All Chapters of The Revenge Quest : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
48 chapters
Chapter 1 - Anniversary Gift
“Excuse me sir, we will be closing now”Hardin looks up from his empty glass of whisky which he had been staring at for the past few minutes lost in thought. His wife, Karina had suddenly asked for a divorce over he past few weeks but he had refused to sign the papers. It wasn't like he was treated well in the family but he couldn't believe the woman he had loved so hard would give up on him so easily. “Sir?”Hardin slams a rough dollar bill on the table and staggers out of the bar. It was their anniversary night and he had asked Karina to go out with him in an attempt to convince her not to divorce him but he had foolishly waited for hours and she hadn't bothered to show up. Why was he holding out on a hopeless marriage when he was constantly abused? Redemption? Maybe he could work hard and prove to his wife that he could be the rich man she had always wished she married. Tipsy, Hardin takes a cab back to his house ready to face his furious wife forcing him to sign divorce papers
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Chapter 2 -Freedom
“No!”Police officers come up to Hardin and drag him away. “No! I didn't do! I swear I didn't do it! Karina! Why did you do this to me?! You were the one who abused me! Tell them the truth! Confess it all! You set me up!”Karina rolls her eyes and gets up. Dario walks up to her and right in front of Hardin's eyes they both share a kiss. Hardin falls to his knees and the police officers try to pick him up. He couldn't believe the sight he had just witnessed. His mouth hung open and a tear dropped from his eyes “D-Dario? Dario! Did you two plan this?!”“Shut up already you bastard!”“Dario! I swear I will never forgive you for this! I won't forgive all of you!”The police officers push Hardin out of the door while Karina and Dario wave him goodbye with smug looks on their faces. It finally all made sense to Hardin. Karina and Dario had joined hands to put him behind bars to make sure he got a divorce so they could finally be together. Hardin hadn't known their affair had been going
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Chapter 3 - A New Era
Hardin had been skeptical about getting into the car with a stranger. He didn't know if he was being driven to his doom or his fortune. Either way, he was willing to take the risk. If he was going to be taken to either Karina or Dario. He would make sure he ended their life on the spot as his revenge. After what they had done to him, they were better off dead. “Master, we are here”The old man, Sebastian steps out of the car and the chauffeur opens the door for Hardin. Hardin steps out and his mouth hangs open at the huge mansion standing in front of him. Astonished, he looks over at Sebastian. Who the hell owned such a mansion? The person must be very powerful and wealthy. But what did they want with someone like him? “This way sir”Hardin is escorted into the large mansion. He is in awe at all the luxurious items that surround him. Spiral stairs, Gold Walls. Expensive paintings. It looked like a castle. “Who is this person you want me to meet?”Sebastian gestures towards a door
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Chapter 4 - The New Elite
“Cheers!” Karina giggles as she wraps her arms around Dario's neck. They were having a mini celebration for her suceeding her father's company. “How do you feel my love?”Karina gets up and places a hand on her chest with a huge smile on her face. She twirled around the office with a glass of champagne in her hand. “I feel so much joy, honey. I just can't believe it. I've waited for this moment for a very long time and now…”Karina ran her fingers over the nameplate with her name inscribed on it. She lets out a little laugh. “It's all mine. It feels like everything is in place. Like I have it all. Ever since that bastard was finally out of my life it was like a portal opened up! And my life was finally being put in the perfect place!”Dario claps and stands up putting an arm around his wife's waist. He was glad to see the delight on her face. Indeed everything was going so well for them, he had taken over the company Hardin had worked in and made so much money from it that he was
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Chapter 5 -Jane Smith
“No!!!!”Karina shoves the bottles of perfume on her dresser to the floor. They all smash into pieces and she stares at her disheveled state as anger coursed through her veins. “Karina! What the hell are you doing?!”Dario scolds feeling angry himself. Karina scoffs. “Didn't you see that bastard at the party! Didn't you see how well-dressed he was looking?! That damn smug look on his face! He came to daunt us I'm so mad!”Dario lets out a deep sigh as he sits on the bed silently fuming. “I can't believe he made his way into the elite society and what? Did he change his name? How could it be that he acquired all that wealth?”Karina glares at Dario. “Why didn't you figure out he was released already?! He was meant to be there for five fucking years Dario! How the hell is he out?!”Dario rises to his feet and grips Karina's shoulders. “Calm down Karina! Pull yourself together! Don't turn into a mess because of that bastard”Karina pushes him away. “Then you need to do something an
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Chapter 6 - The Beginning of a Battle
“What?! Who the hell is back?!”Luke Hamilton, Karina's older brother had almost spat out his drink once his sister broke the news of Hardin's return to him. Karina sighs, sipping her glass of cold wine to help her stay sane. Lule places a hand over his forehead. “Oh Damn! This is bad. He wasn't supposed to be out until like five years. How the hell is he out?”Karina looked so drained that she spoke in a calm tone. She had to struggle to accept the fact it was not all a dream and Hardin had actually come back. “He was granted bail”Luke frowns. “By who?”Karina sighs. “By his father”Luke lets out a short-lived laugh. “Father? Karina, are you forgetting that bastard is a dirty orphan?”Karina cursed under her breath as her wine finished. “I need more”Luke takes away the bottle from her. “What? You're going to day drink and drown yourself in alcohol till your death because of that idiot?”Karina glares at her brother. “You really haven't realized how much of a nightmare this
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Chapter 7 - The Suspect
“Thank you for your help with the investors Travis”Hardin shakes hands with his childhood friend Travis whom he had grown up with at the orphanage. He was now a police officer. “It's nothing at all. I am super glad I could be of help”Travis suddenly gets a call and he gets up after it ends.“It looks like I have an emergency to take care of being a cop and all. However, you should let me know if you need help in any way. I'm here for you”Hardin smiled. He was finally getting enough Allies. A few minutes after Travis exits the office, Layla rushes in with a look of panic on her face. “Sir! There's an emergency”Hardin sighs. “Calm down and tell me what it is”Layla catches her breath.“Attorney Park was involved in an accident”Hardin gets up. “What?!”…Hardin stared at Attorney Park who lay on the hospital bed covered in bandages. Luckily he had surgery and he was alive. The doctors were focusing on his condition. Hardin receives a call. “Hello, Detective Kim?”Hardin sits
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Chapter 8 - Busted
“That fucking ex-convict. How dare he take what is mine?!”Karina rolls her eyes. “So what do you plan to do? Take him down? You must have a decent plan right?”Karina spoke while filing her nails. “Just wait and see. I'll get back what is mine and most of all I will teach that bastard a lesson and send him back to where he came from”Luke chuckles. “He comes out from jail and starts acting all high and mighty? It's only a matter of time until he ends up there once again”Karina scoffs. “Are you that daft? Do you think it'll be easy to take him down so easily like before? He had so much money and power now. Don't you still get it?!”Karina sighs, feeling frustrated with her brother. “Don't go doing anything silly that you can't handle. Hardin must be smart enough to have gotten into the elite club and make it to the top so quickly. You should be cautious about him”“Don’t worry about me. I have a meeting now with the investors so I'll be taking my leave”“Goodluck brother”Luke c
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Chapter 9 - A Sister's Secret
“What the hell?”Luke reads the words on the letter. ‘'TURN YOURSELF IN YOU DRUG ADDICT”Angered, he crumples the paper in his hand. What? Did Hardin start threatening him? “How dare he do this to me? I already promised I will do it”Luke scratches his hair in frustration. As if beating him up was not enough. Was Hardin also threatening him as well? Luke needed to do something before he will go down but how was he going to get any information on his sister? How could he actually betray her? A knock is heard on the door startling Luke. He takes in a deep breath and lays down still feeling intense pain all over his body. “Come in”Dario walks in with a smile on his face dressed in a suit and standing confidently as he towered over Luke. “Can you be honest with me Luke? You know I consider you like my little brother"Luke scoffs. "Don't. You already have an abandoned brother"Dario smirks and leans closer to Luke. "Did Hardin really beat you to a pulp?”Luke glares at Dario. “
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Chapter 10 - Threats
Luke was doomed. He was caught red handed. How was he going to get himself out of this? Even his own sister didn't know about his drug trafficking history or that he was an addict and he wasn't going to confess now. Luke let's out a nervous laugh. “Karina. You're awake?”Karina had a cold expression on her face as she walked down to Luke and grabbed the file out of his hand. “Answer me Luke. What the fuck are you doing here? Why are you going through my stuff?!”Luke lets out a sigh and stands confident.“Why are you so on edge? Are you hiding something?”Karina scoffed. “I asked you a question brother. Why did you sneak into my room and come for this?”“I was drunk. I had too many drinks with Dario and lost my way to your room thinking it's the wine cellar and I stumbled upon this room. So I was curious”Karina takes a step closer to her brother glaring daggers at him. “You stumbled? No one knows about this room not even my husband! So I find it very hard to believe you ‘’stumb
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