Breaking up with you

“How could it cost so much?” Alexander gasped in horror as he heard the price of the surgery. He knew fully well he would never be able to raise that amount of money in a short period of time. He began to think of his options before he finally got an idea.

“I would suggest you hurry Mr. Alexander, your friend doesn't have much time.” The doctor interrupted Alexander’s thoughts

“Please doctor, stabilize him. I think I know where I can get the surgery f*e. Can I drop my number so you can update me on his condition?” Alexander asked worriedly.

“No problem, but make haste. I doubt he has much time.” The doctor left a final warning and cut the call.

Alexander dropped his cell number with the doctor and rushed out of the hospital; he entered his truck and as he started the engine, his cell phone began to ring. Annoyed he checked the caller ID and swore under his breath when he saw his boss on the line.

He picked up the phone and he was immediately bombarded with questions by an angry voice.

“Where are you Knightdale? You've still got tons of drinks to deliver. What kind of insubordination is this?” Alexander's boss shouted into the phone.

“I'm sorry boss, my fri….” Alexander tried to explain but his boss cut him off.

“I don't care what excuse you have. Come back to work right now or you're fired.” His boss yelled once again and with that final threat, his boss ended the call. Alexander didn't even consider his bosses as his friend’s life was more important to him.

Alexander started the car and zoomed off to meet his girlfriend. Alexander's girlfriend Bianca came from a very wealthy family. She was the only daughter of an extremely wealthy millionaire and she had everything she ever wanted. When Bianca went against her family's wishes to date Alexander after Alexander pursued her relentlessly, he was extremely happy and he had been trying his best to match up to her expensive taste by borrowing from others to buy her expensive gifts. He was confident that Bianca would help him out in his time of need now as he planned to ask for aid from Bianca’s family hoping that he would succeed.

As Alexander pulled over at his girlfriend’s house located in the riverfront promenade. He caught sight of two expensive cars. A Porsche 911 sport classic and a Lamborghini Centenario parked at front, he stared at the expensive cars dumbfounded as the combined worth of the two cars was reportedly a whopping 4 million dollars. He wondered who came to visit Bianca but he shrugged it off as he entered the house and made his way to the front door.

He knocked at the door but noticed the door was already open. Strange, Alexander thought as he open the door to enter the living room. He was about to call for Bianca's name when he heard the noises from the bedroom above. Curious, Alexander made his way upstairs and barged into the bedroom.

He saw Bianca half naked with a bare chested stranger on her bed; they were kissing each other, oblivious to Alexander's presence and they obviously were about to do the deed. Alexander was shattered beyond compare, He stood at the door watching the love of his life moaning to the touch of another man and a wave of anger threatened to consume him.

“Bianca, what is the meaning of this!” Alexander thundered, rousing the two from their lust, Bianca stared at Alexander standing at the door in shock, and her cheeks became flushed with embarrassment. Why on earth was Alexander here of all times, she had always told him to call before coming over to her place, so why would show up unannounced today of all days. “Al…ex, I…I can explain.” She stuttered as she scrambled to find a shirt to cover up her body.

“Explain? Tell me Bianca, how can you explain being in bed with a complete stranger? How? I trust you, I loved you whole heartedly and this is how you repay me?” Alexander broke down in tears. Today wasn't a good day and the weight of the events became too much for Alexander to bear.

The man on the bed looked at Alexander and frowned deeply. He didn’t know who this person was and judging by his unkempt appearance, he was most likely a very poor man. The man scoffed as he realized that the cost of the man’s outfit wasn’t even up to 20$, so it was no surprise he didn’t know him as he never related with people below his social standard.

He was however curious about how Bianca came to know such a wretched man. From the way he was acting, it was clear they had something going on.

“Baby, do you know this wretched fool?” The man asked as he dragged Bianca into his embrace in a display of possessiveness. Alexander noticed this action and it took everything in him not to attack the man there and then; but he made no move. He needed help for his friend and he also wanted an explanation from Bianca.

Bianca was very embarrassed at the question. She became filled with anger at Alexander as he was trying to ruin her chances with the man that was hugging her, and she began to regret ever dating Alexander.

She had met Alexander when came to drop a delivery in a club she was partying at. She was smitten by his good looks and sexy body so she flirted with him. They went to Bianca’s home that night and had sex with each other. Bianca was initially excited at the prospect of dating such a ladies man but there was only one fatal flaw with Alexander. He was very poor.

She changed her mind and tried to avoid Alexander as much as she could but he was persistent. He kept on pestering her until she had enough and decided to agree to a relationship but with the condition that their relationship would be a private one.

They dated for three months and Alexander confirmed her fears. He couldn’t even take care of himself properly let alone cater for her expensive needs, she had even began to her rumors about him being a popular debtor. Bianca began to cheat with multiple men; however when she was introduced to Sebastian Floyd by her father who was a wealthy man himself, she instantly fell for him. He was tall, physically fit with a handsome face and he was a billionaire with a successful tech company that was raking in millions in profit monthly. Although she knew her father wanted to have her and Sebastian married so he could have connections with Sebastian, she didn’t care as Sebastian was willing to get her everything she desired.

The Porsche outside was a gift for her from Sebastian, he had even painted the car to her favorite color and customized it according to her wishes. Alexander could never do something like that for her, he couldn’t even take care of himself properly.

Bianca sighed heavily as she made up her mind, she was initially going to break up with Alexander secretly but since Alexander had found out about Sebastian, she decided to end things with him here.

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