All Chapters of The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
165 chapters
Chapter eleven
Adrian walked into his apartment with a smile on his face, and a sense of victory engulfed all over his body, “that serves her right,” he said as he picked up a bottle of wine from the wine stand, he gulped down a glass as the alcohol hits him in the right places, he breathes a sigh of relief.He turned on his cell phone to see the news highlight, “news does spread like wildfire,” he smirked as he read the news “BREAKING NEWS: NEWLY WEDDED COUPLE IN TURMOIL AFTER GROOM WAS FOUNDED GUILTY OF TAX EXASION, EMBEZZLEMENT AND ILLEGAL SALES OF GOLD WHILE WIFE AN ADULTERESS.” “They do make a perfect couple after all like minds work together,” his attention shifted to the incoming phone call,“Hello...” the breaths on the other side of the phone call made him happy,“Grandpa, are you not going to say a word to me?” he chuckled a bit,“What exactly do you want me to say, my darling boy?”“To what do I own a phone call from you, my dearest grandfather?”“Oh please, save yourself the pleasantries
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Chapter twelve
News spread like wildfire upon the return of MARK JOHNSON’S GRANDSON, the heir to the multi-billionaire JM CORPORATIONS, there will be a ball to welcome his return, the news got to the ears of Regina as she sought a plan to seduce the grandson and take away her misery.“Since it's a masked ball, it will be easier for no one to recognize me, my family has disowned me because of that bastard Adrian but with my charms, I’m sure to win the heart of the man, I need to make a comeback to make Adrian life a living hell,” Regina said to herself as she looked for the perfect gown for the ball tonight.“Do you have to do all this Adrian?” a tall handsome young man was seen dressing in an expensive tuxedo.A smirk plastered on Adrian’s face as he helped the young man dress, “Yes Lucas, you’re my best friend and you saw what she did to me these past few months and no one knows you, only I and Grandpa, besides she’s a pawn in my chess board which I’m ready to make her life a living hell.”“You scar
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Chapter thirteen
After Regina ran out from the ball, the party nevertheless continued as everyone was trying to get on the good side of the supposed heir of the JM EMPIRE, Adrian’s grandfather tried his best to hide the fact that he wasn’t happy that someone else was impersonating his grandson but what could he do? He had already promised his boy that he would manage for the main time.“Grandpa, don’t let your smile fall, we don’t want people to be suspicious, now do we?” Adrian whispered to his grandpa who in return snickered back at him, “That should have been you, not Lucas,” they both looked at Lucas who was trying his best to maintain his composure with his unwanted guest.Lucas excused himself and walked up to Adrian and his grandfather, “Adrian, why do you think little Miss Cheater left the party in haste?”“Probably because she was humiliated and embarrassed by my humble grandpa here, who did not even cut her some slack,” “I hate the sight of cheaters especially the ones who still try to act
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Chapter fourteen
Things haven’t been easy for Regina, especially when it came to job hunting, no matter where she went, no one seemed to take her seriously, and one mistake had totally ruined her life. To her utmost surprise, her grandfather's bills have all been cleared and they need not worry about any medical expenses.Luckily for them, they still had their home, so they need not worry about a roof over them but getting a job to feed them was a hassle.“Any luck?” Regina’s mom asked her while preparing their lunch, Regina shook her head disappointed, “I couldn’t even land myself a cleaning job, Richmond completely left us with nothing and he’s in jail,” she said with a hysterical laugh.Regina’s mom looked at her with a disappointed look, “How I wish I never supported you maybe just be life would easy for at least some of us in this house.”Regina scoffed at her mother’s words, “Mom, you were much as greedy as I was, when you noticed that Richmond was much richer, you didn’t even think twice, you w
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Chapter fifteen
Regina was in her room, pacing around as she placed her index finger on her lower teeth, biting it a little, and thinking of exactly what to do.“I guess I have no choice than to see that son of a bitch!” I uttered sharply under my breath.Immediately, she wore something more comfortable, and that could aid her to be really fast when she had to, then she hurriedly stepped out of her room.“Where are you heading to?” Her mother asked, looking curious.But Regina was in no mood to answer her question, so she dashed out of the house.“Taxi!” She voiced out as she waved her hand to get the attention of the taxi driver.As the cab got closer to her, she got in and gave him the address to the station.“Would you like me to entertain you with a song?” he offered, with a smile that she could see, from the front mirror.“There’s no need. Just…speed up, please.” Regina urged him, and looked out the window, feeling restless.Regina didn’t need anyone to tell her the kind of person Richmond could
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Chapter sixteen
“Get down, right now!” One of the men voiced out, aggressively.“Do we really need to tell them to get down, or we can just drive them off to our location.” Another goon, suggested as they all pointed their guns at us.“Yeah, that’s true.”Lucas and I exchanged looks, and before we knew it, the hefty men brought Lucas and me down and shoved us into the back seat of the car.“This is why you should get a security patrol or whatever,” Lucas whispered, feeling a little scared.He was right. If I had security guards who followed me every single place I went to, it would have been much better. In a case like this, even if they were not able to win against these hefty men, we would have escaped as they would have given us enough time to escape.“Who are you, and what do you want with us?” I asked as two more men joined us at the back, and squeezed us in the middle like we were nothing.“Oh, come on. Do you really think we’re going to tell you? Now, to dash all your hopes, we aren’t going to
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Chapter seventeen
Regina was counting the money which was given to her, by Lucas. She smiled, feeling glad that all she had to do was to let Adrian in, and she got free money. She knew he would be earning better than he was when they were together.Even as he was earning better, she wanted to find a way to pull him down as she wanted him to beg at her feet, and she was going to ensure that, no matter how long it was going to take.Not long after she counted the money, Lucas walked out and cleared his throat to get her attention.“Uhm… He’s awake, and he has asked to see you.” Lucas informed Regina, and a smile came on her face.Then she rose to her feet and walked up to Lucas.“Look. I know I was a bitch back when you needed to get him into the house. I was just pissed at that moment, and… and I couldn’t think straight. Well, as for that money, I’m just going to use it to cater for him a little. You know, for hospitality, and all.”“You don’t have to do that. I’ll settle his bills. Besides, we are leav
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Chapter eighteen
“Is there anything wrong?” She asked, staring at me, out of curiosity.“Don’t tell me you…” Adrian spoke and paused.“Speak! I don’t understand you.” She said, frustratingly.Out of anger, he got out of the car and slammed the door shut.Talia was so baffled as she didn’t understand his sudden change of attitude. If not for the fact that she knew he had a good health condition, she would have assumed that he was probably a psychiatric patient.She had to get out of the car as well and confronted him.“Is it because I need your help that you keep acting as it pleases you? At least, consider the life of my grandfather which is at stake.”“First, I recall warning you about how critical his condition, was, and that I needed to treat him, but you didn’t agree. Secondly, you, Talia, had the effrontery to walk up and send men, to abduct me!”As Talia heard the last sentence he made, she froze and found it difficult to even speak.“What…what did you just say?” She questioned, trying her best
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Chapter nineteen
The current situation attracted his grandfather’s attention, so, both his grandfather and Lucas were seated, before Adrian.“Grandfather, please just allow me to do away with her.” Adrian pleaded, not wanting to hear his grandfather have to give any final say.“Regardless of what she did, you should overlook it and save a life, first. Then after you save her grandfather’s life, we can now settle things amicably.”“But grandfather, by settling things amicably, I believe you mean we would cease to be engaged,” Adrian spoke, hoping his grandfather would agree to that.“No, Adrian. A contract is a contract. You have to work in accordance with the rules. But she’ll certainly be punished for daring to attempt abducting my grandson.Adrian still wasn’t satisfied with his grandfather’s response and then rose to his feet.“No, grandfather. I can’t allow that woman to feel I’m bound by rules, therefore giving her the audacity to do whatever she wants. I will go over to her home to treat her gra
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Chapter twenty
“So, what do we do? Now that he has given you a task, you have to ensure it’s done, the way he wants it.” Lucas said as he finally sat on the couch, after pacing around for about half an hour. “Well, I have no choice but to do this. Truly, if I want to get back at those who did wrong, I must prove that I am very well capable of that, or I would forever be a pauper and a useless being, to them.” Adrian spoke, staring into blank space like he was working out some things in his head.“I think we should start with finding out his current whereabouts, and then we start out what we ought to,” Lucas suggested.“Alright, let’s find out.” Adrian agreed, and they began to make their findings.After conducting deep research, they were able to get his whereabouts.“Paris of all places,” Lucas said as he connected the heel of his palm, to his face, and dragged it down to his chin.“Is there a problem with that?” Adrian asked, wondering why Lucas acted that way because he felt wealthy men were alw
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