The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir
The Rise Of The Betrayed Heir
Author: Topaz Topaz
Chapter one

Adrian Johnson picked out the most colorful bouquet from the shelf of the flower shop and had it wrapped up. "I'm surprising my hardworking wife tonight, she's getting back from a business trip," he explained to the florist who smiled and wrapped up the bouquet for him.

Regina, his wife for the past few years had been working extra hard to secure a deal in her family business and she had finally gotten it done. Adrian was so excited to see her and celebrate, maybe, he might even get lucky and she would finally allow them to make love tonight, he thought. 

A few minutes later, he stopped in front of the neighbourhood and went across the street to a mall to grab a bottle of the finest wine. He's already ordered her favorite Chinese food and he'd fix her a warm bath before she returned. But to his surprise, he saw her car parked just a few blocks from the mall. 

Adrian wondered if her flight had somehow arrived early and she failed to inform him, he walked closer to the car, and to his surprise, he heard the most disgusting sounds coming from within. "I love it when you do that to me," a female voice moaned out loud - a voice he was very certain belonged to Regina. 

Anger coursed through his veins and the bottle of wine he brought fell on the pavement, shattering and the red liquid pooling at his feet. The car door opened suddenly and his suspicions were verified. 

Regina was in the backseat, clothes in nothing but a thin camisole and a denim jacket, her skirt rode up her thighs and her hair was a dishevelled mess. "Adrian?" She said, her tone not in the least remorseful she sounded pissed off. 

"You're in town, Regina," Adrian replied. It wasn't a question but a clear statement. Regina sneered at him, "Of course I'm back! Is that why you're interrupting us?" She asked rudely, grabbing the man and smacking his lips right before Adrian. 

Fist clenched, Adrian couldn't believe his own eyes. He'd been with his wife for many months and all through, he hadn't slept with her once. After their wedding, he found out that Regina was not fit for sexual activities and the doctor advised her to take care of her health so she could conceive the right way. "Did you lie to me all this while?" He couldn't help but ask. 

Regina laughed at him and looked at the bouquet in his hands, "Don't tell me you believed that crap about me being too sick to have sex," she mocked. 

The man beside her laughed and held his tummy, "You married a dumb loser, Gina, how can a man be so weak and never touch his wife?" He asked mockingly. 

"Why did you do it? Why did you deceive me?" Adrian sneered at her, and Regina snapped at him to keep shut. "You should be lucky that I even allowed you to be married into my family. Do you know how important it was for me to get married before being admitted to the executive board? I had to make sure I married someone useless, someone I could discard once all of this was over and you were the perfect candidate," she finally admitted. 

"When she told me that she'd found the fool who agreed to marry her without ever having sex, I thought she was kidding, but I guess you are a dumb ass," the man in the car said with a smirk on his face. 

Suddenly, his heartbreak was replaced by anger, how would he have been so foolish to Believe Regina? He should have known she was only marrying him to get a place in her family company, it was never about love. "You faked the doctor's report," he stated as it dawned on him that everything she'd ever told him was a lie. 

"Of course, she did, now get out of here, we were having a good time before which was interrupted," the man snapped at him.  

Regina suddenly stepped out of the car and quickly smoothened over her clothes as much as she could. She moved to the glove compartment and handed Adrian a file. "Sign those papers and let's get this facade done with," she said. 

With a frown, Adrian took the file and looked at the documents in his hands. Staring right back at him were divorce papers. "You're asking for a divorce?" Adrian asked. 

Regina simply shrugged, "The choice is yours, are you going to continue being sex-starved or will you sign the papers and let me go on with my life?" She asked with a smirk.  

"You are shameless, aren't you? You lied about your health, you lied about your trip and now you're openly screwing some man in the back of your car?!" Adrian snapped at her.  

"Shame? What's there to be ashamed of? I'm having the best sex of my life since my dumb husband can't even take care of my physical needs, you aren't even worthy to touch my hair, you should be the one who is ashamed of being a man," she clapped back at him. 

 At once, her lover stepped out of the vehicle too, and confronted Adrian. "How dare you talk to Regina like that? Don't you know she is not in your class? She just married you for convenience, now it's time to get this nonsense cleared up! Hurry up and sign the divorce papers!" The man sneered. 

Adrian had always been so meek and understanding with Regina that she never expected him to stand against her. She was shocked when he pulled out a pen from his pocket, "I don't deserve to live under the same roof with a shameless bitch like you," he stated coldly and signed the papers, throwing them in her face. 

Regina watched with wide eyes as he threw the bouquet away. "You'll regret this! I know you'll come back begging for me to take you back!" She spat but Adriang lared at her quietly and walked out. 

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