Chapter 2 -Freedom


Police officers come up to Hardin and drag him away.

“No! I didn't do! I swear I didn't do it! Karina! Why did you do this to me?! You were the one who abused me! Tell them the truth! Confess it all! You set me up!”

Karina rolls her eyes and gets up. Dario walks up to her and right in front of Hardin's eyes they both share a kiss.

Hardin falls to his knees and the police officers try to pick him up. He couldn't believe the sight he had just witnessed. His mouth hung open and a tear dropped from his eyes

“D-Dario? Dario! Did you two plan this?!”

“Shut up already you bastard!”

“Dario! I swear I will never forgive you for this! I won't forgive all of you!”

The police officers push Hardin out of the door while Karina and Dario wave him goodbye with smug looks on their faces.

It finally all made sense to Hardin. Karina and Dario had joined hands to put him behind bars to make sure he got a divorce so they could finally be together. Hardin hadn't known their affair had been going on for a long time under his nose.

Dario felt satisfied. His parents had always praised and compared him to Hardin ever since they were young. They yelled at him to do better so much that they treated Hardin like he was their biological son instead of Dario.

The Jealousy and bitterness Dario felt was put at ease as he watched the man he hated the most put behind bars while the woman he loved was in his arms. His parents were ashamed of Hardin and that was all that mattered.

The high and mighty perfect Hardin Scott became a criminal.

“Everything is finally in place now my love”

Karina smiles while putting her arms around Dario's neck.

“Now we can finally get married right?”

Dario places a kiss on her forehead.

“Why wait? Let's do it right away. Today calls for a celebration!”

One day later.

Hardin reads the headline on the newspaper announcing Karina's appointment as the CEO of her father's company. A photo of her and Dario holding hands and wearing wedding rings is on the cover.

Hardin crumples the paper with his fists shaking in anger. He couldn't believe the people who had destroyed his life had been living so perfectly while he suffered for a crime he never committed.

“Karina Hamilton”

Hardin turns to see a man in the other cell smoking a cigarette with his back turned against him. The man lets out a chuckle.

“It's been a while since I heard that name”

Hardin quirks an eyebrow seeming intrigued at the strange man.

“What do you mean?”

The man still had his back against Hardin as he crushes the cigarette underneath his feet.

“The Hamilton's are really something especially their daughter Karina. I suppose you must hate her”

Hardin was starting to get irritated at the fact the man had refused to look at him while speaking. Was he playing games with him?

“Who the hell are you?”

The man turns around to face Hardin. He had scars on his face and two eye patches.

“You don't need to know who I am. All you need to know is I loathe that family especially their precious daughter Karina”

Karina's name rolls off his tongue with spite as the man clenches his fists. Hardin tilts his head to the side seeming more interested.

“What grudge do you have against Karina and her family? Let me know”

The man chuckles loudly and lights up another cigarette.

“The name is Mole. I hear you're getting out of here soon. If you ever need help with Karina Hamilton don't hesitate to reach out to me”

Hardin scoffs.

“How am I supposed to trust that you could be of any help to me?”

Mole smirks and blows a puff of smoke in Hardin's face but Hardin doesn't flinch. Instead, he looks rather pissed.

“The choice is yours Hardin Scott. If you ever need me someday…”

Mole slides a piece of paper with a phone number written on it to Hardin and he picks it up. Hardin is in awe as it is written in blood.

“You can come find me”

Hardin stares at the bloody numbers with curiosity. An officer walks in and open Mole's cell.

“Hey you! You're free to go. Get out now”

Mole gets up and does a little stretch before shoving his hands in his two pockets and stepping out.

He turns around to look at Hardin.

“I hope to see you on the other side buddy”

Mole is taken away by the officer leaving Hardin intrigued. For someone who was blind Hardin wondered how Mole moved well so easily and how he was able to write the numbers.

Most of all he wondered whose blood was used to write the numbers.

“Hardin Scott! You're free to go”

The day had finally come. Hardin had counted the days until he could regain the freedom Karina and Dario took away from him but he thought his sentence was for five years.

Was the officer mistaken?

Hardin leaves his cell and bumps into an inmate on his way out. The man curses underneath his breath. It was a man covered in tattoos and looked to be in his 40’s. He glares at Hardin.

“You're finally getting out? Don't be so cheeky. I promise you once I'm out. I won't hesitate to get back at you for going against me when I'm the boss here”

Hardin scoffs.


Hardin pushes past him and walks away.

Hardin couldn't believe he was set free on bail.

The sun was extremely bright today and the clouds looked more beautiful in Hardin's eyes. As he stood at the gates of his now former hell, the air outside felt so fresh as the breeze welcomed him.

This was what Karina and Dario took away from him and he would never forgive them for what they had put him through simply because he was an orphan who didn't come from a wealthy family.

Hardin grips the handle of his bag and starts making his way down the road but just then, a black limousine car pulls up to him. An old looking man dressed elegantly steps out and slightly bows to Hardin.

Hardin is taken aback and stays on guard as he wonders if Karina or Dario had sent the man after him.

“Welcome back Master Hardin”


“Who are you?”

Hardin states bluntly. If Karina was trying to pull a prank on him, he wasn't going to sit back and take it”

“I am here to escort you home”

It didn't take long for Hardin to realize this man was the one who must have gotten him out so quickly.

Hardin quirks an eyebrow at him. Home? His adoptive parents wouldn't ever welcome him back to their house after what happened. He knew how strict they were. Was this a joke?

“What home is that?”

The old man sends him a small smile.

“The home where you truly belong”

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