Lying Scheming Thief

Alexander entered the mall and he was enthralled by the grandeur of the interior of the mall, he looked around in awe as he continued to walk around before finally coming to a stop at the entrance of a luxury store, Christian Dior.

Alexander entered the store and he was again marveled at the interior of the store, it really lived up to its name as a world renowned clothing brand. There were all kinds of clothing available from the casuals to the formal to the more expensive ones. Alexander continued observing when he was approached by a sales boy.

“Hello sir, what can I do for you today?” The sales boy asked with a subservient tone. He was hoping Alexander would purchase a lot of items as it would add to his commission after each sale.

“Hello, I would like to purchase some clothes.” Alexander responded

“Okay sir, what would be your preference on the type of clothes you’d want to purchase?” The sales boy asked.

Alexander thought for a while and looked around before coming to
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