Chapter eighty

It had been two days now since they found out that there was a high chance that Sophie was in Steve Wilson’s hands. It was in the morning, and Adrian was preparing to go to his office. Although, he and Lucas had sparked up an idea, regarding getting a proof that Sophie was right in there, but before they could make such device, a few days more might have to pass. Hopefully that Steve Wilson wouldn’t do anything to her before then.

But also, in those few days, the system had a glitch, and had been giving him tasks which weren’t to his liking, or would he say it was unlikely of the system, giving him such tasks, which would make him seem nothing more than a villain. He also had questions on how the system got into his head, because as far as he could remember, he never had any surgery.

Fortunately for him, there was someone who knew about the system in his head, and had reached out to him after he got an alert that the system was misbehaving, so Adrian was more than happy to meet with t
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