All Chapters of The Revenge Quest : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 chapters
Chapter 21 - Survivor
*Flashback*“So you're not done washing my car you bastard?!”Luke slams his fists into Hardin's face and he spits out blood as he falls to the ground. “Oh. I see you're trying to rile me up huh?! Did you do this to get my attention? You seriously think my sister loves a lowlife like you huh?!"Another punch is thrown at him and he groans in pain spitting out more blood. “You. I'm going to deal with you so much today that you won't be able to fucking walk!!”…Hardin opens his eyes and breathes heavily. He was soaked in sweat as his heart pounded loudly in his chest. He takes a quick look around and sees the familiar paintings on his room walls. He was home and safe. “Sir! Are you awake?”Hardin knew who was speaking before he even turned his head to look. Layla had a worried expression on her face as she stood at his bedside with a weary smile. She lets out a relieved sigh once she saw he was staring at her. She brings a glass of water to his lips which he slowly drinks. Hardin
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Chapter 22 - The Culprit
“What did you just say?!”Karina's phone fell out of her hands catching Dario's attention. He gets up immediately and rushes towards her. “Karina! What's wrong?!’”Karina looked at Dario with tears brimming in her eyes. “Luke was stabbed!"…Karina and Dario rushes to the hospital to see Luke laying on the bed unconscious with a handcuff on his hand chained to the bed. “Doctor. What's his state?”Dario asks calmly as Karina sobs next to Luke. “Luckily, his vitals are intact but he would have died if a guard hadn't found him on the floor. He lost a lot of blood so you'll have to give him some time to recover but he hopefully will be fine”“Thank you Doc”“Dario. He is awake!"Dario rushes to Karina's side as they both stare at Luke. “Karina?”Luke speaks in a groggy voice barely able to keep his eyes open.“Don't say much. How are you feeling?”Karina asks in worry. “Luke, tell me Who did this to you? Do you know the person?”Luke shakes his head slowly. “I don't think it was an
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Chapter 23 - Payback
Hardin places a hand on his chin as he stares at the name written in bold letters on the tablet Layla showed him. “Interesting” …“It seems Luke is going to be alright darling”Karina stares at Dario through the mirror. He had a wide smile on his lips. “What makes you so sure? That place isn't safe for him. They had to send him back immediately after he healed. Those bastards didn't even waste any time shoving him back there"Dario places his two hands on Karina's shoulder and massages it gently.“I took care of the man who stabbed him”Karina looks back so fast she almost got whiplash. “You found him?! Why didn't you let me know? Who the hell is he?!"Dario sighs. “Apparently he was some man who had purchased stocks in the company and it didn't turn out well for him so he resented Luke and threatened him but all of that has been taken care of. Luke will be alright from now on”Karina engulfs Dario in a tight hug. "Oh thank you Dario!"“I'm your husband. I should help take care
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Chapter 24 - War
Dario breaks out into a cynical laugh. “You own this hotel? Well then Mr. CEO, I am sure your hotel have rules? Shouldn't one of them be not to interfere with an event? I booked this venue and paid for it as well. So why do you come here and choose to create a scene? That isn't very professionally of you”Hardin smiles. “I simply had a question to ask which I'm sure all your investors must be curious about. Is it that hard to answer?”Dario bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from cursing out at Hardin. He had so many eyes watching him and he had to keep his cool. Dario lets out a fake laugh. “Oh alright. Uh the answer is this is not a scam. It is 100 percent legit. I wouldn't do such to my clients. I don't commit crimes unlike some people”Dario smirked daunting Hardin. Hardin narrowed his eyes. “Well I'm not so sure about that Mr. Scott”Police officers barge into the room causing murmurs to erupt from the audience. Dario stares at them in confusion. “Mr. Dario Scott pleas
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Chapter 25 - The Fugitive
“His name was cleared?”Travis sighs placing his glass of whiskey on the table in frustration. “Apparently the suspect confirmed he wasn't the one all of a sudden. It is rather suspicious but there's nothing we can do if there is no evidence that Dario was linked to him and the change in his statement doesn't help matters either”Hardin nods. He knew Dario was a sneaky man and he would do absolutely anything not to get into jail. He hadn't expected anything less from him. “I wonder what made him change his statement. Dario must have something on him”Hardin twirled his finger around the top of the cup as he delved deep in thoughts. “I wonder what it is”Hardin pulls out his phone and makes a quick phone call. “Hello Detective Kim. I want you to do a background check on the culprit. Find out if he had a bad history or any family and report to me tommorow morning”“Yes sir”"Whatever Dario has on him must be greater than him going to jail"…“Sir!”Layla walks into Hardin's office
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Chapter 26 - Closed Case
“Suicide?”Unbelievable. Why would a man who had a wife and a kid kill himself? Hardin didn't want to believe it was true. Was it Dario's doing to get rid of him before he would put him in trouble? Could it actually be? “Alright”Just after Hardin had ended the call with Detective Kim, he got a call from Travis informing him of the suicide and that his presence will be needed at the station. “Is everything all right?”Hardin puts on his suit jacket in a haste. “I'm sorry I have to take care of an urgent matter Natalie but I'll give you a call and we can catch up soon”Hardin was pleased with how he was leaving like that after Natalie's apology. “No it's okay. You should go quickly if it's important”“Sure. I can give you a ride if you'd like”Natalie smirks. “Why don't I come along with you”Hardin quirks an brow at her. “No. It won't be necessary”Natalie gets up and grabs her purse. “You're headed to the station right? Was the man who attempted to kill you caught already? Di
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Chapter 27 - Natalie
Natalie’s car came to a slow stop in front of the sprawling, ivy-clad house that her Uncle Scott and Aunt Nina's called home. The evening sun cast long shadows across the manicured lawn, but the sight that once filled her with comfort now brought a bitter taste to her mouth. She stepped out, slamming the door harder than she intended, and stormed up the stone path to the front door.The door creaked open before she could knock. Aunt Nina’s face appeared, all delicate lines and soft concern, but Natalie didn’t miss the flicker of surprise—or was it guilt?—in her eyes.“Natalie, darling, we weren’t expecting you,” Aunt Nina said, her voice tentative.“Clearly,” Natalie replied, her tone sharp. She brushed past her aunt and entered the hallway, her eyes scanning the familiar surroundings with a new, unforgiving light.Uncle Scott appeared from the study, his reading glasses perched on his nose. “Natalie, what a surprise,” he said, attempting a smile, but it faltered as he caught sight of
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Chapter 28 - Threats
Natalie stood outside Dario’s office, her heart pounding in her chest. The hallway was eerily quiet, the usual hum of activity in the building reduced to a distant murmur. She had rehearsed this moment in her mind a dozen times, but now that she was here, facing the heavy wooden door that separated her from Dario, the gravity of what she was about to do weighed heavily on her.Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open without knocking. Dario was seated behind his sleek mahogany desk, his gaze focused on the papers in front of him. He looked up, his expression flickering with mild surprise before settling into a guarded neutrality.“Natalie,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”Natalie didn’t bother with pleasantries. She stepped into the room, closing the door behind her with a deliberate click. “We need to talk, Dario.”Dario’s eyes narrowed slightly, but his voice remained calm. “About what? I thought we already discussed everything at the hou
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Chapter 29 - A Dangerous Alliance
“Master, You have a guest”A frown appears on Hardin's face. He wasn't expecting anyone. “Who is it?”“It's Nat!”Hardin looks up from the table where he’s been reviewing documents. His face is a mix of surprise and concern as he sees Natalie. He gestures for her to sit down."Natalie, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you”Natalie sighs taking a seat and making herself comfortable. "I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. I know what Dario did to you, and I want to help. As a journalist, I have resources and connections that could be invaluable."Hardin’s expression hardens. He leans back in his chair, studying Natalie with a skeptical gaze. "I appreciate your offer, but this is dangerous. Dario has powerful connections, and getting involved could put you in harm’s way. You don’t know what you’re dealing with."Natalie leans forward. "That’s exactly why I want to help. I have access to information and a platform to expose Dario’s crimes. I’ve already started digging in
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Chapter 30 - A Dangerous Proposition
Jane's house is elegant but quiet, far from the prying eyes of the world. Jane has always liked it that way. A place to keep secrets. Tonight, the warm glow of the lamps is dimmed by the tension in the air. Jane isn’t expecting company, and when the doorbell rings, she hesitates, her hand pausing mid-reach. She peeks through the window and sees an unfamiliar figure standing outside—a man, well-dressed, sharp. Someone who doesn’t belong in her world.With a sigh, she opens the door cautiously, her eyes narrowing at the stranger."Who the hell are you?”"Jane, right? We’ve never met, but I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Dario."Jane stiffens, her grip tightening on the door. She doesn’t trust men who appear unannounced, especially not ones who know her name without introduction."I don’t know you. What do you want?"Dario steps forward slightly, his gaze calm but calculating. He knows he’s walking into unknown territory, but he’s confident. Too confident.“I’m not here to cause trouble.
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