A visit to Aurum

The world around Alexander dissolved into a blur of land and sky as Alexander tore through the asphalt driving in maniacal speeds but still maintaining enough control to not cause an accident, his hands gripping the steering wheel as pure exhilaration coursed through him as he drove.

This is amazing. Alexander laughed his heart out as he continued to drive at dizzying speeds, the raw power of the car, the blurring landscape, the sheer velocity all culminated to provide a terrifying and intoxicating experience.

“Young master, can you please drive more slowly for God sake. You’re going to get us killed.” Thomas screamed at Alexander in a terrifying voice.

Hmmph, killjoy. I’ll do this when I’m alone then. Alexander thought as he reluctantly reduced his velocity to a more bearable speed for the old butler.

“Are you ok Thomas? This speed’s good yeah?” Alexander asked in a teasing tone.

“You’re unbelievable Alexander.” Thomas gasped as he patted his chest trying to calm his beat
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