I'm Not an Intruder

Mr. Robby Menzel bent down to calm Johan Fernandes down. "I'm sorry, Mr. Fernandes. Next time, I will be more careful about accepting workers."

Abraham's steps were quick with his chest still puffed out. He may currently only work as a lowly construction worker. However, he would not let his pride be trampled on by anyone.

"Shit!" cursed Abraham as he kicked the metal of the bus stop.

The people at the bus stop stared at Abraham in astonishment, some even whispering to their friends that he was crazy and they should keep their distance from him. When the bus arrived, Abraham boarded along with the other passengers. He took his place at the very back of the four-seater. Even though the seat next to him was empty, none of the passengers wanted to sit near him, they chose to stand rather than sit near Abraham who they thought was crazy.

Abraham stared at his cell phone screen which was blinking to show an incoming voice call from an unknown number. "Hello," he said when he received the call.

"Good morning, young master. I'm Raphael Jones, do you remember me?"

"Yes, of course, Mr. Jones. What brings you to call me?"

"Young Master, right now your grandfather, Mr. Antonio Sephard is in Bosch and would like to see you."

"Why is the old man looking for me?"

"I will send someone to pick you up right now, Young Master. Can you send me your current location?"

"No need, just tell me where the old man is, and I'll go to him."

"Mr. Sephard is currently having breakfast at Bosch Tower."

Bosch Tower is one of the world's famous icons that is often visited by tourists, both local and foreign. Its unique design makes it very attractive. The tower has three floors at the top that are used as a hotel and restaurant. The hotel in the tower only had three rooms, but it was the most expensive hotel in the world and the second-highest hotel room in the world.

Abraham had arrived at the large courtyard in front of the Bosch Tower. Although the park and the neighborhood around the tower were open to the public, right at the tower, security was very tight. Not just anyone could access the tower.

A tower guard who spotted Abraham about to enter the tower immediately stopped him.

"This area is a restricted area. Only VIP members can enter. Hurry up and leave!" the guard told Abraham.

"I have an appointment with Antonio Sephard."

The guard laughed at Abraham. "You're crazy! You think I'm stupid. How can a man like you possibly meet Mr. Sephard."

Abraham looked down at his clothes with a grimace, cursing himself for not changing into something more appropriate before going there. It wasn't the guard's fault that he didn't believe what he was saying since he was only wearing a worn-out T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"But I did have an appointment with Mr. Sephard. If you don't believe me, try calling him now and tell him that Abraham wants to meet him."

"How annoying, why would I take your word for it? Just by looking at you, I'm sure you're a homeless person who wants to come beg Mr. Sephard for money, You Beggar!"

"Just because I'm dressed like this, doesn't mean I'm homeless. Well, I'll call Mr. Sephard now and say that you're obstructing me."

"You crazy guy," the guard said with a shake of his head. "You're interfering with my work."

The guard pushed Abraham with his cane. Abraham didn't have time to fight back because he was busy reaching into his pants pocket for his cell phone, so he fell to the ground.

"I told you to leave nicely, but you prefer the rough way."

Not only did he knock Abraham down, but the guard also grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from the tower.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let me go!" pleaded Abraham as he was dragged away by the guard. "You'll regret treating me so rudely."

"You fool, a lowlife like you dares to threaten me!"

After being dragged for quite some distance, Abraham was pushed by the guard until Abraham almost kissed the ground.

"Don't you ever set foot in this place again? I'll do worse if I see you in this place again," threatened the guard.

Abraham stood up and patted his hands to remove the dirt. He looked up at the guard who made a fierce face at him. He then scratched the back of his neck which didn't itch at all as he turned around. He was annoyed at the guard, but he knew that he couldn't blame the guard for not believing in him because Abraham's current appearance was indeed very pitiful. Who would have believed that he would meet Antonio Sephard in the Sky restaurant of Bosch Tower.

With resentment still lodged in his heart, Abraham picked up his cell phone. Just now he wanted to call Raphael Jones, but two men approached him and bowed ninety degrees to him.

"Welcome, Young Master," the two men said simultaneously.

Abraham frowned at the two men who had just saluted him. He squinted to look at them as they stood up straight. He then nodded slowly after remembering that they were the bodyguards of Antonio Sephard, his grandfather.

The guard who had chased Abraham away still stood where he was wide-eyed. "Yo-young Master?" he said in a trembling voice.

One of the men who was Abraham's grandfather's bodyguard looked sternly at the guard. "Why are you getting in the way, Young Master? Do you not know who he is? He is Mr. Abraham Sephard, grandson of Master Antonio Sephard, the manager of this tower."

The guard lowered his head. "I'm sorry, I really don't know, sir."

"Why are you apologizing to me? You should be apologizing to Mr. Abraham Sephard."

Fear was evident on the guard's face as he walked hesitantly into Abraham's presence. He bowed as low as he could as he said, “Mr. Sephard, I truly apologize for my earlier insolence."

"Never mind, you were just doing your job," Abraham replied. "Next time you shouldn't be so quick to judge someone just because of how they look, understand!"

The guard nodded. "I understand, sir. Thank you for your kindness."

After the guard stepped aside, Abraham entered the elevator using the access card his grandfather's personal bodyguard had given him. He went straight to the top floor of the tower. The moment he stepped out of the elevator, a waiter in charge of welcoming guests was stunned.

"Oh my, what exactly is the security doing downstairs that they're letting someone like him through," said the waiter, who immediately ran to Abraham. "Hey, get out of here before I call the police and report you for trespassing on private property!"

"Ah, damn, here we go again," Abraham complained in a low voice while massaging his forehead.

The waiter reached for the walkie talkie attached to the back of his pants. "Call security here, there's an intruder."

"I hate to explain this so many times, but I'm not an intruder," Abraham said

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