0007: Two Months of Deceit

He sat opposite the man, a small, square café table between them. The table was bare— no food, no drinks, only the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Anthony leaned forward slightly, unsure if this was a trap or some kind of twisted game. But he was curious, his mind reeling with what the man might know.

Without hesitation, Anthony broke the silence. "What do you mean when you say I’m not the only one Mr. Alkins has wronged?"

The man's expression darkened, bitterness clouding his features. "Alkins is a dangerous man. You should be very careful about how you choose to deal with him. Your wife… she's not the first married woman Alkins has had an affair with. It seems… that's his thing."

Anthony raised an eyebrow, a wave of disbelief washing over him. "His thing? You mean sleeping with married women? Destroying families?"

The man nodded, his lips curling into a grimace. "Exactly. And he won't stop until he’s taken everything you hold dear. For him, it's just a game. But in your case… there’s still time. You can counter him— with my help." The man's voice was steady, but there was a darkness in his tone that Anthony couldn’t ignore. "For me, it was too late by the time I found out. But you… you still have a chance."

Anthony's curiosity deepened, and he leaned forward, lowering his voice. "With your help? How? Did he have an affair with your wife, too?"

The man’s jaw tightened as if recalling a painful memory. "He sure did. My now ex-wife, to be exact. He broke my home, got me sacked from work, and left me with nothing." 

Anthony frowned. "Wait, what? I thought you quit. That’s the story everyone heard in the office. I thought you two were friends."

The man scoffed bitterly. "That’s what I thought too. Friends… yeah, right. He only got close to me to get to my wife. By the time I realized what was happening, it was too late. And by the looks of it, he’s planning to do the same to you."

Anthony sat back, absorbing the man’s words, his mind racing with questions. "How do you know he’s sleeping with my wife?"

The man, gave a faint, almost mocking laugh. "I’ve been following Alkins for a while now. After he destroyed my life, I made it my mission to bring him down. Yesterday wasn’t the first time he met with your wife. It’s been going on for two months now."

Anthony’s heart sank. His voice rose before he could control it. "Two months?!!!"

A few heads turned in the café at his outburst, and Anthony immediately lowered his voice, his anger now barely contained. "Two months?" He repeated in a whisper. "My god."

The man nodded solemnly. "At least, that’s when I started seeing them together. It could’ve been going on longer, but two months is what I know for sure. And trust me, we’re not his first victims. He’s been destroying families for years."

Anthony’s mind was spinning. "Years? How does he get away with it?"

The man’s gaze hardened. "He’s careful. And smart enough to make it look like everything just falls apart naturally. But I’ve done my homework on him. This time, I’m going to be the one to end it."

Anthony’s pulse quickened as he leaned closer. "What do you need me to do? I don’t want him to destroy my family. I love my wife. Please… help me."

The man’s eyes softened, though his determination was clear. "For now, do nothing. Just keep an eye on your wife, like any concerned husband would. Don’t confront her again about it, or any of the things we discussed here. I don’t want Alkins to know I'm onto him. I need you to help me help you— by that, I mean us— to take him down for good."

Though Anthony was surprised by the calmness of the plan, he nodded, willing to follow The man's lead. "Okay."

The man then stretched his hand across the table, offering a firm handshake. "I promise, I’ll keep you updated. Save my number— the one I used to call you."

Anthony hesitated for a moment, realizing he hadn’t caught the man’s name. "Uh… Mr.?"

With a faint smile, The man replied, "Call me Tony."

Anthony stored the number under Tony and let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. His mind raced with the revelations Tony had shared. Two months? Alkins had been in his life, manipulating things right under his nose for that long? The thought churned in his stomach, mixing anger with confusion. How could he have missed it?

"Thanks, Tony," Anthony said quietly, his voice laced with a combination of gratitude and dread. "I’ll keep an eye on things."

Tony nodded, his expression resolute. "Stay sharp, Anthony. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment. Alkins thrives on chaos and making his victims act recklessly. We’ll get him, but we have to be patient."

Anthony then stood up from the table, the weight of his situation pressing heavily on his shoulders. And Just as he was about to leave, Tony added,  "One more thing— now that he knows you're onto the affair, he might occasionally use it to taunt you in the office. Be strong, and don't give in to any of his provocations."

And with a nod, Anthony left the café, his head spinning with the realization that his life was spiraling out of control. He knew that keeping quiet would be the hardest part. Every time he looked at Veronica from now on, he would wonder if she had been with Alkins, and what they were up to. But Tony was right— he needed to stay calm, no matter how hard it was. He couldn't let Alkins win.



Back in his car, Anthony sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to collect his thoughts. He glanced at the rearview mirror, his reflection still showing the bruises from earlier. But those were nothing compared to the emotional wounds now festering inside him. He wiped his face with his hands and started the car, deciding to head home. He needed to see Veronica. Even if he couldn’t confront her again about it, he wanted to keep a very close eye on her and her every move.

As he drove back, a million questions filled his mind. What would he do if Tony was right? How would he save his marriage if Veronica had already crossed that much line with Alkins— Two whole months? And more importantly, how would he fight back without losing everything?

When he arrived home, the house was quiet. Veronica was in the kitchen, preparing dinner for herself, completely unaware of the storm brewing inside him. Anthony paused at the doorway, watching her for a moment. She looked the same as always— beautiful, calm, the woman he had fallen in love with. But now, everything felt tainted, poisoned by betrayal.

He wanted to say hello, but Tony’s words kept echoing in his mind: "Yesterday wasn’t the first time... It's been two months."

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