Money looks good on me

The crowd was baffled, the manager of the Aurum mall was known to be a very prideful man so seeing such a man bow his head so willingly in public to a man dressed up like a beggar shocked everyone. They began to gossip amongst themselves as they were curious about Alexander’s identity.

“Unbelievable, manager Williams bowed to someone? Who is this man?” A passer by whispered

“I don’t know why he would do that, he’s dressed like a beggar from the streets. What is the manager thinking?” Another one said curiously

“He must be some sort of powerful man playing a prank, there’s no way the manager would show a wretched man this level of respect.” Another passerby said.

The crowd continued to mummer as they tried to decipher Alexander’s true identity.

“Rise manager Williams, it’s not your fault. I will overlook the disrespect.” Alexander said to Williams who was still bowing.

“Thank you, young master.” The old man said gratefully as he rose.

He gestured for the crowd to disperse leavin
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