6. An Unexpected Encounter

Chapter Six: An Unexpected Encounter

Leaving the Brown Conglomerate building, Chris felt a sense of triumph and relief.

He had signed the papers, secured his share of the profits, and received the Blue Emerald Diamond Cartier necklace for his dear wife.

Now, it was time to celebrate in a different way, which was by attending his high school classmate’s wedding, which had turned into a mini-reunion since the entire class had been invited.

The wedding venue wasn’t far from the Brown Conglomerates office building, so Chris decided to walk there.

The fresh air and the chance to clear his mind were welcome after the intense morning.

As he strolled through the bustling streets, his thoughts wandered back to the receptionist's condescending attitude and his uncle's swift defense.

It was a bittersweet reminder of the respect he had lost and was now regaining.

As he walked, Chris noticed an old man struggling with a heavy load. The man was hunched over, his face strained with effort. Chris, feeling a pang of sympathy, approached him.

"Excuse me, sir," Chris said gently. "Do you need help with that?"

The old man looked up, his eyes filled with surprise and gratitude. "Oh, thank you, young man. I’m trying to get this to my shop just a few blocks away."

"Let me help you," Chris offered, taking the heavy load from the man’s shoulders.

Despite his limp, he managed to carry the load steadily, his determination overriding any discomfort.

As they walked together, the old man expressed his gratitude repeatedly. Hinting at how he’s walked two streets already but no one was willing to help him.

When they reached the shop, the old man directed Chris to place the load inside. Chris set it down carefully, straightening up with a smile.

"Thank you so much," the old man said, his voice full of emotion. "It's rare to find someone so thoughtful these days. Here, take this as a token of my gratitude."

He handed Chris a small, intricately designed medallion. "This medallion is said to grant the bearer one wish when you need it the most.”

Chris doesn’t believe in such barbaric fallacies, “wish? As if,” he thought.

Yet he still accepted the medallion with a polite smile, he didn’t intend to ruin the old man’s pride in his medallion by belittling it. "Thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you."

The old man nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Remember, your wish will surely be granted."

Even if it worked, Chris wondered, what more he could wish for, considering he had already reclaimed his name and secured his future by the President position in MTD Entertainment.

But he didn’t say it out loud. He thanked the man once more and continued on his way to the wedding.

As he approached the venue, a beautiful garden adorned with flowers and lights, he felt a sense of anticipation.

It would be good to see old friends and reconnect with people from his past. Just as he was about to enter, he heard the screech of tires.

Suddenly, a Mercedes-Benz came speeding around the corner, heading straight for him.

Chris’s heart leapt into his throat as he tried to dodge the car, but his limp hindered him. He stumbled and fell to the ground, just narrowly avoiding being hit.

The car screeched to a halt, and a well-dressed man jumped out, rushing over to Chris. "Oh my God these peasants, don’t you know the drive way is for cars? are you okay?” The man said.

Chris looked up at the familiar face and saw that it was one of his class mates, Turner.

Turner had always been a proud person, back in secondary school days, he bullied othered and his mother would always bribe the teacher to avoid scolding.

Chris grimaced, pain shooting through his leg where he had landed hard. "Turner? Is that you? It’s Chris, I’m fine," he said, trying to get up.

“Hahaha which Chris? Chris Brown is that you? What has become of you? You’ve become worse than when I knew you, not only are you poor and unable to afford a car, you’re also limping, hahah that’s funny.” Turners laughed.

Chris brushed off his clothes, wincing slightly. "Yeah well…”

“What is it? Would you like me to pay for damage? Here’s take this dollar and transport yourself back, that is if you even have a place to stay..” the man laughed, got back in his car and parked it well.

Chris watched as the man got back into his car and drove off, more slowly this time.

Shaking his head, Chris made his way into the venue, where the wedding festivities were already in full swing.

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