No One Can Despise Me

"How dare that poor guy refuse Tamara's money. He must feel great after being able to marry Tamara."

"Didn't you hear Tamara's mom say that the poor man used black magic to get Tamara to like him? Looks like his black magic isn't working anymore."

The people who attended Tamara's invitation looked at Abraham and shook their heads. They hoped Abraham would leave the place as soon as possible since his arrival ruined the smoothly running event.

Tamara, who had gotten over her shock, grinned and replied to Abraham, "That's just how you are, always acting haughty. A poor person like you doesn't deserve prestige. A person's pride should be in accordance with his wealth, and you who have no wealth certainly have no pride."

Abraham smiled sarcastically. Such words did not deserve to come from a woman who used to come from a homeless family that he saved.

"You seem to have forgotten where you came from. You wouldn't be standing in this place without my help."

Tamara laughed mockingly, then replied, "That's funny, I can have this wealth because of my own efforts. What can a useless man like you do?"

Johan Fernandes replied, "Looks like that poor man thought you could be used, darling. He must have wanted to ask you for more money so he pretended to refuse the money you gave him."

Folding her arms in arrogance, Tamara ordered Abraham, "Pick up the money while I still have pity on you! If you don't pick up the money now, you'll regret it because I won't spend a penny on you again even if you beg me."

"I don't need your money. And let's see who will regret it later," Abraham said with eyes that seemed to be burning with anger, then he turned around and walked away from Tamara.

People backed away, expressing their disgust at Abraham as he walked out of the room. Abraham had time to look at the faces of the people in the room. He had to make sure that he remembered each and every one of them and their insults, so that when the time came, he would repay them with more insults.

For two years, Abraham literally started Tamara from scratch. All of Abraham's savings were given to Tamara to start her skincare business. Tamara, who was discouraged by the loss of her business, was able to get back on her feet because of Abraham's help in promoting Tamara's products door-to-door. He also became a courier to deliver Tamara's products as far as possible using only a bicycle. And Tamara was able to create a big company because Abraham helped her find investors. However, it seems Tamara has forgotten all about his services and only thinks of him as a poor, useless husband.

I'll make you regret dumping me, Tamara.


Abraham was ready to leave for the construction site where he worked when the messenger from the court arrived with his divorce papers. He held the letter, crumpled it up and threw it on the floor. Life must go on, even if Abraham was still overwhelmed with a broken heart after Tamara's betrayal. Instead of thinking about the snake woman, he should get to work.

Abraham's workplace was at the construction site of a high-rise building where Bosch's first seven-star hotel, Hill Palace Hotel by Sephard, would be built. It was a luxury hotel under the Sephard Group owned by Antonio Sephard who was a global multibillionaire whose businesses were in various fields and spread almost all over the world.

Abraham entered the construction area and could see workers passing by, as well as heavy machinery transporting goods. The tall cranes that had been installed looked like dashing robots transporting large, heavy equipment that would be used by workers in the construction of the building. Abraham headed into a steel room that was a temporary locker room for the workers. There were special yellow vests and helmets for the workers. After putting on the vest and helmet as part of the safety and security procedures, he was just about to leave the place to go to the iron cutting area, when Patrick, one of his coworkers, came up to him.

"Why are you still coming here?" Patrick asked. "Didn't you get fired?"

Abraham's brow furrowed at Patrick's words. "Who said I was fired? I'm still working here as you can see."

A man wearing a white helmet with a bulging belly stood behind Abraham and said, "I'm the one who said you were fired."

Abraham turned around and saw the man, Robby Menzel, who was the site manager of the construction project. "Why was I fired, sir? I didn't do anything wrong," he asked.

"Your only mistake was making Mr. Johan Fernandes upset with you."

Abraham's eyes widened at the mention of Johan Fernandes' name.

"Johan Fernandes is the son of the owner of the construction company responsible for building this building. He doesn't want to see you here anymore, so you better get out of here before Mr. Johan Fernandes comes."

Inevitably, Abraham turned around and picked up his bag and coat. He could get another job. He didn't want to work for the man who had taken Tamara from him.

"Why don't you take off your helmet and vest? Are you going to steal them and sell them? You're a poor man with a thief's mentality," said Mr. Robby.

Abraham let out a long breath from his mouth to calm his emotions, as he took off his helmet and vest. What did he take the helmet and vest for? Who wants to sell them where, even if someone wants to buy them, The price can't even be used to buy a loaf of bread. After that, he left the worker's locker room with the intention of returning to his apartment. With all the problems that had happened to him since last night, he really needed a break before thinking about what he should do in the future. However, it seemed like it was really his unlucky day because before he could leave the construction site, the same sports car he saw in front of Tamara's house was parked in front of him. Johan Fernandes, wearing a suit and sunglasses, got out of the car.

Taking off his glasses, Johan Fernandes looked at Abraham from foot to head. "I already said that I don't want to see this disgusting rat here again," he said.

Mr. Robby Menzel, who had come running when he saw Johan Fernandes, was now beside Abraham. He bowed to Johan Fernandes. "I'm sorry, Mr. Fernandes. I have dismissed him as you ordered."

"Then why is this rat still here?"

Mr. Robby Menzel turned to Abraham with a glare. "Why are you still here? Hurry up and leave! Are you a dog, so you don't understand human language?"

"If you can't even tell the difference between dogs and rats and humans, maybe you two should see a psychiatrist," Abraham said sarcastically, before he left the two men who insulted him.

"How dare he insult me!" cursed Johan Fernandes.

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