Chapter 06

A chubby pale ponytail-haired girl drifted close to Cicilia during late lesson hours.

“I am the new bee in the class. The name is sammy,” she intoned all smiles and added, “I make friends with beautiful chic girls,” she shot a contagious smile at Cicilia and expected her to return the compliment.

Cicilia wasn’t a snub but didn’t wish to start with sammy.

“I am Ella,” she said coldly and idly and thrashed her bag pack to her corner.

Just then Baron pranced into the class and thumped on the head of a male student that came on his path.

“Give way, bitch!” he barked arrogantly.

The student tucked to the edge of the wall and nursed himself, since no one could raise a fist at the most ruthless bad boy at Cheris College, everyone gave way for him.

“I think he loves you,” said sammy, rolling her eyes at Baron who was having a lollipop in his mouth now.

“To hell with his love. I wish I could kill him and use his corpse for barbecue,” Cicilia nagged and molded a frown at sammy to further pass her message.

Baron was winking at her now and licking the lollipop sensually with his other hand on his zipper.

Cicilia felt a flutter of panic on her stomach at the mere sight of Baron.

Behold the bad boy that made her to become a laughing stock at school.

“This is everywhere now and even reaching to other schools,” sammy said and turned her phone to Ella, to show her pictures of her pale buttocks all glaring.

She sniffed, grinned and swallowed hard. “I am going to kill this bad boy, definitely I will.” She shot a falter stare at her offender.

“Bring your ass here!” Baron barked at a thick boy, who shivered to the wall.

He was about bullying him as he molded a fist.

“Just take a look at that,” Cicilia complained, pointing at the scene.” he treats every student as shit.”

sammy chuckled at the sight of the thick boy dusting Baron’s shoes with his shirt now.

“I think I like him,” sammy added with a cheeky smile, “He must be good in bed.”

Cicilia raised a furrowed brow at her. “You must be crazy. I am going to report him to the school authority after that I will murder him.”

sammy cleared her voice. The looks on her face was falsity.

“Well your fate is known. He wants to love you in a crazy way, perhaps fuck you in a crazy way too. Aren’t you the most beautiful girl at Cheris College? Every boy wants you and now the bad boy has stepped into the scene every other boy will give way. Why not give in to him. I believe if you do you will be the most respected and feared at Briton.”

Cicilia slammed her palms on the desk in wrath.


sammy flinched.

“This conversation is over,” she beamed.

All eyes were on her.

She grasped her bag pack and about to walk out in fury.

“Pale ass!” Baron opened a chant.

And the rest of the students joined him to chant on, “Pale ass! Pale ass!!”

Cicilia dashed out of the class in tears, and felt pained at the rudderless chant going on in the class.

The door to the office yanked open and she shuffled in, looking all drawn, with the rouge on her side cheeks turned deep red.

“What could be the problem, Ella?” the rotund red-haired man in his thirties asked before measuring her from head to toes through the conical goggles on his long nose. “Do have a seat,” he added, once he dropped his biro after scribbling on the paper.

She sat down pretty down quick. “I am ruined by a b - ”

The proprietor interjected, “- Bad boy Baron.” Seriousness hung across his face.

Her face went crimson! Her face held fire instantly.

“You know him too well?”

He winked frustratingly, “And your pale ass saga?” and once he caught the dead look on her face, he intoned, “Apologies.”

He snorted briefly, “You see we are tired of Baron and the rate at which he runs rough shod over students. He has been in and out of jail. I wonder what he is still doing in school. He is not our student.” He cupped his jaw. “We are tired of his nuisance just like you.”

“What happens to the pictures of my naked ass he took and shared across the students?” she queried, blinking anxiously at her beholder.

“Avoid him and move on. The school authority would have been of help but if you delete the nude from the phones of a handful of students some other handful would spread it. It multiplies like virus. You just have to cope.”

“Really,” she snapped.

“Yes – yes,” he stuttered, “Cope. Baron is bigger than the school. I am sorry to sound pessimistic, Cicilia. But - ”

“It’s Ok,” she interrupted him.

Cicilia looked frayed. She stood on her feet furiously.

“I know what to do!”

She dashed out of the office in anger, leaving the door banging

“Ella! Ella! Don’t do anything stupid!” the proprietor warned, almost standing up.


“Oh, cush! Fuck me just like that! Oh yeah… yeah… – yeah hmmm, fuck that pussy hard, T Boy.”

Walking past the ladies’ corridor, Cicilia overheard that shrieking deep-throated moan close by and halted with a striking scowl on her face.

Someone was having someone;

She thought and froze her breath to trace the source of the moan.

Her eyes rolled anxiously as her ears combed around for the now, echoing moan. She had neared the door to the toilet and the moan intensified in pitch. With a slight nudge on the door, she was face close with Baron banging sammy, the new bee, from the backside, with her brown long hair pressed onto the wall and hands tightly grabbing the toilet seat as she wailed in ecstasy. Her entire body vibrated as the strings on a guitar.

Quickly she took out her phone and covered a video of them.

“Payback time, stupid bad boy,” she barked with an irritating chuckle devouring her face.

And Baron pulled out his erect, venous penis from her vagina and quickly jerked as he hit orgasm. He emptied content of his penis on the buttocks of sammy.

sammy could barely flinch as Baron was still gripping her waist to a spot and when she could finally do that, she masked her potable breasts with her arms and shyly tucked away to the wall while Cicilia covered them with her phone.

“Stop that, Ella!” sammy cried.

“Keep it up baby girl,” said Baron, breathing hard.

“The whole world will see these after you are tamed tomorrow,” she intoned and slid her phone into her bag pack with her frown held.

“Please do send me a copy,” replied Baron, humming while he zipped up with a titivated grin on his face.

Cicilia rolled her quarrelsome eyes at sammy and had a walk.


“You idiot! I chose to be fucked in your bunk but you wouldn’t listen,” sammy nagged, almost in tears now as her jaw waggled in fury. “Just pray she doesn’t do that.”

Baron was still having his palms on his cheeks and without further ado, sammy squeezed into her dress and stamped away.

“Am I expecting you tonight? Come along with another pussy as wet as yours,” he groaned to sammy while she made away, her countenance aflame.

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