0006: The Cold Awakening


A sudden icy shock of freezing water splashed over Anthony, jolting him back to consciousness. His eyes fluttered open, disoriented and groggy as the harsh sunlight pierced directly into them. Instinctively, he raised an arm to shield his face, the brightness amplifying the throbbing pain in his head. As he blinked, trying to adjust to the light, he became aware of the cold, hard pavement beneath him and the uneasy faces of people standing around, peering down at him with concern. Beside him, a blue plastic bucket lay tipped over, the culprit of the wake up call.

One of the onlookers crouched down to Anthony's level, extending a hand to help him sit up. "Are you alright? We found you passed out on the floor. Do you remember what happened and how you got here?" the man asked, his voice laced with concern.

Anthony glanced at the man's uniform and recognized him as one of the building's security personnel. Despite the pain and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, Anthony forced a faint smile. His lips, already split from the earlier blow, stung as he responded, "I'm fine. Thank you."

The security guard gently helped him to his feet, steadying him as the small crowd continued to watch. "Are you sure you're alright, sir? You have a bleeding nose and a busted lip. Is there anyone you'd like us to call?"

Anthony instinctively touched his nose and lips, his fingertips coming away stained with blood. He grimaced but maintained his composure. "I'm truly fine, thank you," he said, addressing both the security guard and the concerned onlookers. With that, the crowd began to disperse, resuming their daily routines, leaving Anthony to gather himself.

He stripped off his soaked shirt, now clinging uncomfortably to his skin, and used it to wipe away the remaining blood from his face. Then, with a weary sigh, he made his way back to his car. Opening the trunk, he tossed the drenched shirt inside and grabbed a casual outfit from the back seat. He had always kept spare clothes in his car for emergencies, though he never imagined using them under such circumstances.

After changing into the fresh clothes, Anthony checked his reflection in the side mirror of his vehicle. The bruises on his face and the swollen lip stared back at him. "You're fine," he muttered to himself. "It's just a busted lip, that's all."

He then glanced at his wrist, only to realize that his watch had broken during the fall. Frustrated, he pulled out his phone from his pocket to check the time and saw that almost an hour had passed since the altercation. With a deep breath, Anthony squared his shoulders, lifted his head high, and made his way toward the towering glass structure of his office building.

Despite everything, he was determined to face the day ahead, no matter what it had in store.

As Anthony entered the towering glass building, he could feel the weight of the stares from his colleagues as he passed by the lobby. The bruises on his face and the busted lip made him the center of attention, but he was too exhausted to care. He just wanted to get through the day without any more incidents. He headed straight for the elevators, his mind already on how he’d navigate the tension that awaited him upstairs. Every step closer to his floor filled him with dread, knowing he might come face-to-face with Alkins at any moment.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. As he stepped out, he could already sense the office's uneasy vibe. It was quieter than usual, with small clusters of people whispering among themselves. His coworkers stole glances at him, but no one dared to say anything. Anthony made his way to his desk, feeling the burn of eyes on his back. He dropped his bag on the floor and settled into his chair, exhaling deeply as he tried to focus on his computer screen.

Just as he began to organize his work, a notification pinged on his computer. It was an email from HR, titled "Urgent Meeting – Please Report Immediately." His heart sank. He knew this had to do with the confrontation with Edward in the parking lot. But could Alkins also be behind this? He steeled himself for whatever lay ahead, knowing that he couldn’t let them break him.

He grabbed his jacket and made his way to the HR office. As he walked through the corridors, he couldn’t help but think about how things had spiraled so quickly. The betrayal at home, the confrontation with Edward, and now this— everything was falling apart. But he couldn’t afford to lose his job, not now, not when he was already at rock bottom.

When he reached the HR office, he found himself face to face with Ms. Miller, the head of HR, a stern woman known for her no-nonsense approach. She motioned for him to sit down, her expression unreadable.

“Anthony, we need to discuss what happened this morning,” she began, her tone measured. “We’ve received multiple reports about a physical altercation in the parking lot. This is a serious matter.”

Anthony nodded, trying to keep his composure. “I understand. But if I may, it wasn’t entirely unprovoked. Edward—”

Before he could finish, the door swung open, and to Anthony’s shock, Alkins walked in. His boss's presence immediately made Anthony’s pulse race. Alkins had an almost smug look on his face, clearly relishing the power he held in this moment.

“Ms. Miller, if I may,” Alkins interjected smoothly, “I think it’s important that we handle this situation delicately. After all, Anthony here has been going through a tough time. I’m sure we can find a way to resolve this without any drastic measures.”

Anthony couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Alkins, the man who had been in bed with his wife, was now pretending to be his ally? The sheer audacity left him speechless. He clenched his fists under the table, doing everything he could to hold back the fury boiling inside him.

Ms. Miller glanced between the two men, sensing the tension. “Mr. Alkins, while I appreciate your input, this is an HR matter, and we need to follow protocol. Anthony, I’ll need a full account of what happened.”

Anthony took a deep breath, knowing that this was a pivotal moment. If he spoke out against Edward, and by extension, Alkins, he risked everything. But staying silent meant letting them get away with it. He chose his words carefully, recounting the events of the morning without implicating himself too much.

When he finished, Ms. Miller nodded, making notes on her tablet. “Thank you, Anthony. We’ll be conducting a full investigation, and both you and Edward will be interviewed further. In the meantime, I suggest you focus on your work and try to avoid any further conflicts.”

As Anthony stood to leave, Alkins gave him a small, almost imperceptible nod— a gesture that made Anthony’s skin crawl. It was as if he was saying, I’m still in control.

Back at his desk, Anthony couldn’t shake the feeling of being trapped. His mind raced, trying to come up with a plan. He knew he had to get out from under Alkins’ thumb, but how? And what about Veronica? Could he even save their marriage after everything that had happened?

Just then, a message popped up on his screen. It was from an unknown number.

“I know what Alkins did to you. Meet me at the café across the street at lunch. We need to talk. Alone.”

Anthony stared at the message, his heart pounding. Who could this be? And what did they know? He hesitated for a moment before deciding to go. This could be the break he needed—the first step toward reclaiming his life.

When lunchtime arrived, Anthony left the office and made his way to the café. His mind was racing with possibilities as he pushed open the door and scanned the room. In the back corner, a figure waved him over. As he approached, he realized it was someone he never expected to see— a former colleague who had mysteriously quit months ago, someone who had once been close to Alkins.

“Sit down, Anthony,” they said, their voice low and urgent. “You’re not the only one Alkins has wronged. It’s time to take him down.”

And with those words, Anthony knew that his fight was just beginning.

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