The Rich Ex-Husband's Revenge
The Rich Ex-Husband's Revenge
Author: ZNulika
Moan With Pleasure

Abraham opened the red velvet box he was holding, staring at the necklace with a pink raindrop-shaped gem after getting out of the taxi. He wanted to give a special gift to his wife for her birthday, a family heirloom given to her by her mother. He couldn't wait to see the smile on the face of the beautiful woman he married a year ago.

Abraham's wife Tamara's birthday was being celebrated at Tamara's new luxury home in one of Bosch's elite neighborhoods. Abraham was already dressed in his best clothes, an expensive black suit that was old and unkempt. Since he didn't have time to go home to change, he wore the suit straight from the construction site where he worked, so it looked rumpled because it hadn't been ironed. In addition, an ignorant friend had secretly soiled the suit by putting white paint on the back. However, Abraham didn't notice.

The brown-haired man's gaze was fixed on his wife's two-story house. Parked in front of it was a luxury sports car that he had just seen for the first time and other expensive cars. He smiled as he clutched his necklace case tightly. His wife's family used to live in Abraham's cramped apartment, but Tamara's skincare business had made them so wealthy that they were able to move into the luxurious mansion in the elite neighborhood.

When he entered the house, the people in the living room looked at Abraham for a moment, then looked away as if he was a nobody. Abraham only recognized two people who were Tamara's good friends, while the others looked unfamiliar and had never been met by him. Abraham ignored the people who looked down on him.

Abraham's reason for coming to the house was to celebrate his beloved wife's birthday, so he kept walking in to look for her. He arrived at a large room that was the main room for Tamara's birthday celebration. However, Abraham's eyes widened when he saw Tamara at the very front with a man who had a necklace around her neck.

"Isn't that necklace the famous The Elf's Tear? Tamara is very lucky to have Johan Fernandes."

"Yes, it's a good thing she got rid of that poor guy who works at the construction site."

Abraham's face turned red at the words of the people around him. Suddenly, the box he was holding fell over and the exact same necklace that was around Tamara's neck came out of the box. Tamara was still his wife, but how could she stand in front of everyone and kiss another man?

The cheers and congratulations in the room added to the heat in Abraham's chest. His hands clenched into fists and his jaw hardened. He wanted so badly to run forward and punch the insolent man who dared to make out with Tamara. However, he held back.

"Oh my, what is this smell?" A woman near Abraham sniffed, then turned to Abraham and said, "My God, look at this, isn't he a poor man who doesn't know his place and is married to Tamara?"

The people attending Tamara's birthday party turned to Abraham, including Tamara and Johan. They slowly backed away from Abraham.

"Don't go near him because the stench of poverty will spread."

A middle-aged woman in heavy make-up came up to Abraham with her arms folded across her chest in arrogance. She was Tamara's mother. "How dare you set your dirty foot in this house!"

"So what if I'm in this house? Isn't this my wife's house?" asked Abraham, then he pointed at Johan as he continued, "I am the one who should be asking why that man is acting like he's Tamara's husband?"

With their hands clasped together, Tamara and Johan approached Abraham.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I was too busy to tell Abraham about our divorce," Tamara said.

Abraham's shocked gaze fell on Tamara. "Divorce? What do you mean, Sweetheart?"

Tamara rolled her eyes with a harsh sigh. "Don't call me that! You make me cringe to hear it."

Yet for two years, I've always called her 'Sweetheart'.

Johan put his arm around Tamara and kissed her forehead, then he gave Abraham a contemptuous look from foot to head.  "Go look in the mirror! Tamara is out of your league now. She's beautiful and a wealthy businesswoman, she doesn't deserve a poor, stupid man like you."

"Tell me that's not true, Tammy. You couldn't have forgotten our promise to God on our wedding day, could you? We're supposed to be together in sickness and in health, rich and poor."

Mrs. Tamara shook her head. "A man who uses black magic to marry my daughter shouldn't have God's name out of his mouth."

"Never mind Abraham, you'd better leave my house immediately. As you can see there are only high-class people here and your arrival only ruined my beautiful birthday party," Tamara chided.

Abraham shook his head, not expecting that sentence to come out of the mouth of Tamara, his beloved wife. He was the man who had always helped Tamara before her business became what it is today. It could be said that without him, Tamara and her family were still living in a social house.

"I've taken care of our divorce and you just need to wait for our divorce certificate. From now on, my family and I have no relationship with you whatsoever. So, don't ever refer to me as your wife because it will only damage my reputation."

Tamara's mother patted Tamara on the shoulder. "Good, my daughter, you finally know what's best for your future."

Ah, what a fool I am for ever falling for a woman like her.

Johan raised one eyebrow. "Why are you still here? Hurry up and leave!"

Unwilling to be humiliated in that place any longer, Abraham turned to leave the place with his heart burning with anger. He desperately wanted to vent his anger there, but he knew that he was not a lowly person who could be driven by momentary emotions.

Before Abraham had gone far, he stopped after hearing Tamara's call.

"Wait a minute, Abraham. You seem to be forgetting something," Tamara said.

Abraham, who remembered the necklace his mother gave him, immediately returned to where he was standing before. He looked down at the box and the necklace on the floor. However, just as he knelt down to pick it up, Tamara's mother immediately stood right in front of Abraham as if Abraham was kneeling down to her.

"Yes, that's exactly where you are," Tamara's mom said. "Oh my God, look at that necklace, The Elf's Tear? He must have been trying to get Tamara an imitation, luckily Tamara has a fiancé like Johan Fernandes who can buy her the real thing."

Abraham put the box and the necklace back into his coat pocket while assuring himself that he was a man of honor who would never hit a woman, let alone an old one like Tamara's mother.

Tamara took money out of her bag and handed it to Abraham. "Take this money as compensation for our divorce. It's ten thousand dollars, I'm sure you won't be able to accumulate this much money in a lifetime working as a construction worker."

Abraham just stared at the money and had no intention of taking it.

"Why are you doing nothing, hurry up and take it. Use this money to buy perfume because your smells really bad."

Hearing Tamara's words, Abraham grinned mockingly. He took the money and then threw it right in front of Tamara's face. "I don't need your money!" he said, then he brought his face close to Tamara's ear. "And maybe you forgot sweetheart that this body that you said really bad once made you moan with pleasure."

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