Being rich is fucking cool

Everyone waited with drawn breathes to see the light on the turn green signaling that Alexander indeed had the money to pay for the outfits. Alas, that was not the case as the light of the machine turned red as the word “DECLINED” was emblazoned across the screen.

The fat lady and the security guards burst into laughter when they saw that the light on the machine turned red. How could this be? Alexander thought in desperation as his face flushed a shade that rivaled the Dior silk scarf he bought a while ago.

“Sir I’m sorry but your card has been declined.” Jeremy, the sales boy said, his voice was filled with disappointment as he had originally thought he was going to get a high commission from the clothes Alexander bought. Alas, it was too good to be true as Alexander was just a con after all.

Alexander was sweating nervously and he suddenly glanced back to find Thomas but he was shocked to discover that Thomas was nowhere in sight. He searched around the crowd but he couldn
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