Chapter seventy eight

Immediately after the meeting he had, Lucas showed him the comments on some posts about who people feel, would win. And then he was among the top three they expected to win. This cheered Adrian up a little more, as he felt if the judges and audience would be pleased with him, then there might actually be nothing which Josephine could do, against him.

“Alright, we’re going to celebrate tonight. I’ll be inviting some other people as well, and our workers. Let’s celebrate in advance, as it is certain we would win.” Adrian said, and Lucas noted it.

“Alright then. I’ll notify everyone quickly, so we can all get ready for the party tonight.” Lucas said, with a smile.

Adrian went to his office, and began some paper works, but he closed earlier than usual, since he had a celebration, tonight. Meanwhile, Sophie had also sent another message, saying she wouldn’t be able to attend, and that when she is back, she would explain things to them.

Although, he was a bit bothered, but he had to tell hi
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