What A Sycophant

The employees of the boutique brought out their latest collections, even those that had not been shown in the fashion show were brought out by them based on direct instructions from the boutique owner. Abraham, who didn't want to bother choosing, just pointed to each collection and asked for it to be wrapped. He had already changed into a neat suit.

"Mr. Abraham Sephard, wouldn't you like to see our shoe and tie collection? We have some limited edition models that I am sure you will like very much."

"Just take everything out, I'll have a look."

The employee serving Abraham immediately gave the code to his colleagues for them to take out the collection he was referring to.

"Please follow me, sir. Those collections are in a different room. That room is exclusively for our crown card holders. All the collections are limited edition because only one is made, so they are very exclusive."

While Abraham went into the room mentioned by the boutique staff, Gerald was still in the main room selecting the items he wanted to buy. Every time he goes to the boutique, he always spends a fantastic amount of money just for one suit, even though he is a well-known celebrity, the boutique does not give him a discount because they do not hire celebrities for advertisements or endorsements at all. Their target market is the upper class who don't care about celebrity clothing, so their marketing is different from fast fashion clothing for the general public.

Seeing Abraham who mindlessly bought the items he wanted, even seemingly pointing to whichever one he wanted, Gerald realized that the crown card holder was indeed a different person.

"My, Mr. Sephard is indeed very different. He bought all the exclusive collections specifically for the crown."

"But, who doesn't know the Sephard family. Even though they sleep, their money keeps growing."

Gerald swallowed heavily. He had heard that the Sephardic family only passed on their wealth to male descendants and Abraham Sephard was Antonio Sephard's only grandson. No wonder Abraham could shop at the boutique to his heart's content. And Gerald had to find a way to get close to Abraham anyway.

Only two shirts and one shoe were purchased by Gerald that day. He had finished his payment and was sitting on the sofa when Abraham came out of the special room. Gerald's brow furrowed seeing that not a single item was brought out of the room contrary to what he had heard that Abraham had also bought many exclusive collections.

"Please have a seat, sir. We've prepared champagne and cake for you to enjoy," the boutique employee said to Abraham.

There were several tables and sofas available in the boutique, but Abraham chose to sit next to Gerald. He sat down and immediately folded his legs without bothering Gerald at all.

"Young Master, I have completed the payment, here is your card." Raphael handed Abraham a black card.

Abraham took the card and thanked Raphael.

"Mr. Sephard," Gerald said hesitantly. "I really didn't expect to see you here. You look completely different after changing your clothes. You didn't look very good in your clothes earlier."

Abraham turned to Gerald. "Are you talking to me?"

Gerald smiled clumsily with his hands clasped on his thighs. "Yes, ah then let me properly introduce myself because there seems to be a slight misunderstanding. Introducing me Gerald Sebastian, an actor. I'm sure you know the movie The Doomsday Come, I happened to be the lead actor and won the Movie Awards trophy as the best actor."

Abraham raised one eyebrow, appearing to think for a moment. "Oh yes, I seem to have heard of that movie. Do you know that movie, Mr. Jones?"

Raphael nodded. "Yes, Young Master, it just so happens that Sephard Production produced that movie. But, I heard that the actor who was supposed to play the lead role in the movie had an accident and was abruptly replaced by Gerald Sebastian.

Abraham gave a small grin, then asked Gerald, "Is that so?"

At the time the movie was produced, Abraham was still in Neogard and part of the Sephardic family. The scandal about the cause of the chosen actor's accident spread within the company. However, they still used Gerald as an actor because his acting skills were quite capable.

Gerald hardened his jaw, not liking that the subject was brought up. However, he couldn't possibly show his dislike to Abraham. "Yes, that's how it is. An accident is a disaster, maybe it's my destiny to act in that movie. But, I'm sure Sephard Production won't be disappointed with the result."

Abraham only smiled slightly in response.

"I heard that Sephard Production will produce another movie. I hope that even this time, I can still be a part of the movie. I'm sure the profits your company will make will increase. As you know, I have a lot of fans and all my movies have always sold well in the market."

Hearing Gerald promoting himself so loudly, Abraham chuckled. "Ah, well, it looks like our company needs a fresh new face." Abraham then turned to Raphael. "Did you give me the address for the deliveryman of all my goods?"

Raphael nodded. "I have given them your address, Young Master. Your goods will be delivered shortly."

"In that case, I will go straight home to rest," Abraham said.

Gerald, who felt ignored, only looked down with resentment. He would not let Abraham's insult go unpunished. He might not be able to repay him now, but he would definitely find a way to repay him in the future.

A boutique employee brought cake and champagne for Abraham, but Abraham was already about to leave the boutique.

"Just serve the champagne to Mr. Sebastian, consider it a token of our introduction," Abraham said before he left the place.

"What a sycophant," said Abraham as he stood in front of the boutique waiting for his driver.

"You mean Mr. Gerald Sebastian?" asked Raphel. "He's very problematic. I can help you if you want to surprise him a little."

Abraham, who understood what Raphael meant, chuckled softly. "Gosh, that's not necessary. Taking care of people seems like a waste of time."

Abraham's pickup car was already parked in front of the boutique, Raphael swiftly opened the door for Abraham. However, just as Abraham put one foot up, a woman pushed him and got into the car. The woman then closed the car door and locked it, leaving Raphael still outside confused.

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