Tragedy Struck

“Alexander, we’ve had a good run but I’m sorry, I’m breaking up with you.” Bianca said with determination.

Alexander struggled to process the words coming from Bianca’s mouth, he was in a state of shock as he had always believed Bianca loved him wholeheartedly.

“You…You’re breaking up with me?” Alexander asked incredulously, still unable to process the swift turn of events.

“Yes Alexander, I’m breaking up with you. This relationship shouldn’t even have happened in the first place; so it’s time to wake up to reality.” Bianca answered emotionlessly.

“I’m engaged to Sebastian and he has simply been wonderful to me. He has taken care of me in the way I was meant to be taken care off, something you could never do. This is over Alexander, you can leave now.” Bianca said effectively cutting off all ties with Alexander.

“You heard my woman buddy, now get out of here.” Sebastian spat out rubbing salt in Alexander’s wounds.

Alexander ignored him and just stared at Bianca with tears in his eyes. He opened his mouth with the intention to beg Bianca but he decided against it; his friend’s life was in danger and he needed help fast.

“I’ll leave Bianca if that’s what you want. But before I go, I need your help, someone’s life is on the line.” Alexander told Bianca everything that happened with Ethan and Eli. Bianca listened with an emotionless face.

“Please I want to borrow 300,00$ from you, I need to pay for Ethan’s surgery; I promise ill pay you back.” Alexander pleaded with Bianca hoping she would help him but he was disappointed as he saw that Bianca wasn’t moved at all.

Sebastian burst out laughing when he heard Alexander’s plea, Alexander clenched his fists tightly in anger but he managed to restrain himself as he wanted to hear Bianca’s reply.

“I can’t believe you dated such a peasant, he can’t even afford a meagre 300,00$. God this is funny as hell” Sebastian continued to poke fun at Alexander and he finally snapped.

Alexander in a fit of rage launched a swift uppercut and connected sweetly with Sebastian’s chin, Sebastian responded with a right hook and then they began to brawl.

Alexander was a poor pauper who has had many fights before, he developed a vicious street style of fighting and coupled with his fit physique; he was strong in a fight.

Sebastian was a very wealthy man who learned martial arts as a form of hobby, so he was confident in his ability to hold his own in a fight.

The two men continued to exchange blows and Sebastian found himself on the losing end, he was embarrassed that he was losing a fight to a commoner like Alexander in front of his future wife no less. He gritted his teeth and continued to exchange punches with him but with each punch he got back from Alexander, he received an enormous amount of pain. The fight continued with Alexander becoming even more ferocious until Sebastian decided he couldn’t take in anymore.

“Bianca! What are you doing standing there? Call the police dammit, get this….” Sebastian yelled but his words were cut short as Alexander’s fist connected with his jaw.

Bianca quickly got out her cell phone and began to dial the police number. Alexander, seeing this was going overboard, kicked Sebastian in his gut and began to run, he made his way to his car, started the car and speedily made his way out of Bianca’s home.

What did I just do? Alexander thought as he frustratingly hit the steering wheel. His only hope of getting the money was dashed as not only won’t his ex-girlfriend help him, he’s made enemies with a seemingly powerful and wealthy man.

Tears stung his eyes as he drove, the pain of Bianca’s betrayal stung him terribly. After crying for a few minutes, he managed to calm down as he still haven’t figured out how to get the money needed for Ethan’s surgery. As he began to think, his phone rang signaling a call.

He saw an unknown number and hesitated before picking it up.

“Hello, am I speaking to Alexander?” Alexander recognized the voice of the doctor from the hospital and his heart began to beat erratically.

“Doctor, it’s me, please begin the surgery, I’m going to get the money.” Alexander answered with a voice filled with desperation.

“I’m sorry Mr. Alexander, your friend has sadly passed away.” The doctor’s voice sounded eerily as he dropped the sad news about Ethan’s death.

He was in a state of shock, his tears that had dried threatened to spill as he was faced with the crushing news of the death of his best friend.

“No, that can’t be true. Doctor, this has to be some mistake.” Alexander screamed into the phone as he refused to believe the news of his friend’s death. Alexander’s hands tightened on the steering wheel, his attention was momentarily diverted from the road but just that moment of distraction was enough for tragedy to strike.

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