Handling Blake

“Can your old bones keep up, Thomas?” Alexander asked Thomas as he geared himself up for the fight.

“You underestimate me, young master,” Thomas chuckled as he flexed his muscles. He looked around on the floor and found a stick heavy enough to cause a significant amount of damage, and he picked it up and held it in his grasp.

Blake's thugs lunged for both Alexander and Thomas with their knives gleaming wickedly. However, they weren't afraid. In fact, they let out a wicked smirk, and before they could fully launch their attack, Alexander moved first.

He pivoted on the balls of his feet like a predator sizing up his prey, and years of honing his instincts in the unforgiving slums finally kicked in. Thomas mirrored Alexander's agility as he folded the sleeves of his shirt and lunged for the thug in his sights.

The first thug charged in with a roar as he swung his knife in a wide arc, but Alexander anticipated this. He ducked low, and the blade whistled harmlessly above his head. With coi
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