Chapter two

 Regina soon realizes that her husband won't be coming back to beg her or take her back. She is in the office with her new lover who is trying to kiss her but she shrugs him off. "I am bothered about that loser husband of mine, he isn't coming back to beg like I expected him to," she said worriedly. 

"I thought you said he would surely come back to grovel," her rich lover, Raymond said and she shook her head, "Well, clearly he isn't doing that," she snapped. 

"What do you suggest we do?" Raymond asked her and she looked at the window below. "The entire city will think it's my fault we broke up, he will tell everyone that I cheated and got pregnant," she said and groaned.  

"Don't tell me that you're regretting having a baby for me already," Raymond scolded her with a glare. Regina moved to the desk and kissed him on the cheeks, "Of course not, I don't regret loving you, Ray, I'm just worried that the elder of the family will punish me once the rumors start spreading and my siblings will want to take over the company," she replied.  

"Surely there's something that can be done, I know this can't go out to the media, we have to make this go away, anyhow," Raymond said and held her waist.  

Regina sighed and leaned on her lover, "I can't let that happen. We have to find a way to make him come back and beg, he has to come back and we will make him forget about this," she said.  

Suddenly, Raymond sat up with a smile on his face, "I have an idea, I know a way we can make him suffer the consequences of the divorce rather than yourself," he said. Regina was eager to hear his idea and so she moved closer to him. 

"Tell me all about it," she said eagerly and he kissed her soundly on the lips as he whispered, "We have to make your ex-husband become the cheater, he must take the call and appear like the unfaithful man," he replied. Regina smiled happily and nodded. "That's a wonderful idea, let's make it happen!"  

Meanwhile, Adrian was outside his new apartment, the boxes still unpacked in the living room. Since he signed the divorce papers, he'd first moved out of the house he shared with Regina because he knew there was no way he could still live under the same roof with such an unfaithful woman. Suddenly, the phone rang and he pulled it out, it was his boss. 

"Hello, boss_" he began to say but he was cut short by the man who rudely told him he'd been fired. "Fired?" Adrian asked, surprised.  

"Yes, you're no longer allowed in the company, your morals are questionable and we don't need a worker like you ruining the impeccable reputation of our firm," he stated sternly.   

"Sir, I am your most dedicated worker, I have been diligent in my job, I've won the best employee of the month award for several months in a row," Adrian argued, sure there was no way he could be fired after everything I've done for the company. 

"None of that matters now! We have to show good examples in the firm, we can't keep allowing you to work for us after what you've done. Clear up your desk and never show up in the company again," his boss replied with a hard tone.  

Adrian couldn't believe his ears. After losing his wife just the previous day, he would never have guessed that he'd lose his job too - the only thing that made him hold onto sanity. "Why? Why are you firing me?" He asked. 

The boss scoffed loudly, "I guess you never thought it would be out in the open, huh?" He said, "I've sent you a link, see for yourself, good luck finding another job." 

Just as the call ended, Adrian saw a link appear on his screen and he clicked it open. At once, he saw the video of his wife appear. She was having a live interview. "We have been married for such a long time, I would have never believed that Adrian would hurt me this way," she said, her tone breaking as she spoke.

Adrian was shocked to see Regina barely holding back her tears in front of the whole world when he was the one facing her scorn and infidelity. The host of the TV show empathized with her and rudely gave him a dog for cheating on such a hard-working and committed woman. "It's unbelievable, that a man would cheat on Regina Lawson, the daughter of the Lawson family who has been working tirelessly to move her family company forward___" 

Turning off his phone, Adrian tossed it on his couch. He couldn't believe that Regina had just put the blame on him and made him appear like a cheat. "I have to confront her, I have to save my reputation," he said to himself in fury.  

Early the next day, Adrian arrived at the Lawson Institute. From the gate, he had a hard time accessing the hiding because the gateman had clearly been instructed not to allow him in. Adrian managed to make his way through the gates and was met with lingering gazes and open scorn as he walked through the lobby.  

"Regina, how could you lie to the entire world? I thought you said you were proud of your lover!" Adrian snapped at her as he saw her on the desk. There were a few workers right beside her and Regina simply looked at him with her lips turned down. 

"You have no shame, now dare you come back here to beg after what you've done to me?!" Regina snapped at him. 

"Shame? You are the one I caught cheating on me and now you're lying," he spat. 

"Shut up! You should be lucky you had a woman like Miss Regina but now you've ruined it! You deserve nothing good, you freaking cheat!" Another worker snapped at him. 

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