Headed to the slums

The door busted open and the fat woman came rushing in breathing heavily. She looked around the room and she saw Alexander and she immediately lunged at him while procuring a knife from her back pocket. Her intentions were very clear: she wanted to stab Alexander.

Alexander was too stunned to move as he never expected for any of this to happen, how did she even get back inside? Alexander thought as he barely dodged the first thrust that came at him. His reflexes were his savior this time.

“Are you mad Doris?” Williams screamed as he rushed towards Alexander checking whether he had been injured, Thomas rushed to check on Alexander too to make sure he was alright.

“I’m fine guys, I’m fine.” Alexander assured them as he got up from the ground and patted the dust from his body. He eyed the fat woman as she began to circle around them like a predator.

The two security guards tasked with taking Doris out of the mall rushed in with visible knife wounds in their body, they were horr
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