Chapter 65

“So where do you want to start?” Amber asked Katerina, folding her arms as she stared at Katerina over her table. “In your fill-out form, you mentioned that you had some issues that you were struggling with, maybe you can start with that.”

Katerina looked down at the floor, thinking of what to say. On her way over, she had a whole speech planned with even cues to follow but right now…her mind was blank.

“I don't really know what to say,” she chuckled nervously, her eyes bouncing around the room as she shifted uncomfortably on the seat.

Amber's eyes were quite intense, almost as if they could see past her shell piercing into her soul. “Why don't we start like this? why don't you tell me something about yourself…anything.”

“When you see anything…what do you mean?” Katerina asked cautiously.

Amber spread her arms as wide as she could go. “Anything in the figurative sense. Tell me something about you that no one knows…something true.”

“Okayyyy…” Katerina dragged the word out, rolling her
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