All Chapters of The Revenge Quest : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
48 chapters
Chapter 11 - Siblings at War
“He is being threatened?”Hardin had met with Detective Kim to help provide him some answers. It wasn't any of Hardin's business if Luke was being threatened. It's not like he had a record of good doings. He was a cruel man who did shady things and it wouldn't be a surprise if he had any enemies but why did he accuse Hardin instead? “Do you know what the letter said?”Hardin had already thought about it but from what Luke has said the threat must have been related to his drug trafficking. That should be the only reason why Luke would come for him. But who else could have known of it? “I have no idea. Look into Luke's whereabouts and the people he is meeting. Report to me if you find anything suspicious. I don't know if he is putting on an act but I don't want to be dragged into this”“Yes sir. I'll make sure I do my best”…“Tell me what the hell you were doing in there!”Luke rolls his eyes at his sister. He was somehow hoping she would have forgotten about what she saw but she w
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Chapter 12- A Game of Golf
Hardin had gotten an unexpected call on a Saturday morning. One he hadn't looked forward to getting. “Isn't it a bright day Hardin?”Hardin clenches his fist underneath the table as he looked Dario in the eyes. He couldn't shake off the pain he felt when he looked at him. When he has been in prison the image of Dario betraying him in court constantly played in his head and he wondered why the person he considered to be his brother would do such to him. He gave him hope and then smashed it into pieces. Hardin despised him gravely. “Why did you call me out here?”Dario had invited Hardin to a golf course. “You remember we used to love playing golf when we were younger"Dario hits the ball and it rolls into the hole while Hardin stood there unfazed. Hardin couldn't remember anything even if he wanted to. He had chosen to erase all memories he shared with Dario from his heart. If it was never there then it meant the memories never existed in the first place. Hardin saw Dario as no
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Chapter 13 - Inferiority
Dario bursts out into a laugh. “You're joking right?”Hardin wasn't smiling one bit. “You took away my place in your family, took away my wife, took away my company and took away my freedom”Hardin glares at Dario. The more he looked at him to more pain he felt. He was standing in front of the man who tried to ruin his life. “I can't take back the others I've already lost but I can take my company back. I worked hard to build it”Dario matches Hardin's glare. “I made that tiny business you started into what it is! I expanded it and made it one of the top. Me! I did that so it belongs to me! You will never have it Hardin!"Hardin chuckles briefly. Of course Dario wouldn't give it up so easily. “Did you just like stealing things that you couldn't start your own company and had to take mine? Is that all you're good at Dario? Stealing?"Dario deepened his glare. “Watch your words Hardin!”Hardin stares into Dario's eyes and places a hand on his shoulder. He sends him a small smile
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Chapter 14- A Dark Party
“I hate this one. Don't you guys have any better suits?!”Luke tosses the suit on the the worker. “I'm sorry sir. We will get you another one”Luke lets out a heavy sigh. He had been stressed for the past few days and now he had to attend the the upcoming event for business owners. Luke's phone buzzes as he received a text from Hardin. A frown appears on his face as he reads it. 'I want what you promised by tomorrow'Luke grits his teeth. “By tommorow? That fucking bastard!"The next day was the day of the event. Luke felt uneasy wondering if Hardin's plan was to expose Karina's secret at the event. Could he sit back and watch his sister get humiliated like that? “Sir, why don't you try this on? It is from the brand chanel and-”Luke tosses it away. “I'm done shopping. All the thing you people sell are so damn ugly!”…Hardin stares at the text he had sent Luke yesterday. It was unanswered. “Is he trying to get on my nerves?”Hardin picks up his dress shirt from his closet.
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Chapter 15 - Disaster and Drugs
Murmurs fill the entire room which is now pitch black. “What is going on here?!"Dario sighs in frustration. Hardin feels small fingers gripping his arm tightly. He hears heavy breathing and he is suddenly concerned. He could tell who it was from the scent of her perfume.“Layla. Are you okay?”“I-I'm afraid of the dark”Layla managed to whisper while she hyperventilated. Hardin places two hands on her shoulders barely seeing anything. “Relax Layla! Take deep breaths okay”The lights suddenly come on and everyone is relieved. Layla is on the floor covered in sweat as she struggled to breath. Hardin pat's her back softly until she regains her regular breathing. “Thank you sir”She manages to stand to her feet looking pale. “Are you sure you don't want to go home? Maybe we should go to the hospital?"A loud shriek is heard from a group of guests. Hardin, Layla, Dario and Karina all rush to see people huddled together as multiple screams are heard. Hardin pushes his way through to
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Chapter 16 - The Investigation
“Drugged? How is that possible and why would you even swallow such a pill?!"Luke clears his throat. “I must have mistaken it for something else”Karina scoffs. “Were you completely out of your mind?”Karina leans forward just enough so that Luke could hear her. “You've been acting strange these days and now what? You're taking drugs or you're being drugged? How the hell are you living your life Luke?!”Luke felt his nervousness grow inside. It was after he had stolen those tapes from Hardin that his pills got exchanged. He was certain they were normal up until then. Did Hardin do it because he was ignoring him and hadn't brough information yet? Luke tries to shake off those thoughts from his head. Hardin no longer had leverage over him. He had destroyed any evidence that would ruin him. However, He kept on receiving those threatening note. Was that Hardin's doings as well or did he really have another enemy? “Luke! Are you even listening to me?!”Karina snaps her fingers in Lu
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Chapter 17 - An Exposed Secret
Hardin steps out of the police station and is instantly hit by the sunlight and fresh air that gives him a sense of relaxation. “Sir!”Layla walks up to Hardin gesturing towards the car. Once they had gotten home, Layla knocks on Hardin's officer and enters inside. She was worried that he would be terrified after being accused with evidence but Hardin looked totally fine that she wondered if he was just putting up an act. “Sir? May I come in?”Layla comes in with Hardin's permission and he is seen going through some files he had missed out on since being at the station in the morning. “Sir, did everything go well? I know you didn't commit any crime I was there with you. I can make my own statement if you want”Hardin pauses from writing. It was just like last time. Dario had promised to testify in court and save him but he had turned around to stab him in the back. He had gave him so much hope and caused him so much pain. Hardin could never trust anyone again. If his own family
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Chapter 18 - The End Of The Road
Luke pushes Travis to the side and runs away. Travis chases him all the way down the stairs. “Hey you! Stop there!”He sighs as he chased him down the stairs. Luke was only making this tough on him. “I'm calling for backup!”Luke makes his way outside the back door feeling relieved but his happiness was only short-lived. A bunch of police cars surrounded him instantly pointing their gun towards him. “Hands behind your head and on your knees! Now!”Luke froze. Was this the end of his life? Or was it all just a nightmare?Once he opened his eyes. Would he be back in his bedroom living happily? “I said on the ground!”The officer yells and he is being grabbed by two huge officers and forcefully dragged away. “No!!!”A loud shriek is heard and Luke turns to see his sister Karina run up to him with tears in her eyes. She gives him a brief hug. “No! Officer! You cannot arrest him! Let him go this instant! My brother is innocent! I said let him go!”Karina is pushed away by an officer.
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Chapter 19 - The Prisoner
“Dario!”Karina bursts into Dario's office with her heels aggressively clicking on the floor. She places two hands on his desk looking pissed. Dario looks up at her in concern. She had bags underneath her swollen red eyes. It was obvious she had been crying and her make-up was an utter mess. “What's wrong my love?”Dario says getting up and placing an arm around Karina but she pushes him off. “You said you were going to deal with that lowlife but you haven't done anything and now look what has happened?!”Dario scrunches his face in confusion wondering what had gotten Karina so worked up. “What happened?”Karina scoffs. “How do you not know what's happening? Damnit! It's all over the fucking news!"Karina slumps on the couch next to her and places a hand on her forehead. Dario whips his phone out from his pocket and checks the news. His lips form into a thin line as he reads the headline news. “When did he start dealing drugs?”Karina looked up at Dario with a stunned expressio
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Chapter 20- An Unfortunate Accident
Hardin leans back in his seat with a blank expression. “Threatening you? Why would I do that?”Hardin shakes his head. “I wouldn't hide behind and play games. I'm no coward Mr. Hamilton”Luke searched Hardin's eyes wondering whether to believe him or not. “You once accused me of threatening you and I'm sure I made it clear to you to check the rest of your enemies”Luke sighs deeply as fear swirls in his eyes.“You have to help me find the person! I know you can do that”Hardin chuckled. Was this a joke?“Have you lost it Mr. Hamilton?”Luke didn't care if he was asking his enemy for help. Of course he had despised Hardin for what he did to him but he was more afraid of losing his life to an unknown person.If Hardin could dig up a deep secret like his drug trafficking history then he believed catching the blackmailer would be a piece of cake for him. “I beg of you. I am already serving my punishment over here without any complaints. I only ask you for this favour”Hardin was start
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