Chapter 32: Dream
Shikari's eyes widened, seeing a beautiful blue sky and birds flying past him. It was a clear blue, and he could feel that he was lying on the sand. He immediately sat up in shock, looking around.

"Where am I?" He pondered as he looked in front of him, seeing the ocean and the sun rising. It mesmerized him and his jaw dropped witnessing how beautiful it was. It made his tears drop in the corners of his eyes as he wiped them out and stood.

He turned to his right and saw a familiar woman sitting on top of a giant rock, glancing blankly at the sun rising up into the blue sky. He could see her long hair and clothes as he felt the wind blowing calmly at him, making him feel at ease and at peace. Behind him was a dark forest that was crawling towards the beach they were on without him realizing.

"It can't be," Shikari pondered as he was dashing forward and appeared behind her. He reaches his hand towards her left shoulder but suddenly, everything went black. He looked in front of him and saw

"A new horizon of beginning can be seen"

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