The Divorce
"You can't this do, Elena, we have been together for years, through thick and thin but now you're willing to cast me into the abyss for a man who has nothing but evil intentions towards you?. Is this what you want?, please, my love!" Mark begged, his heart ached with fear, he couldn't bear to lose his wife, not like this.

"You're a liability to me!, you can't afford to cater for yourself or anyone, I once loved you but that love is gone and you must accept your fate as a man. There's nothing you can do about it and begging me will only make me hate you for all eternity, a lawyer will bring the divorce papers tomorrow and you will sign them peacefully" she revealed.

Mark watched her lips and saw his heart break into pieces, Bruce didn't say a word, his plans were failing into place and he had gotten the trust and support of Elena and her mother. It was all he ever wanted, he had his eyes on Elena for a while and always fantasized about having sex with her and his wildest imagination
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