Chapter three

Adrian watched as Regina remorselessly painted him as the devil before all her workers, "You are a dog! Did you expect me to keep tolerating your cheating habits? I have loved you and what do you pay me back with? Your flings and mistresses! I've had enough, I want a divorce!" She snapped. 

"Have you forgotten so soon that I'm the one who caught you in the car, pants down with your lover?" He asked her. Regina pretended to gasp and laid her hands on her chest, "You liar! How could you try to put this on me, Adrian? You should be begging for forgiveness instead of lying after what you've done to me," she said, shaking her head, "You should be ashamed."

Adrian shook his head at her shameless nature. It was clear that she had it all plotted out just to save her reputation. "You're right, I should be the one ashamed to even be called a partner to such an unspeakable woman," he replied and shook his head, "Your lies have just made me lose my job and now everyone believes I wronged you when you're the cheat!"  

"We all know you're the cheat, stop making a fool of yourself, Adrian, leave, I'll never accept you," she said loudly.  

"I would never beg a bitch like you!" Adrian sneered at her and she gasped, trying to slap him. But for the first time, she saw Adrian stand up for himself. He held her palm midair and flung it away. "You might just to the whole world but you should know I can't be one of them," he sneered.  

Regina stepped back, amazed at his sudden aggressive behavior. He'd always been the meek and humble husband who loved her no matter what. But for the first time, he was confronting her instead of begging. "You don't deserve me, you monster!" She cried out and dramatically began to step back, feigning fear.  

"How dare you come in here and try to hurt our director? We could have you thrown out of this building and taken straight to jail for your insolence!" One of the workers snapped at him.  

"Your entire company can do nothing!" Adrian sneered at them. Regina smirked as she saw that everyone was taking sides with her. She has successfully convinced the entire office that she was innocent and Adrian had hurt her. 

It was clear that she would continue to humiliate him and do anything just to get away with her cheating and lies. Adrian shook his head in resignation. "I'll see you in court," he said coldly and walked away. 

"I'll see you in court too! And you better not think of getting a dime off the Lawson family!" Regina yelled after him as he walked out.  

Even the lowest of staff in the company spat at Adrian, calling him names and pointing fingers at him for cheating on the supposedly perfect Miss Regina Lawson. "You'll never find a woman as virtuous as Miss Regina!" One of them said as Adrian walked outside. 

Just then, his phone vibrated in his pocket and Adrian pulled it out. It was his grandfather. Before he took the call, he knew exactly what the old man wanted to say. "Hello, grandfather," he said at once.   

"Hello, Adrian, it's time for you to take your rightful place as the heir of our trillion-dollar empire," the old man said over the phone. 

 "I guess bad news spreads like wildfire," Adrian said with a sigh. 

His grandfather, Lord Gerald chuckled over the phone and replied, "You're right, I've kept tabs on you all through the years after the promise you made, clearly you've failed." 

Adrian sighed in frustration, he had indeed failed. He made a promise many years ago to escape an arranged marriage that his grandfather planned. Adrian was positive that he would be able to find true love and not end up in a loveless marriage with some rich heiress that his grandfather had betrothed to him. "You're right, I just got served divorce papers," he replied in a resigned tone, "I never thought I'd say this but you were right about Regina Lawson."  

"I told you true love isn't so easy to find, you should have accepted your fiance, she is the perfect fit for you," he said, "I never knew what you saw in that Regina Lawson girl."  

"It was my choice grandfather, it's my mistake and I'll live with it," Adrian admitted.  

"I hope you haven't forgotten the promise that you made many years ago. You asked for a chance to find love without your true identity and if you failed, then you will return and take over your rightful place as the heir of the family company and also get married to your fiance," Gerald reminded him. 

"I regret the time I spent trying to prove you wrong. I believed that Regina loved me but she has been using me since we were married, it's high time I moved on," he said.  

Gerald agreed with him. "The Lawson family is nothing compared to our family, Adrian. You never should have allowed someone like her to use you, but I respect your choices. I'm glad that you now have realized your mistakes and you're ready to take your place as the trillionaire heir of the family," he said. Adrian could hear from his grandfather's tone that he was rather pleased that Adrian had just lost his marriage and come back to his senses. It was going to be a great loss for the family to not have an heir just because of his stubborn belief in love. 

"I'm willing to keep to the challenge, grandfather, I'll take my fiance and take over the company just as you've instructed," he replied. 

"Once you take your rightful place, you have to complete the challenge and become the heir of the family. But first, you have to take charge of the subsidiary company that I will assign to you," Grandfather Gerald said. 

"I'll do as you say, grandfather," Adrian replied in a cold tone. 

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