Crown Card Membership

Their journey continued until the car stopped in the parking lot of a famous boutique that no one could enter. The driver who had gotten out earlier opened the car door for Abraham, then bowed.

"Young Master, I'm sorry, but I have to take a call for a moment. I'll catch up with you shortly," Raphael said.

Abraham nodded his head in permission. The man, whose clothes were still shabby, walked alone to the entrance of the boutique. Before entering the main room, there was a waiting room guarded by a receptionist. The woman standing at the reception desk walked up to Abraham as soon as she saw him.

The receptionist looked at Abraham from head to toe. "I'm sorry, sir, you seem to have gotten lost. Perhaps you'd like to go to the shop up ahead."

Abraham frowned, then remembered that there was a second-hand clothing store not far from the boutique.

"No, I'd like to visit this shop," Abraham replied.

"I don't mean to belittle you. But, just so you know, this boutique can only be entered by VIP customers who have re-purchased a certain amount of goods."

Not long after Abraham entered, a gentleman with a parlour style entered the shop with two errand boys following behind him.

"Hello, I want to shop and I want this place to be closed for me," the man said.

Abraham turned to the man who looked very haughty. He recognized the face of the man on the screen. He was a famous actor who had been successful in various movies, Gerald Sebastian.

The receptionist bowed to greet him, immediately inviting Gerald to come in. Seeing this, Abraham immediately protested to the receptionist.

"Wait a minute, I came earlier and haven't entered yet, but you just asked him to come in?"

Gerald, who was just about to enter, immediately turned to Abraham. He lifted his sunglasses and placed them on his hair, looking at Abraham with a dismissive gaze. "You think someone like me should be asked for a membership card. Everyone in this shop knows me. Who are you anyway, looking for a job or have you come to ask for donations here, huh?"

The receptionist calmed Gerald down. "I'm sorry, Mr. Sebastian. I will send him away immediately so that you can shop in peace."

"Yes, send that man away immediately. He's just dirtying up the shop. Don't let his arrival bring down the prestige of this boutique," said Gerald.

The receptionist turned to Abraham. "As I've explained, only people with a membership card can shop here. So, please find another store to shop at."

Abraham took out his wallet as he said, "I have a VIP membership card."

"Sir, even if you have a membership card, Mr. Sebastien holds a diamond membership card. He can use that card to access the store privately without any other customers while shopping," the receptionist explained.

Gerald grinned. "You heard me right, beggars like you don't belong here."

Abraham pulled one of the cards from his wallet and gave it to the receptionist. "This is my membership card."

The receptionist was wide-eyed when she saw Abraham's card with a picture of a crown to indicate that he was a crown member, the highest membership card in the boutique. She looked at Abraham in turn with the membership card in her hand. It was impossible for a man with a shabby appearance like Abraham to have a crown membership card which was a limited edition membership card because it was only owned by ten members of the boutique.

"Are you sure this is yours, sir? It's a crown card that only has ten members and I know the names of the people who own it by heart?" the receptionist asked.

Gerald walked up to the receptionist and picked up the card. "It can't be his, he must have stolen it."

The receptionist nodded in agreement with Gerald. "Then I will check who this card belongs to."

Abraham stayed where he was with a small grin on his lips, waiting for the receptionist who was at her desk to check Abraham's membership card on her computer.

The receptionist, who was still at her desk, pressed the call button for security before she returned to Abraham and Gerald. "This card belongs to Mr. Abraham Sephard, you must have stolen it from him," she accused Abraham.

Gerald smiled with satisfaction. "What am I saying, there's no way a poor man like him can be a VIP member of this boutique, let alone a crown card that even I can't qualify to have."

"I am Abraham Sephard," Abraham said.

Gerald laughed at Abraham's confession. "Don't make any claims. You're crazy! How can Abraham Sephard who is the grandson of one of Alluire's richest men look like you."

"Alright, please exit this shop carefully before security comes and takes you to the police station. I will contact Mr. Sephard that his card is here," said the receptionist.

Raphael, who had finished his call, entered the boutique's waiting room. He frowned when he saw Abraham who was still in the waiting room and had not yet started shopping.

"Young Master, why are you still here?" asked Raphael.

The receptionist and Gerald turned to Raphael. The receptionist Snaga who had just served Antonio Sephard recognized Raphael immediately.

"Aren't you Mr. Antonio Sephard's personal assistant?" asked the receptionist.

Raphael nodded. "Yes, you're right, so why is Mr. Abraham Sephard still in the waiting room? Has the boutique's service gone downhill to make crown members wait this long to start shopping?"

The receptionist immediately bowed to Abraham. "My apologies, Mr. Abaraham Sephard. I didn't know it was really you."

Gerald, who had looked haughty earlier, immediately bowed. He certainly couldn't do anything in front of the Sephard family, who were the biggest investors in every major movie. One word from Antonio Sephard who wanted to block him in the entertainment world and his career would be over.

Raphael shook his head. "It is unbelievable that you doubt Mr. Abraham Sephard." He turned to Abraham. "Do you still want to shop at this boutique or shall we change boutiques, Young Master?"

The receptionist bowed again. "My apologies again, Mr. Abraham Sephard, please come in to shop, sir. We will serve you well and bring out all our collections."

A rather nervous Gerald asked, "What about me?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sebastian, but Mr. Abraham Sephard arrived first and he is a member of the Crown. Please come another time," the receptionist said.

"That's fine, he can come shopping with me. I'm sure he won't be a bother at all," Abraham said.

Gerald bowed stiffly while thanking Abraham, then he followed Abraham and Rapahel who entered first.

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