
“Where am I?” Alexander groaned as he began to regain consciousness, his eyes fluttered open as he struggled to clear his blurry vision.

Strange, my bed was never this soft. Alexander thought as he began to rise from the plush seat he was lying on. He looked at his body and discovered he was bare from the waist up, some parts of his body was bandaged and this left Alexander very confused. Suddenly memories from the car crash started flooding in.

He remembered how he lost control of his truck and rammed into another car, he remembered a loud crash and the screeching of tires, he recalled the shattering of glass, metal crumbling and the air filled with the deafening sound of the collision.

“What have I done?” Alexander murmured as he was overcome with a sense of grief. He began to worry about the lives of the passengers in the other car.

His vision began to clear and he began to take in his surroundings. The more he observed, the more shocked he became and he immediately became guarded. He saw that he was obviously in a car and an expensive one no less. He took a moment to admire the plush interior of the car, he could smell that new car smell as cool air began to come from the vents; everything inside the car screamed of wealth.

How did I even find myself here? Alexander thought as he cleared his eyes to clear his vision a bit more then he suddenly remembered. Before falling unconscious, he was saved from the wreckage by a man in a very expensive black three piece suit. He passed out before he could get a look at the man’s face.

“I see you’re awake young master.” A voice sounded out from the side startling him, Alexander was shook as he didn’t realize that there was a second person in the car. He turned to look at the owner of the voice and his eyes widened in recognition.

“Thomas, what are you doing here?” Alexander asked incredulously as this man was the least person he would have ever hoped to come across.

“Saving you apparently, you’ve sustained some injuries but fortunately I was able to patch you up.” Thomas answered with a respectful tone.

“No Thomas, you know exactly what I’m talking about. What are you doing here, how did you find me?” Alexander asked with a dangerous tone as the reality of his situation dawned on him, a past he had been running away from for the past 6 years had finally caught up to him.

“Calm yourself young master, it was merely providence that led me to you. I was running an errand for the master when I witnessed the accident, I recognized you and I was obliged to save you.” Thomas explained himself patiently.

“And you expect me to believe this crap Thomas? That you were magically there at the scene of the car crash?” Alexander scoffed.

“I don’t expect you to believe me young master but I only did what I had to do which was saving your life.” Thomas calmly replied.

Alexander shut his mouth as he was too tired to speak, this night was officially the worst night of his life. His best friend died, his best friend’s daughter who he loved like his own was kidnapped, his girlfriend cheated on him and he was very sure he was going to get sacked at his job. He looked out the window and saw the faintest traces of sunlight peeking out of the horizon.

“Where are you taking me Thomas?” Alexander asked, already dreading the answer.

“We are going to the heights young master, where you rightfully belong.” Thomas confirmed Alexander's fears as he shut his eyes in pain. for 6 years, he wasn’t able to run away from his past. He was going back to face it and the thought filled Alexander with a sense of dread.

“The master missed you Alexander, he had always been searching for you. He would be delighted you have returned.” Thomas said to Alexander attempting to soothe the tension.

“Father had been nothing but a monster, don't give me that crap that he missed me” Alexander spat out viciously.

“I understand your pain Alexander but the master has changed, he’s grown older and his energy from his younger days has waned, he needs his heir. This is your destiny young master, you cannot run away from this.” Thomas said with a serious tone.

Alexander fell silent as he began to think.

“Forgive my impudence young master but how has life been these past 6 years that you’ve been away? Tell me? Are your experiences any better than at the Knight Villa or they’ve just gotten worse?” Thomas asked

Alexander began to think about all the experiences he had to go through ever since he left his past life. It wasn’t a life that Alexander was proud of but at least he had freedom from the oppression and the expectations of the past. His mind drifted to the events of last night and his eyes misted with tears.

Thomas reached out and gave him a handkerchief, Alexander accepted the gesture and wiped his tears.

“You can tell me anything young master, I will always listen to you.” Thomas assured Alexander.

Alexander was grateful for the gesture as the weight of the events of last night was too much for him to bear, having someone share a bit of his pain soothed him, besides it was Thomas; Alexander trusted Thomas with his life even and with that in mind, he poured out everything to Thomas leaving out no detail. Thomas listened patiently, not interrupting once until Alexander finished.

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