Chapter Twenty-two:
As soon as they got into the venue, the main event was almost about to get started.

At the table nearby was seated Lord George Lucas with his entourage.

Everyone seemed excited to meet this mystery grand general and his beloved wife but he was rather not surprised.

"Lord George Lucas, I have noticed that you look unimpressed by this whole event."

"Why is that?"

"Why are you not excited to see the grand general and his wife?"

Alex Dwayne asked Lord George Lucas, his voice was barely above whispers due to the background noise coming from the attendees.

"It's nothing, I'm as excited as you all, I just don't like showing my excitement in public."

Lord George Lucas said as he stared at one of the waitresses and signaled her to hand him a glass of champagne.

'I'm really glad I had apologized to Melissa Stevens, the grand general's wife before today…if not I would have probably been annihilated and I wouldn't be present for this grand occasion.'

His thoughts went on a rampage as he sat and wa
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