7. Old Friends and New Faces and miracles

Chapter Seven: Old Friends and New Faces and miracles

Chris entered the garden venue, its beauty somewhat dimmed by his lingering discomfort from the near-accident.

He glanced around, noticing the elegant attire of his former classmates.

The men wore tailored suits and the women donned stylish dresses, their laughter and conversations filled with the air of success and contentment.

In stark contrast, Chris wore an old T-shirt and jeans, his limp more pronounced as he navigated the crowd.

As he moved through the gathering, he greeted his class mates, but no one regarded him. Not even a “hi” did he get back.

However not long after, the crowd roared in excitement looking him Chris towards the entrance, it was Turner coming in, he was dressed in sharp suit, he acted so high mighty, walking with confidence and immediately swooning the attention to himself.

"Wow, Chris, didn't think you'd have the guts to show up looking like that. wearing those old rags, huh?" He said as he he made way to greet the bride and groom.

Presenting a big box of gift before going to his seat.

All the women saw him and immediately rushed to seat close to him, they wanted to be in his good side and helped him taunt Chris, “you poor thing, wearing a second grade shirt.”

“Who wears and ugly tee shirt to a wedding?” The girls giggled, their eyes filled with amusement.

Chris's heart sank as he recognized Loreta among them. She had been a friend in high school, but now her gaze held only disdain.

He ignored everybody and proceeded to say hello to his friend, but before he sat, she was already shooing him with her fingers waving back and forth indicating he shouldn’t even bother.

"Chris, seriously?" Loreta scoffed. "You come here looking like that and limping around? Don’t talk to me, you'll only bring down my class."

Chris's face flushed with embarrassment, but he held his head high. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, Turner interrupted.

"Hey, give him a break," Turner said with mock pity. "He’s just trying to relive the glory days. Too bad those days are long gone."

The girls laughed again, their voices like nails on a chalkboard to Chris's ears. He clenched his fists, trying to keep his composure.

Just as he was about to turn and walk away, a voice called out from behind him.

"Chris! Over here!"

It was Lucas, his old friend from high school. Lucas waved him over to a table where he was sitting with a plate of food. Chris limped over, grateful for the rescue.

"Lucas," Chris said, trying to smile. "Good to see you."

"Good to see you too, buddy," Lucas replied, clapping him on the back. "Don’t mind them. Some people never change."

He really didn’t, just too surprise for the change of attitude form his class mates.

Chris sat down, and they started to eat together, the comfort of a true friend's company easing some of the tension from the earlier encounter.

They talked about old times, shared memories, and laughed together, ignoring the stares and whispers from the other tables.

As the evening wore on, Chris couldn't help but notice Turner still holding court among the others, his loud voice carrying across the garden.

“How’re are you? By the way? I heard there’s an opening where I work, do you want to come and apply, I’ll say a work for you..”

Chris nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, thanks man, I appreciate but things are looking up. It’s been a rough road, but I’m getting there."

Lucas is one of Chris class mate that didn’t come from wealth, it was when he grew up and worked hard that he opened his company, and now he’s doing pretty well.

Chris had lended him money back then and has helped him a couple of time, which is how they became friends, and he only wanted to return the favour.

Lucas grinned. "That's the spirit, Chris, I trust my friend.”

Suddenly his phone beeped and a message appeared.

“where are you? And why are you not picking your phone? Get here god damnit the Preston’s family emergency meeting is about to start and we’ll be late again”

“Ah it’s nice catching up with you Lucas I have to go.”

As Chris walked towards the exit, Turner called out, "Leaving so soon, Chris? Don’t want to stick around and embarrass yourself some more?"

Chris turned to face Turner, his expression calm and resolute. "No, Turner, I’ve got more important things to do. Enjoy the party."

Turner’s smirk faltered slightly, and Chris could see a flicker of confusion in his eyes. Without another word, Chris and Lucas left the venue, stepping out into the cool night air.

Walking away, Chris felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had faced the ridicule and judgment of his former classmates, but he had also been reminded of the value of true friendship.

And now, his wife needs him

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