Chapter eighty one

Adrian opened his eyes slowly, and met himself in his car, but he couldn’t move. His eyes were still all fuzzy and unclear, and it was an uncomfortable situation for him to be in.

The style and method those men used against him was what was confusing him because he didn’t understand why a group of people would want him, but would leave him without abducting him or whatever.

He was also wondering what he had been injected for. His eyes searched through his car to know if something had gone missing, but with what he could lay his eyes on, he didn’t find anything amiss.

“Sh…shit.” He cursed under his breath, although, he found it hard to mutter out those words.

What got him more frustrated was the fact that he had to meet with the tech expert, and now, he was way beyond late.

To the tech expert, it would seem as if he wasn’t serious about it, or like he was being nonchalant. Not long after he thought about the tech expert, a text popped up on his phone.

Thankfully, his phone wasn’t too f
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