40: The Portal of Doom

Xal'Thar let a laugh that didn't seem funny escape his lips, for Max, that laugh was extremely cruel, cold and resonated with a kind of disturbing energy for him. Max, who was still keeping his guard up, felt a huge chill run down his spine. He had a feeling that something was not right. Xal'Thar did not seem defeated, he did not even seem to feel dejected by the loss of his guardians. In fact, his laugh was that of someone who claimed that he had just executed the last part of a carefully laid plan.

"Yes, you are very optimistic. Do you really think this is over, Max?", said the alien, with his voice low but full of malevolence that was heard loudly due to the emptiness that accompanied them in that place. — I don't mind losing those puppets. What you don't understand is that your children are already mine. They are not yours or your wife's. Now, they belong to me, and I will never return them to you.

Max felt the greatest pain take over his body, his heart stopped for an instant. Hi
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