All Chapters of The Revenge Quest : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
48 chapters
Chapter 31 - A Ride to Nowhere
The evening sky is turning dark, and Hardin is rushing to his next meeting, one that could be crucial for the future of his company. His car is giving him trouble, so he flags down a taxi and hops inside, feeling the pressure of being late. "Weston Avenue, please. I need to be there soon."The driver nods without a word, pulling the car smoothly into the street. Hardin leans back, glancing at his phone to check the time and sending a quick message to the investor. A few minutes pass, and he notices the car is taking an unexpected turn.Hardin frowns. "This isn’t the right way."The driver doesn't respond, the car continuing down an unfamiliar road. The city lights start to fade, replaced by empty streets and abandoned buildings. Unease begins to creep into Hardin’s mind. He leans forward, trying to make eye contact in the rearview mirror.Hardin speaks more firmly. "You’re going the wrong way."Still no response. Hardin’s pulse frowns as the taxi moves deeper into a deserted area.
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Chapter 32 - An Unexpected Meeting
“Sir you have a visitor”Dario is behind his desk, absorbed in some documents when Jane walks in. Her sudden appearance catches him by surprise.Dario looks surprised. “Jane? What brings you here?"Jane takes a seat. “Dario. We need to talk."Dario motions for her to continue, his curiosity evident. He was a bit surprised she had figured out where he worked. "Alright, what’s this about?"“After our last meeting, I noticed something troubling. I saw a suspicious car parked near my place. It drove off quickly when I approached”Dario’s expression shifts from surprise to concern. He leans forward, his focus sharpening.“A strange car? That’s serious. It means someone could be monitoring us and might interfere with our plans."Jane nods. "Exactly. It’s made me realize that we might have a bigger problem. Someone could be trying to sabotage our efforts."Dario’s mind races as he processes the information. He stands up, walking around his desk to stand in front of Jane.“If someone’s
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Chapter 33 - The Storm Inside The Office
Dario is sitting at his desk, going through some documents when the door suddenly swings open with a loud bang. Karina storms in, her face flushed with fury and frustration."Dario! We need to talk. Now!"Dario barely looks up from his papers, clearly annoyed by the intrusion, but the tone in Karina's voice is unmistakable. He sets down his pen slowly, leaning back in his chair.Dario coldly replies. “You know, you could knock first. I’m in the middle of something."Karina ignores him, pacing the length of the room with her arms crossed tightly across her chest. Her high heels click angrily against the floor, the sound echoing in the spacious office.Karina spits her words. “This is more important than whatever you're doing right now. Do you have any idea what just happened?"Dario raises an eyebrow, though he maintains his calm demeanor. He’s seen his wife like this before, but something about the way she’s pacing makes him realize it’s serious.What did Hardin do this time? "Alri
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Chapter 34 -The Day of the Relaunch
It’s the morning of the long-anticipated relaunch of his project after Hardin had ruined the first one. This was Dario’s chance to redeem himself. Dario stands by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out at the bustling city below. He wears an expensive tailored suit, exuding confidence. His entire focus has been on this day—everything was supposed to be perfect and he hoped Hardin wouldn't ruin it again for him. Suddenly, the sound of heels clicking against the marble floors catches his attention. His secretary, Evans, rushes in, his face pale and tight with urgency. He clutches a tablet, the glow of the screen reflecting his worried expression.Evans swallows nervously. "Mr. Scott, there’s a situation."Dario turns to face him, his eyebrow raised, clearly displeased with her abrupt entrance.Dario speaks coldly. "What is it, Evans? Can’t you see I’m preparing for the launch?"Evans takes a deep breath before continuing, his voice laced with apprehension. "It's about Hardin... He
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Chapter 35 - Weekend Plans
It’s a quiet Saturday morning, and Hardin sits in his home office, hunched over a pile of documents sprawled across his desk. His mind is preoccupied with plans to counter Dario’s latest business move. The weight of it all presses heavily on him, but his focus is absolute.The sound of his front door swinging open abruptly pulls him out of his thoughts. Footsteps echo through the hallway, followed by a familiar voice calling out his name.Natalie shouts loudly. "Hardin! We’re here! Get out of your cave!"Hardin sighs, pushing back from his desk. The door to his office swings open with a bang as Natalie bursts in, dragging her boyfriend, Travis, along with her. Travis, casual and laid-back as always, offers a small wave.Travis chuckles. "Hey, man."Hardin raises an eyebrow, his confusion obvious. He hadn’t expected anyone to visit today, let alone Natalie and Travis together.*Hardin retains a calm composure. “What’s going on? I didn’t think I’d see you guys this weekend. Especia
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Chapter 36 - A Vacation
The sun blazes high over Miami as the plane touches down, and the group of four steps off, greeted by the vibrant heat of the city. Palm trees sway gently against the bright blue sky as they make their way through the airport, gathering their luggage.Natalie grins widely. "Ah, Miami! I can already feel the fun coming!"Travis chuckles at her enthusiasm, while Hardin adjusts his bag over his shoulder, looking slightly less thrilled. Layla stays quiet, her gaze trailing the city through the glass windows, trying to calm her nerves. She can feel Hardin’s presence next to her, and it makes her heart race.After a short ride, they arrive at their hotel. It's a luxurious high-rise with a grand entrance that overlooks the beach. Natalie rushes forward, practically skipping toward the lobby while Travis follows behind, more relaxed but equally excited.They check into their rooms, and each of them retreats to unpack and settle in. Hardin stands at the window of his room, gazing down at the
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Chapter 37 - Natalie's Birthday Party
The music thumped louder as the night progressed, the energy at Natalie’s birthday party hitting an all-time high. The beachside club had transformed into a colorful blur of lights and laughter. Natalie danced in the middle of the crowd, her arms thrown around Travis as they laughed and swayed to the rhythm. Hardin watched from a distance, sipping his drink with a faint smile. Layla, meanwhile, was clearly feeling the effects of the alcohol. Her usual composed, reserved demeanor had melted away into something lighter, more carefree. She had been laughing more freely, her cheeks flushed from both the heat of the crowd and the drinks she’d consumed. For once, she wasn’t hiding behind her professionalism.Natalie shouts over the music. “Come on, Hardin! You have to dance! No excuses!”Hardin shook his head with a grin, waving her off from where he stood leaning against the bar.“I’m better off here. Someone has to keep an eye on you all.”Natalie pouted but was too caught up in the pa
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Chapter 38 - A Night of Bitterness
The bar was dimly lit, with a few scattered patrons nursing their drinks in quiet corners. The heavy smell of alcohol mixed with cigarette smoke lingered in the air. Dario sat at the back, swirling his glass of whiskey, his eyes dark and brooding. He took a long sip, trying to drown out the fury boiling inside him. His mind was a storm of rage, replaying the news of Hardin’s latest victory over and over."Vacation?" he muttered to himself, his grip tightening on the glass. "That smug bastard’s on vacation while he ruins everything I've worked for?"Just then, the door creaked open, and Jane Smith, dressed in a sleek black coat, slipped into the bar. She spotted Dario and strode over to his table, sliding into the seat across from him. She raised an eyebrow, sensing the tension radiating off him. “You look like you could kill someone.”Dario’s eyes flicked up to meet hers, a dangerous glint in them as he downed the rest of his drink.Dario grits his teeth. “It’s that damn Hardin. He
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Chapter 39 - Goodbye Miami
The early morning sun barely filtered through the windows of the airport terminal as Hardin leaned back in his seat, his mind still replaying the events from last night. Natalie’s birthday party had been lively, filled with laughter, drinks, and lighthearted moments. But Layla… Layla had been different.He glanced across the aisle of the plane where she sat now, slumped in her seat, a pair of oversized sunglasses shielding her eyes from the world. She looked miserable, hungover from last night’s drinking spree, and Hardin could still feel the awkward tension lingering between them.Her hand had brushed against his as she tried to steady herself while drunk, the scent of alcohol heavy on her breath as she’d almost kissed him. Hardin had pulled away, laughing it off like it was nothing—just a drunken mistake—but the uneasiness in the air refused to disappear.He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze flicking over to her again. Layla hadn’t said a word since they boarded the flight
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Chapter 40 -Suspicions
The morning sun filtered through the tall windows of Hardin's estate, casting long shadows across the sleek wooden floors of the foyer. Hardin adjusted his tie as he stood by the front door, ready to leave for the office. His mind was still buzzing from the weekend trip to Miami, especially after the awkwardness that lingered between him and Layla. The tension hadn’t dissipated, but he figured the best thing to do was focus on his work.As he reached for his briefcase, his butler, Mr. Sebastian, approached with a somber look on his face, holding an envelope in his hand. "Sir, before you go, I believe you should see this."Hardin glanced at the envelope, recognizing the familiar handwriting of their long-time chef, Mrs. Whitmore. Confused, he took the letter and opened it, his brows furrowing as he read the contents.Hardin frowns. "A resignation? Why now?"Mrs. Whitmore had been with the family for over a decade, practically part of the household. Her sudden decision to leave seeme
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