... your condition."

Her words cut deep, but Chris remained calm. "I’m not here for an interview. I’m here on business."

The receptionist smirked, her voice dripping with disdain. "Business? Dressed like that? And with a limp? Please, don’t waste my time. The staff entrance is around the corner."

Chris’s patience wore thin, but before he could respond, Martin Brown himself appeared from the hallway, his expression stern as he approached the scene.

"Ah Chris I’ve been waiting for you, was beginning to think you changed your mind, what’s going on here?"

The receptionist turned, her demeanor instantly changing to one of respect. "Mr. Brown, this limp man was trying to use the VIP elevator. I assumed he was here for a job interview, given his... appearance."

Martin's eyes flashed with anger, and he turned his icy gaze on the receptionist.

"Do you know who this is? This is Christopher, my nephew. He’s a prominent man and has important business here today."

The receptionist paled, her mouth opening and closing as she struggled to respond.

"I-I didn’t realize, Mr. Brown. I’m so sorry…"

Martin cut her off, his voice cold and authoritative. "Your behavior is inexcusable. Not only did you judge someone by their appearance, but you also disrespected a member of this family. We do not tolerate such disrespect in this company. You’re fired. Leave the building immediately."

The receptionist’s face turned a deep shade of red, her eyes wide with shock and humiliation.

She stammered apologies, but Martin’s steely gaze didn’t waver.

She quickly gathered her things and hurried out of the building, her head bowed in shame.

Chris stood silently, watching the scene unfold. As the receptionist disappeared from sight, Martin turned to him, his expression softening.

"I apologize for that, Chris. She had no right to treat you that way."

Chris nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you, Uncle. It’s good to see you."

"Let’s get this over with," Martin said, pressing the elevator button. Chris just nod his head, recalling that they had also judged him back then.

They walked into a spacious conference room, where a large table was already set with the necessary documents.

Martin gestured for Chris to take a seat and offered him tea and biscuits, trying so hard to impress Chris, lest he changes his mind. The atmosphere was tense, a mix of anticipation and underlying resentment.

"Here are the papers," Martin said, sliding a thick stack of documents towards Chris.

"Once you sign these, the hundred billion will be released to the Browns, and your thirty billion share will be transferred to you. Additionally, here are the papers for your new position as CEO of MTD Entertainment House."

Chris looked at the documents, then back at his uncle. "Before I sign, I have one more request."

Martin’s smile faltered slightly, his eyes narrowing. "What is it, Chris?"

"I want the Blue Emerald Diamond Cartier necklace. It costs thirty million and there are only two in the world. I know the Brown can get it, I won’t sign until I have it."

Martin's eyes widened in surprise, then he let out a slow breath, nodding.

"The Blue Emerald Diamond Cartier necklace... That's quite a request. But it’s not such a hard task for the browns. I'll make sure it’s delivered to you by this evening."

Chris leaned back, his expression unreadable. “I'll wait."

Martin pulled out his phone, making a quick call. "Yes, this is Martin Brown. I need the Blue Emerald Diamond Cartier necklace delivered to our office by this evening. Spare no expense."

He hung up, turning back to Chris. "It's done. You'll have the necklace by tonight."

Chris nodded, finally picking up the pen. He began signing the documents, each stroke of the pen a step towards reclaiming his dignity and securing his future. The room was silent, except for the scratch of the pen against paper.

When he finished, Martin gathered the papers, a look of relief crossing his face. "Thank you, Chris. You've done the Browns a great service today. Your thirty billion will be transferred immediately, and here are your CEO documents."

Chris took the CEO papers, feeling the weight of his new responsibility. "Thank you, Uncle. I hope this marks a new beginning for all of us."

As Chris left the building, he felt a mix of emotions; relief, anticipation, and a lingering sense of vindication.

He had not only secured a substantial fortune but also a prestigious position that would allow him to build his legacy.

Later that evening, as promised, a courier delivered a medium sized, velvet-lined gold jewelry box to luxury flair.

It was almost closing hours when a delivery was announced for the director, Stephany.

This particular delivery caught the attention of all the workers because of how grand, guarded and handled with extra care.

In the presence of the onlookers, an excited Stephany opened the box and everyone gasped at the content.

Inside lay the Blue Emerald Diamond Cartier necklace, its stunning beauty reflecting the rare gem it was.

She held it up and admired the emerald and diamonds catching the light.

Everyone knows this diamond necklace cost nothing less than thirty million, and because only two of it exists, it require a great connect to lay hand on these.

She wondered who could possibly gift her such an expensive gem, the one thing she’s always wanted.

Suddenly, Her mind skipped back to the well meaning Bradley. He must have really loved her to spend such a fortune to order this for her she thought.

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