All Chapters of The Revenge Quest : Chapter 41 - Chapter 48
48 chapters
Chapter 41 - The New Chef
Hardin sat at the large dining table, eyeing the freshly prepared meal laid out before him. His new chef, Noah, stood nearby, watching him with a calm, almost confident demeanor. Hardin picked up his fork, cutting into the tender steak and taking a bite. The rich, savory flavor melted in his mouth, immediately catching his attention.Hardin hums. "Impressive. You've got quite the skill, Noah."Noah smiled slightly, bowing his head in appreciation. "Thank you, sir. I’m glad it meets your expectations. I hope to bring more variety and flavor to your kitchen."Hardin nodded, setting his fork down and giving Noah an approving glance. "I think you'll fit in just fine here. Consider yourself officially hired."Noah's smile widened, and he gave a polite nod. "I won’t let you down, sir."Hardin stood, patting Noah on the shoulder as he left the dining room, feeling a weight lifted now that the position had been filled. The new chef seemed competent and efficient, but there was something a
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Chapter 42 - Crossing Paths
Karina sat at the café, her polished nails tapping nervously on the marble table. She was waiting for someone she had thought of as not only a close friend but also a potential savior for her company: Angela Matthews. They had known each other for years, and Karina had counted on this meeting to secure Angela as a shareholder for her struggling business after Luke’s arrest had caused a loss of investors.Angela arrived, all smiles and pleasantries at first, and they exchanged the usual small talk. But as soon as the conversation turned to business, the atmosphere shifted.Karina smiles widely. "I think you'd be a great fit as a shareholder, Angela. We've always worked so well together, and I know you trust me."Angela glanced down at her coffee, stirring it quietly before speaking. She clears her throat awkwardly. "Karina... I really wish I could help. I mean, I want to... but, given everything going on with Luke—"Karina interrupts. "That has nothing to do with the business. Luke
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Chapter 43 - Matters of the Heart
Natalie walked into Hardin’s home office with her laptop tucked under her arm, her steps purposeful. She had spent the entire weekend digging through sources, tracking down every piece of information she could find on Dario. Today, she was ready to hand over what could be the breakthrough Hardin needed.Hardin was sitting at his desk, his eyes focused on a stack of papers in front of him, but he looked up when she entered. His expression shifted from tiredness to curiosity.Natalie smiles widely. "I’ve got something you’ll want to see."She pulled out her laptop, placing it on his desk, and opened a file filled with emails, financial documents, and incriminating information. Hardin leaned forward, scanning through the pages. His brows furrowed, then a slow smile crept onto his face.Hardin looked impressed. "This is good, Natalie. Really good. How did you even get all this?"Natalie smirks widely feeling proud of herself. "I have my ways. Dario’s been covering his tracks, but not
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Chapter 44 - Crisis Before the Curtain
Hardin paced the vast hall of the event venue where his project launch was to be held the next day. The place buzzed with workers running back and forth, setting up lights, arranging tables, and ensuring everything was in perfect order. The event was crucial for him—it marked the launch of his new business venture that could shift the entire market. Investors, business moguls, and media outlets were all expected to attend.Hardin had spent weeks planning every detail. The project was too important to fail. He had thought of everything—except, perhaps, for sabotage.Just as he was double-checking the final arrangements with his assistant, a crew member rushed over, his face pale with panic.The crew member was out of breath "Mr. Richard, we’ve got a problem."Hardin frowned, sensing trouble. His heart raced a bit faster as he asked. "What is it?"Crew member swallowed nervously. "The main cables... someone cut them. The entire power system for the launch presentation is down. It’ll
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Chapter 45 - Sabotage in Motion
Hardin stood at the head of the table, the tension in the room thick as he waited for everyone to settle in. Layla, Natalie, and Travis all sat around him, their expressions a mix of concern and focus. The events of the day weighed heavily on them, especially after the near-death experience with the chandelier and the sabotage that had already put the project launch at risk.Hardin begins. "I’ve gathered you all here because I believe we have a serious problem on our hands." His voice was steady, but there was a sharp edge to it. "This sabotage—it’s not random. I have reason to suspect that Dario and Karina are behind it.”Layla shifted in her seat, glancing around the room before speaking. "It makes sense. Dario’s been desperate to get ahead, and Karina has a grudge, especially after what happened to her brother. If anyone has a reason to sabotage the launch, it’s them."Natalie, who had been quietly listening, crossed her arms, her journalist instincts kicking in.Natalie nods.
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Chapter 46 - The Invite
The dimly lit bar was quiet except for the low hum of jazz music playing in the background. Jane sat at a small table near the back, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the rim of her wine glass as she waited. The invitation card Hardin had sent her sat on the table in front of her, mocking her with its pristine white edges and elegant calligraphy. She had no intention of going, but it still irked her to receive it.A few minutes later, Dario strode in, his usual confident smirk in place. He spotted Jane instantly and made his way to her, sliding into the seat across from her with a grin. "I got your message. What’s so important that you couldn’t wait until tomorrow?"Jane, without saying a word, flicked the invitation card toward him. Dario raised an eyebrow as he picked it up, his eyes scanning the embossed text. He chuckled, tossing the card back onto the table."Ah, Hardin’s project launch. So, he sent you an invite. What’s the problem?"Jane let out an exasperated sigh and took a
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Chapter 47- A Dangerous Sip
The afternoon sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the city as Hardin stood at the edge of the grand event hall, watching his crew make the final preparations for the launch. Everything was coming together—the grand stage had been set, the investors were already buzzing about the project, and Hardin was determined that tonight would be his night.Next to him stood Layla, her brow furrowed as she meticulously reviewed the checklist in her hands. She had been his right-hand throughout this entire process, ensuring every detail was in place. As his secretary, Layla had always kept her emotions in check, but today, even she seemed nervous.“Catering’s done, stage lights are set” Layla muttered as she scanned the list. “Security is doubled, and the guest list is confirmed. What’s left is just the final sound check. I think we’re ready.”Hardin nodded, but the tension in his gut hadn’t loosened. After the sabotage with the cables and discovering the mole in his team, h
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Chapter 48 - The Shock Discovery
Layla stood in the middle of Hardin’s luxurious living room, adjusting her sleek evening dress for what seemed like the hundredth time. She glanced at her watch, impatience growing with every second. The launch event was just around the corner, and Hardin still hadn’t come down from his room.“Where is he?” she muttered under her breath, pacing slightly.She walked to the bottom of the grand staircase and called out, “Hardin? Are you ready? We’re going to be late!”There was no response.Layla frowned, her heartbeat quickening with unease. Hardin was never the type to make people wait, especially not for something as important as his project launch. He should’ve been down by now, dressed to impress like always.After a few moments of silence, she called his name again, louder this time. “Hardin?”Still nothing.A sinking feeling settled in her stomach. Layla’s mind raced with possibilities, but she quickly brushed them aside. He was probably just preoccupied, working on last-minute pr
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