All Chapters of The Return of Alexander Knight : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
18 chapters
Life's not fair
It was nine o’clock at night but the bustling streets of Veridian were still very much alive highlighting a very vibrant nightlife. The slums of Veridian was the place where night life in the city peaked as booze, sex, partying and the occasional robbing was a common sight at night.” Amidst the buzz, a delivery truck pulled over at a nightclub and the driver alighted from the vehicle. He circled to the back of the truck, carried crates of drinks and proceeded to enter the club. After navigating his way through the mesh of dancing bodies; he made his way to the bar with the crates in tow. “Blake, I’ve got the drinks. Were you at?” The driver whose name was Alexander shouted, trying to call out the bar attendant. “I’m here I’m here you can stop screaming already” Blake stumbled from the corner. Alexander only had to look at the man and he knew he was drunk. “Drinking on the job Blake?” Alexander asked with a small smirk on his face. “Shut up Knightdale. Take the crates to th
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The Kidnap
After 20 minutes of driving, Alexander pulled up at Ethan’s home eager to unwind and relax after the events of the day. Just as he was about to get down from the car, he noticed the front door of Ethan’s home wide open. His eyes went wild with panic as he remembered Ethan had never been one to be this careless. He immediately began to dial Ethan’s number and it rang with no response. Instincts kicked in, Alexander took another bottle of alcohol, wielded it like a weapon and began to make his way into the house. He stealthily entered the house and he began to hear the sounds of commotion upstairs. Making his way upstairs, he stayed hidden as he traced the sound of the commotion to a room and he was immediately overcome with panic by the scene before him. Three men were standing in the room with weapons; Ethan was tied to a chair with his hands tied behind him and he was injured severely throughout his body with blood gushing out of his wounds like a broken dam. One of the men
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Breaking up with you
“How could it cost so much?” Alexander gasped in horror as he heard the price of the surgery. He knew fully well he would never be able to raise that amount of money in a short period of time. He began to think of his options before he finally got an idea. “I would suggest you hurry Mr. Alexander, your friend doesn't have much time.” The doctor interrupted Alexander’s thoughts “Please doctor, stabilize him. I think I know where I can get the surgery fee. Can I drop my number so you can update me on his condition?” Alexander asked worriedly.“No problem, but make haste. I doubt he has much time.” The doctor left a final warning and cut the call. Alexander dropped his cell number with the doctor and rushed out of the hospital; he entered his truck and as he started the engine, his cell phone began to ring. Annoyed he checked the caller ID and swore under his breath when he saw his boss on the line. He picked up the phone and he was immediately bombarded with questions by an angry
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Tragedy Struck
“Alexander, we’ve had a good run but I’m sorry, I’m breaking up with you.” Bianca said with determination. Alexander struggled to process the words coming from Bianca’s mouth, he was in a state of shock as he had always believed Bianca loved him wholeheartedly. “You…You’re breaking up with me?” Alexander asked incredulously, still unable to process the swift turn of events. “Yes Alexander, I’m breaking up with you. This relationship shouldn’t even have happened in the first place; so it’s time to wake up to reality.” Bianca answered emotionlessly. “I’m engaged to Sebastian and he has simply been wonderful to me. He has taken care of me in the way I was meant to be taken care off, something you could never do. This is over Alexander, you can leave now.” Bianca said effectively cutting off all ties with Alexander. “You heard my woman buddy, now get out of here.” Sebastian spat out rubbing salt in Alexander’s wounds. Alexander ignored him and just stared at Bianca with tears
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“Where am I?” Alexander groaned as he began to regain consciousness, his eyes fluttered open as he struggled to clear his blurry vision. Strange, my bed was never this soft. Alexander thought as he began to rise from the plush seat he was lying on. He looked at his body and discovered he was bare from the waist up, some parts of his body was bandaged and this left Alexander very confused. Suddenly memories from the car crash started flooding in. He remembered how he lost control of his truck and rammed into another car, he remembered a loud crash and the screeching of tires, he recalled the shattering of glass, metal crumbling and the air filled with the deafening sound of the collision. “What have I done?” Alexander murmured as he was overcome with a sense of grief. He began to worry about the lives of the passengers in the other car. His vision began to clear and he began to take in his surroundings. The more he observed, the more shocked he became and he immediately beca
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The heir returns
“Young master, I am so sorry for your losses. But forgive me for saying this but in a way I am grateful you had these experiences.” Thomas said softly. “What do you mean you’re grateful I had these experiences Thomas? Last night was one of the worst nights in my life, how could you say that?” Alexander asked furiously. “Allow me to explain myself young master.” Thomas said, attempting to calm Alexander’s rage. “I am grateful, Alexander, because now you have firsthand experience on what people who do not have money or power go through on a daily basis.” Thomas said with a sigh of relief “What does money or power have anything to do with this?” Alexander asked in frustration. “Do not play dumb young master.” Thomas fixed Alexander with a stern gaze. “Money and power is everything and you had them yet you almost let it slip.” “Think about it Alexander, if you had money what would a meagre Three hundred thousand dollars be for you? You could have saved your friend's life with m
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One Condition
“This way, young master Knight.” Thomas bowed his head gesturing his arm forward, like a butler will do to their master. Alexander nodded and started to walk past the opulent hallways with Thomas following closely, as he walked through the hallways; he couldn’t help but reminisce about his childhood. He used to play in these hallways, with his mother or his nanny chasing him around. He smiled at the memory but he cleared him mind as he had an important confrontation with his father. He passed a few paintings on the wall without looking at any of them but one painting caught his gaze. He stopped briefly to stare at the painting. The image depicted an extremely beautiful woman with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a pretty smile. She looked strikingly similar to Alexander. “Mother.” Alexander murmured under his breath as he was filled with a deep sense of loss. He stared at the painting for about 3 minutes before averting his gaze and continuing the walk down the hallway. T
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Welcome to The Knight Empire
Oh? Then tell me what this condition is.” Nicholas relaxed on his chair as he asked curiously. Alexander then narrated the event of Ethan’s murder and Eli’s kidnap. “I need to find Eli. I want you to use your connections and help me find her. Once you find her and the kidnappers, leave those bastards to me. I want to kill them with my own hands.” Alexander said and a fresh wave of fury washed through him and he remembered the night of the kidnap. “Spoken like a true Knight my son. You’re shaping up to be a fine heir after all” Nicholas laughed, delighted as the condition Alexander brought would be solved in an instant. “I am nothing like you Nicholas, make no mistake about that. Now will you help me or not.” Alexander spat out viciously. “Sign this contract first, Alexander. I can’t have you running away from your obligations to the Knight Empire again.” Nicholas said casually as he tossed a document towards Alexander. Alexander caught the document and held out his hand,
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Look the part
Alexander woke up after a long nap. He stretched on his new king-sized bed as the events of the morning came flooding to his mind. His father had instructed Thomas to arrange a room for him and Alexander was left at the sheer magnificence of the room. The walls were adorned with paintings of different varieties giving the room a splash of artistic vibe, the room was illuminated by a huge chandelier that sparkled like diamonds. Against the wall was a massive king sized bed with a mattress as soft as the clouds, the closet was as huge as his bedroom in his former apartment, the bathroom was a thing of beauty as it had a giant bathtub, exquisite shelves with different types of expensive beauty products and a full length wall mirror. What attracted Alexander the most was the floor to ceiling windows that stretched across the wall, offering a clear view of the Knight Villa and the surrounding estate. Alexander rose from the bed and made his way to the window looking out into the hori
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100 fucking billion dollars
After an hour Alexander was starting to get impatient and just when he was about to voice out his displeasure, Thomas entered the room and walked straight to where Alexander was and slid a card across the table to where Alexander sat. Alexander curiously took the card and began to examine the card. It was royal blue with intricate gold patterns adorning the body of the card, he saw a letter K at the center carved in a stylish font and also colored golden. “Alexander; that is the debit card made exclusively for the head of the Knight Empire. I had exclusive ownership of that card but since you’re now my second I had instructed Thomas to make a duplicate of the card. There’s over a 100 billion dollars in the account linked to both cards for our use. You can use it in any of the companies listed under the Knight’s Empire. That should be enough to get you some actual fucking decent clothes, seriously have you seen what you look like in those rags?” Nicholas said casually. “100
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