All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
85 chapters
Chapter one
Adrian Johnson picked out the most colorful bouquet from the shelf of the flower shop and had it wrapped up. "I'm surprising my hardworking wife tonight, she's getting back from a business trip," he explained to the florist who smiled and wrapped up the bouquet for him.Regina, his wife for the past few years had been working extra hard to secure a deal in her family business and she had finally gotten it done. Adrian was so excited to see her and celebrate, maybe, he might even get lucky and she would finally allow them to make love tonight, he thought. A few minutes later, he stopped in front of the neighbourhood and went across the street to a mall to grab a bottle of the finest wine. He's already ordered her favorite Chinese food and he'd fix her a warm bath before she returned. But to his surprise, he saw her car parked just a few blocks from the mall. Adrian wondered if her flight had somehow arrived early and she failed to inform him, he walked closer to the car, and to his s
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Chapter two
Regina soon realizes that her husband won't be coming back to beg her or take her back. She is in the office with her new lover who is trying to kiss her but she shrugs him off. "I am bothered about that loser husband of mine, he isn't coming back to beg like I expected him to," she said worriedly. "I thought you said he would surely come back to grovel," her rich lover, Raymond said and she shook her head, "Well, clearly he isn't doing that," she snapped. "What do you suggest we do?" Raymond asked her and she looked at the window below. "The entire city will think it's my fault we broke up, he will tell everyone that I cheated and got pregnant," she said and groaned. "Don't tell me that you're regretting having a baby for me already," Raymond scolded her with a glare. Regina moved to the desk and kissed him on the cheeks, "Of course not, I don't regret loving you, Ray, I'm just worried that the elder of the family will punish me once the rumors start spreading and my siblings wi
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Chapter three
Adrian watched as Regina remorselessly painted him as the devil before all her workers, "You are a dog! Did you expect me to keep tolerating your cheating habits? I have loved you and what do you pay me back with? Your flings and mistresses! I've had enough, I want a divorce!" She snapped. "Have you forgotten so soon that I'm the one who caught you in the car, pants down with your lover?" He asked her. Regina pretended to gasp and laid her hands on her chest, "You liar! How could you try to put this on me, Adrian? You should be begging for forgiveness instead of lying after what you've done to me," she said, shaking her head, "You should be ashamed."Adrian shook his head at her shameless nature. It was clear that she had it all plotted out just to save her reputation. "You're right, I should be the one ashamed to even be called a partner to such an unspeakable woman," he replied and shook his head, "Your lies have just made me lose my job and now everyone believes I wronged you when
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Chapter four
The taste of being himself again was quite thrilling and unlike what Adrian had expected it. He wasn't as sad as he'd thought over losing the bet with his grandfather. Regina wasn't worth the pain, since she was bent on wealth and status, she didn't deserve his love. At once, he decided it was time for him to call his butler, the famous Sir Alfred of his family, and tell him about grandfather Gerald's decision to reinstate him as heir. "Hello, young master?" The butler said just as he answered the phone. "How did you know?" Adrian couldn't help but ask and the man chuckled over the phone. "News about the Gerald family spreads fast," he replied. "I will need my cards back," he said but was less surprised to be informed that his cards were available already. Grandfather had planned everything out and was ready for him to lose. "I'm heading to you right now, young master," Alfred replied and the call ended. Right outside the office where he stood, the butler arrived in a silver
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Chapter five
Adrian watched as Regina and her lover both arrived in a convertible and stepped out of the car. The crowd went frenzy and struggled to ask Regina questions about the divorce. "Miss Regina, how long has it been since you knew that your husband has been cheating on you?" One of the reporters asked. "Ma'am, how did you cope with such a vile man?" Another one asked and Regina wore a casual expression on her face as she replied. "I don't want to relive all the hurt and pain he's put me through, thankfully this is the last day I'll spend with such a man," Regina replied with a sad look for the cameras that flashed everywhere and finally walked past the paparazzi. "Are you going to lie your way into the courtroom?" Adrian asked in disgust and Regina turned to see him standing on the porch. She smirked at him and linked hands with her new lover as she drew closer to him and whispered, "There's no lie, not when the entire world believes it," she replied and chuckled. Her lover looked at
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Chapter six
Adrian arrives at his new company. The court session had left him pretty sullen but not because he missed his wife, no, he was pissed off at being caught in the web of her lies and deceit in the first place. As he arrived at the company, he met with his grandfather right at the entrance. The old man had on a white suit, matching white shoes, and a white hat. He looked pretty smart in the outfit. "It's so good to see you, Adrian, after so many years," he added. Adrian bowed to his grandfather and the 001 of the Gerald family. He hadn't seen him in such a long time too, after making that bet, he was almost sure that he wouldn't be coming back home. "It feels good to be back, I guess," he replied with a flat tone. He still felt odd about taking over that company after so many years. "Don't worry, I don't want to overwhelm you with all the work at the main company, I will allow you to handle the subsidiary until you're sure you can fully take over," Grandpa said. Adrian nodded, "Tha
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Chapter seven
"Are you sure of this?" Adrian asked and the secretary nodded. "I would never say a thing to you that I wasn't sure of, master," she replied. Adrian nodded and decided that he had to lead Richmond on. He had to find out more about him. "If his company is bankrupt, does that mean he may be only with Regina because of the money?" He asked. But it wasn't even a question that he needed to ask. Something told him that Richmond was indeed using Regina. An amused smile crossed his face at the thought of it. It would be quite ironic. "Good, keep tabs on him. Do not turn down his proposal no matter how shitty, I need you to keep him hopeful, make him a part of the company," he said. Taraji looked at him oddly, like she didn't trust his choice but she simply nodded. "As you wish, young master," she replied and left. The next day, after his morning run, Adrian decided to have another meeting with Traaji. He now knows that not only is Richmond involved in illegal activities, but he is also tr
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Chapter eight
Arriving at the mansion shortly after, Adrian is granted access to the compound as he mentioned that it was his grandfather who sent him over. He is ushered into the master suite where he meets with Ulrich. A short and stocky man meets him at the door. "Sir Ulrich is this way," the man said and led him inside the room. Adrian looked at the superb furnishing in a glance but his focus was on the tall and willowy man that looks very pale in the center of the bed. His eyes are hidden behind a pair of large frames and there is a book in his hands. "Welcome, Adrian, your grandfather said that you would be coming to meet me," he said with what would have been a warm smile if his face wasn't so pale. "Yes, I came to see you, I apologise that my grandfather has been rather busy," he stated apologetically. Ulrich smiled and assured him that he understood. "Oh, I know how busy the business world can be, I had to take a break myself from all that stress," he stated softly. Adrian nodded and
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Chapter nine
The auditorium was decorated with the most exquisite design. It was the wedding of the famous and impeccable Miss Regina Lawson and she was going for the best. Adrian arrived at the wedding wearing a casual white shirt and a pair of black trousers. Although he was quite smartly dressed for the occasion, he found out upon arrival that he was too underdressed.Everyone else was flamboyantly dressed in an almost dramatic manner but even Adrian wasn't surprised, after all, it was his ex-wife they were talking about, she was the mistress of drama and extravagance. Just as she walks through the front door, his eyes meet with one of Regina's friends. He can look away quickly but it seems that she recognizes him instantly scowling, she walks away briskly and he watches her walk to the front seat and tell Regina of his arrival. Adrian turned away from her and ignored her act completely as he mingled in the crowd. Everyone who attended the event seemed to look at him oddly like he'd done So
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Chapter ten
Regina stares at the screen, wiping the fake tears that she'd cried earlier off her face. "How could you do this to me?!" She snapped. Meanwhile, Richmond was already staring at her with disgust as soon as he saw the video on the screen. "How could you do something like that? Is this really who you are? So this just wasn't with me but with other men?!" He asked all at once. Regina tried to explain to her new husband but the whole crowd seemed to be loud gong playing right into her skull. "Adrian! You have ruined my life!" She yelled and rose up, pointing at him and abusing him thoroughly. But all she said served to make the crowd even more agitated. There was no way she could stand against the whole room when they were already against her. "You thought you had your lies figured out, right?" Adrian asked with a smirk. It was his own time to mock her, but he wasn't just going to waste his words at her, he was allowing the crowd to do their job. "I will make you pay!" Regina snapped
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