You lived here?

After about 40 minutes, they arrived at the slums. The slums of the Veridian city was a place for the poor and wretched. The buildings were all worn out with holes in the roofs and pipes leaking out of some drainage pipes. The air was thick with stench of the refuse dumped on the sides of the streets, Thomas couldn’t bear the smell and he had to cover his nose with a handkerchief sprayed with an expensive cologne, Alexander however wasn’t bothered as he had long gotten used to the foul smell. The slums seemed a little darker as fumes rose into the air shielding some part of the slums from sunlight and giving it a grim vibe.

The passerby’s watched the expensive car enter their side of town with confusion and desire in their eyes. They were curious about the occupant of the Bugatti and they continued watching the car make its way to an old house. The house was a small self-contain flat with rusted sheets of metal that acted as the roof, the once brightly painted walls hung limp, r
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