Chapter 07

At the bust stop sammy struggled to earn a room in the same schoolbus as Cicilia.

Once their eyes locked together, Cicilia threw away her gaze from her and later bowed her head to view at the video of Baron banging sammy.

She knew sammy would drift to sit by her, and once she did, she would tell her she was a CUNT.

She never knew she meant it when she told her Baron was good in bed and she was left to wonder if the one in the toilet was their first encounter.

“I am sorry. I am a mess,” sammy tendered her apology once she sat down by Ella

Cicilia raised her restive face at her, rolled her eyes and bowed her face.

“Please forgive me and delete the video. I am a maniac. I am only obsessed with bad boys.”

At the mention of that Cicilia raised her gaze at her, warned her with her stilled eyes and blocked her ears with ear pods which murmured with the sound of music, she was playing from her phone.

Like the strike of lighting, the screeching tyres of their bus interrupted sammy when she wanted to speak yet further. All the passengers screamed in fear as a head on collision was coming from a heavy duty truck.

But it was too late. The truck ran into them and they somersaulted seven times before landing with the tyres of the bus up and rolling in the space.

A handful of students breathed their last instantly. Every path became bloodied.

Cicilia had broken her jaw, joints and a reddened bruise across her neck and face, worst still she was stuck under the seat. She breathed uneasily as her eyeballs deadly pulled inwards. She was dying.

At the edge of the bus, she could hear the tap-tap sound of fuel dropping into the bus…

But she could see a pair of sneakers walking on.

Someone was coming to her rescue. She wondered what was delaying the ambulance rescue team. Fortunately this fellow was coming to rescue her.


Who could be this jolly good fellow that was coming to her rescue? She wasn’t going to die anyways; she thought.

She breathed hope once the sneakers paused at her window, and the knee squatted and then a face peered at her; the face of her enemy; the face of someone she had planned to tame by organizing thugs to beat him up to a pop, after sharing his sex tape with sammy to the world.

The face of Baron.

Ella’s eyes were bleary . She was yet to believe her sight. How could that be?

Baron? Her destined enemy? How possible was that?

Was he there to mock her before she would breathe her last? Some things are just impossible to believe and Baron was the last savior on her mind.

Their eyes locked but for a limited time. The iron seat that pinned her to a spot wasn’t giving her lungs enough room to breathe, even this last breath before death. For all she knew, this bad boy smiling evilly at her was going to watch her die like an insect.

Hadn’t she upbraided him and even dared to stab him to death the other day?

She was beginning to lose breath. Her dead, reddened eyes thickened with darkness as her face pulled down, with a whistling breath.

“Can I …” she stuttered and breathed uneasily, gathered momentum and vigor to speak yet further, “Can I get some help,” she managed to speak at a breath yet finding it difficult to initiate a steady gaze at him.

He was still all smiles, before he chuckled and pointed at the fuel tank which was sporadically pouring into the bus.

“Payback time bitch,” he sneered. “Very soon you will go up in flames as soon as the bus explodes.”

Cicilia was losing breath intensely now, even almost entirely to a bit. She would have to mice her words so she could say a few more important words before dying like a chick.

Baron chuckled radically and brought out a lighter.

“Or should I help you bring about your death faster, uh?” he sounded, “Just a spark and boom, you become a wasted soul, bitch.”

He chuckled and then laughed tauntingly with a frazzled stare into her face.

The fuel had leaked so hugely that it gripped away the little breath she had.

“Ple- ase,” she choked out that word and then stretched out her bloodied hand to him in earnest appeal.

“Isn’t this life a funny irony?” he titillated her by stroking her bloodied hair and sliding his finger into her mouth.

Cicilia wondered if the asshole would have the nerves to make love to her even in her present predicament.

Her guess was probably correct.

The bad boy she knew very much could do it. Or wasn’t she going to die anyways? What stops him from stroking her nipples for this last time? What stops him from fingering her vagina and laugh at her until she breathed her last?

Without giving up on hope, Cicilia dared a bold move. “Please save me.” she coughed heavily and each time she did, a sputum of blood left her mouth. Please, ple - ” she stuttered .

A sputum!

She was going to breathe her last in few minutes. Regrettably anyways the bus would soon explode in flames. Either ways death was going to hit her.

Gradually, she lost words and breath. Her third-rate, blood-smeared face could explain better to the thinly smiling face of her savior.


she coughed. Her eyeballs rolled inwards and her face dropped. “… you want I will do.”

By chance she could see sammy. Her face was pierced by one of the irons in the bus. Right now she had the looks of a butchered beef. She could probably be on the verge of death because her fingers were slightly moving.

If Baron could be of help, sammy might make it too.

Definitely he would be of help; to sammy and not to her. YES. Unless he didn’t notice sammy was in the bus.

The wicked bad boy would save sammy just to get back at her, at least if not for any other thing for the fact that Baron had had sex with her in the toilet.

He would allow her to die in the explosion that was about to break and save sammy instead.

“Do you want me to save you, uh?” he queried and pulled up her face to make her get every bit of his message.

Cicilia could only manage a wink. There was no life for words anymore.

“Ok, I will save you. You are not going to burn up in the flames like grass. I am going to give you a second chance to live,” he said through clenched teeth.

Cicilia could let a smile of relief inwardly. If he really meant those words, it then meant fortune was about embracing her for the only time in her life.

Baron? Hmmm! This could probably be a dream.

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