29: The journey to revenge and rescue

The atmosphere is charged with tension while the hologram of Xal'thar disappeared before them. The murmurs of the crowd broke the silence that filled the square, Max could barely hear them. His mind was focused on a single goal, and he cared about nothing more than accomplishing it: rescuing his children.

Max raised his hand in the air, looking towards the crowd, he asked for silence, and all of his subjects obeyed instantly, his eyes are full of concern, but they did not lose faith in their leader.

"Friends, brothers, we cannot allow these beings to use our children for their experiments", the warrior spoke firmly. — They have underestimated our determination and our strength. I know many of you have lost loved ones in difficult times, but this time, we will not allow more humans to be taken away without first fighting.

The survivors responded with a roar of approval at their warrior's words, and a surge of energy revitalized Max. Then, he began to feel how his ring awakened a uni
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