The heir returns

“Young master, I am so sorry for your losses. But forgive me for saying this but in a way I am grateful you had these experiences.” Thomas said softly.

“What do you mean you’re grateful I had these experiences Thomas? Last night was one of the worst nights in my life, how could you say that?” Alexander asked furiously.

“Allow me to explain myself young master.” Thomas said, attempting to calm Alexander’s rage.

“I am grateful, Alexander, because now you have firsthand experience on what people who do not have money or power go through on a daily basis.” Thomas said with a sigh of relief

“What does money or power have anything to do with this?” Alexander asked in frustration.

“Do not play dumb young master.” Thomas fixed Alexander with a stern gaze. “Money and power is everything and you had them yet you almost let it slip.”

“Think about it Alexander, if you had money what would a meagre Three hundred thousand dollars be for you? You could have saved your friend's life with minimal effort. What about your friend’s daughter? With power and the right connections, those scums would be tracked in the shortest possible time and if you wanted you could kill them with your bare hands with no consequences. Look at your Ex, she broke up with you young master why? Because you couldn’t provide her with her needs, in essence you didn’t have money. She cheated on you with a wealthy man because of that exact reason and you sit there and ask me what does money and power have to do with any of this?” Thomas rambled on, his eyes never leaving Alexander’s.

Alexander’s jaw dropped in disbelief and he never remembered Thomas being able to spew out such a large number of words in a single sentence. He had always known Thomas to be a rather reserved man and so seeing him talking so much shocked Alexander.

“Listen to me Young master.” Thomas continued with unwavering determination. “I understand life wasn’t exactly the best in the Knight’s villa but running from it is never the answer. You are a Knight, Knight’s do not run away from a challenge, I want you to stop running Alexander; stop running and face the challenges ahead. Take up your mantle as the Heir of the most successful business empire in the world, take all the power, money and connections that comes with it and use it to your advantage. You could save lives if you want, you could have any woman of your choice heck you would never be in a position of weakness like last night. Return young master, return and take what rightfully belongs to you. Alexander Knight.” Thomas ended his speech with a pointed stare at Alexander.

Alexander paused, deep in thought as he began to think about everything Thomas has said. He saw that Thomas was absolutely right, if he had enough money; he would have saved Ethan’s life, he wouldn’t have gotten cheated on by Bianca and he could have been the man she always wanted, he would have gotten Eli back from those kidnappers by now.

With a deep breath, Alexander made up his mind. “Take me to the villa Thomas, it’s time I stopped running away from who I am” Alexander said with a tone that oozed authority.

Thomas, seeing the change in Alexander, nodded his head with a satisfied expression on his face.

“I’m returning to take my rightful place as the heir Thomas, but it doesn’t mean I’ll forgive that old monster.” Alexander paused before continuing. “I suspect he had something to do with Moms suicide Thomas, I intend to find out the truth.”

Thomas expression changed but he swiftly regained his composure as he sat back in his seat. “I will support you in anything you’d want to do, young master.”

“Thank you Thomas.” Alexander said gratefully and he sat back to rest his injured body. The car continued to zoom off heading to the Heights, The center of Veridian city

The ride was silent as neither of them said a word, each of them lost in their own thoughts. After 6 hours of driving, the car stopped in front of an enormous gate. Alexander opened his eyes and looked at the gate with a sense of dread.

I'm back, after so long I've returned. Alexander thought as he stared at the majestic gate that gave off a gold shine with the name KNIGHT VILLA boldly written at top of the gate.

“We are here, young master.” Thomas informed Alexander. Alexander nodded as he watched the gate slowly open. After a series of rigorous security checks with Thomas confirming Alexander's identity, they finally drove past the gates.

The driveway stretched ahead, lined with tall trees. At the end stood the enormous villa, shining in the sunlight.

The villa was like a palace, all white and fancy. Its windows sparkled, and the gardens were full of colorful flowers. A fountain bubbled in the courtyard, its water glinting in the sun.

Alexander admired the place he was about to call home once again, the architectural beauty never seemed to stop amazing him even as a child. His father sure had taste, but beneath all the admiration, Alexander still felt he was walking into a prison.

Finally the cat stopped at the huge doors of the villa. The driver came down and opened the door for the both of them before getting back into the car and driving off.

Alexander stood in front of the large door taking deep breaths, he tried to gain his composure but it was proving difficult. He was about to meet his father, a ruthless man who was anything but kind and loving to him, a man who made him give up on the good life to run away. Alexander became hesitant and questioned whether it was the right decision to come back home.

A hand pressed on Alexander's shoulder squeezing it as if to give Alexander support, he turned to see it was Thomas and he responded with a nod.

“Remember, you are a knight. You face all challenges and overcome them.” Thomas encouraged Alexander and with that, they both entered the villa to meet Alexander's father.

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