All Chapters of The Rich Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
11 chapters
Moan With Pleasure
Abraham opened the red velvet box he was holding, staring at the necklace with a pink raindrop-shaped gem after getting out of the taxi. He wanted to give a special gift to his wife for her birthday, a family heirloom given to her by her mother. He couldn't wait to see the smile on the face of the beautiful woman he married a year ago.Abraham's wife Tamara's birthday was being celebrated at Tamara's new luxury home in one of Bosch's elite neighborhoods. Abraham was already dressed in his best clothes, an expensive black suit that was old and unkempt. Since he didn't have time to go home to change, he wore the suit straight from the construction site where he worked, so it looked rumpled because it hadn't been ironed. In addition, an ignorant friend had secretly soiled the suit by putting white paint on the back. However, Abraham didn't notice.The brown-haired man's gaze was fixed on his wife's two-story house. Parked in front of it was a luxury sports car that he had just seen for t
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No One Can Despise Me
"How dare that poor guy refuse Tamara's money. He must feel great after being able to marry Tamara.""Didn't you hear Tamara's mom say that the poor man used black magic to get Tamara to like him? Looks like his black magic isn't working anymore."The people who attended Tamara's invitation looked at Abraham and shook their heads. They hoped Abraham would leave the place as soon as possible since his arrival ruined the smoothly running event.Tamara, who had gotten over her shock, grinned and replied to Abraham, "That's just how you are, always acting haughty. A poor person like you doesn't deserve prestige. A person's pride should be in accordance with his wealth, and you who have no wealth certainly have no pride."Abraham smiled sarcastically. Such words did not deserve to come from a woman who used to come from a homeless family that he saved."You seem to have forgotten where you came from. You wouldn't be standing in this place without my help."Tamara laughed mockingly, then re
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I'm Not an Intruder
Mr. Robby Menzel bent down to calm Johan Fernandes down. "I'm sorry, Mr. Fernandes. Next time, I will be more careful about accepting workers."Abraham's steps were quick with his chest still puffed out. He may currently only work as a lowly construction worker. However, he would not let his pride be trampled on by anyone."Shit!" cursed Abraham as he kicked the metal of the bus stop.The people at the bus stop stared at Abraham in astonishment, some even whispering to their friends that he was crazy and they should keep their distance from him. When the bus arrived, Abraham boarded along with the other passengers. He took his place at the very back of the four-seater. Even though the seat next to him was empty, none of the passengers wanted to sit near him, they chose to stand rather than sit near Abraham who they thought was crazy.Abraham stared at his cell phone screen which was blinking to show an incoming voice call from an unknown number. "Hello," he said when he received the c
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The Bastard Son
"Yes, yes, of course you won't confess. If all criminals confessed, the jail would be full."A woman wearing a different uniform from the waitress approached Abraham. Her name tag said that she was the manager of the place. She looked at Abraham from head to toe."Excuse me, but this place is a private area that no one can enter. Only VIP guests have access to this place. You seem to have strayed quite far, sir," said the restaurant manager whose golden blonde hair was neatly curled back."I am not lost, Miss...," Abraham paused to read the manager's name tag, "Miss Rossa Gultier.""Then may I see your access card, sir," Rossa asked, still trying to look friendly."How about you call Mr. Raphael Jones over here? He happens to have my access card.”The man beside Rossa Gultier said, "Ms. Gultier, I think we should call the police immediately. He can't possibly know Mr. Raphael Jones who is Mr. Antonio Sephard's personal assistant."Rossa Gultier looked at her employee for a moment, the
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Civilised = Barbarian in Disguise
Antonio picked up the white cloth on the table and wiped his lips. He laughed as if something was tickling him. "You think I would get my hands dirty for that gold digger? I gave her money that could have supported her for a lifetime, but because of her poor mentality, she used that money for partying every night, drugs, and gambling. Some say she died of an overdose, but others say she became a pimp in a brothel in Bosch. Whichever one is true doesn't matter because she broke up with you for money in the first place." Abraham was silent listening to Antonio's explanation. He didn't know if he could believe what his grandfather had said or not, but he had been looking for his mother in Bosch for a year and hadn't found her. The purpose of finding his mother disappeared after he met Tamara and got married. If he hadn't met his grandfather, he probably wouldn't have remembered his ultimate goal. "Being rich is a privilege, Abraham. You were given that by being born into the Sephardic
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Crown Card Membership
Their journey continued until the car stopped in the parking lot of a famous boutique that no one could enter. The driver who had gotten out earlier opened the car door for Abraham, then bowed."Young Master, I'm sorry, but I have to take a call for a moment. I'll catch up with you shortly," Raphael said.Abraham nodded his head in permission. The man, whose clothes were still shabby, walked alone to the entrance of the boutique. Before entering the main room, there was a waiting room guarded by a receptionist. The woman standing at the reception desk walked up to Abraham as soon as she saw him.The receptionist looked at Abraham from head to toe. "I'm sorry, sir, you seem to have gotten lost. Perhaps you'd like to go to the shop up ahead."Abraham frowned, then remembered that there was a second-hand clothing store not far from the boutique."No, I'd like to visit this shop," Abraham replied."I don't mean to belittle you. But, just so you know, this boutique can only be entered by V
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What A Sycophant
The employees of the boutique brought out their latest collections, even those that had not been shown in the fashion show were brought out by them based on direct instructions from the boutique owner. Abraham, who didn't want to bother choosing, just pointed to each collection and asked for it to be wrapped. He had already changed into a neat suit."Mr. Abraham Sephard, wouldn't you like to see our shoe and tie collection? We have some limited edition models that I am sure you will like very much.""Just take everything out, I'll have a look."The employee serving Abraham immediately gave the code to his colleagues for them to take out the collection he was referring to."Please follow me, sir. Those collections are in a different room. That room is exclusively for our crown card holders. All the collections are limited edition because only one is made, so they are very exclusive."While Abraham went into the room mentioned by the boutique staff, Gerald was still in the main room sel
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The Annoying Woman
"Who are you?" Abraham asked, looking at the woman wearing the hat."I'm just going to give you a ride to the hotel up ahead. So, please give me a ride," the woman pleaded.A confused Abraham only frowned at her request.Raphael opened the front door of the car. "Young Master, are you alright?""Yes, I'm fine.""Who is that woman? Should I call the police to arrest her?"The woman snorted in annoyance. "Gosh, sir, I just wanted to hitchhike for a while. I have no intention of stealing or killing so you should call the police."Abraham glanced sharply at the woman, then turned his gaze to Raphael. "Come in, Mr. Jones. Just let him ride until the intersection ahead."Raphael complied and got into the car."Why are we still here? Hurry up and tell your driver to leave," the woman said, then quickly lowered her head as a group of people carrying cameras walked up beside Abraham's car. "Oh my, hurry up and get this car moving!" whispered the woman who seemed to be hiding.Abraham's car spe
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At Least I'm Handsome
Abraham re-read the contract between his company and Fernandez Construction. He smiled with satisfaction when he saw that the contract could be canceled at any time if the second party, which referred to Fernandez Construction, violated the contract."Mr. Jones, immediately form a new audit team to cross-check the Hill Palace Hotel construction site," Abraham pleaded after closing the document in front of him. "Form it secretly because I believe Fernandez Construction has insiders in this company.""Okay, I'll do it immediately.""Tell the team to check in detail all the details of the tools and materials. Bring one of the technicians to thoroughly check the condition of the foundation that was just done."Raphael frowned. "But, why do you suddenly want to conduct an audit? Besides, according to the report, the audit team has just conducted an inspection there.""I don't believe in the results," said Abraham who paused for a moment, "I know that they are cheating because I work there.
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Send My Regard
The woman, who was holding Abraham's arm, laughed softly while covering her mouth with one hand. It made Johan look furious, the fine wrinkles between his eyebrows and the set of his jaw visible."Just because you got a new prey, doesn't mean you're higher than me. A gigolo is a gigolo, no matter what its name is," Johan said. He put his arm around Tamara's shoulders and continued, "A classy woman like you is only compatible with a man like me, darling. Look at how disgusting that poor ex-husband is. He sold his body for a set meal at a Michelin-star restaurant.""At least that body is all he has," Tamara interjected, looking at Abraham with disgust. "He must be frustrated that he can't enjoy my luxurious perks. So he's doing everything he can, to live comfortably without having to work hard. What a useless, ignorant man!"Abraham's face looked very calm, even smiling a little at the insults from the couple in front of him. He was silent not because he could not reply to them, but bec
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