Turn A Blind Eye

Mark looked away and slowly walked out, but to his surprise, Bruce chased after him and held his hand tightly, he looked back with shock and anger and yanked his hand off Bruce's grip.

"I need your help, Mark, this is really urgent!" Bruce said with fear in his eyes

"And why would I ever help a man like you?, after ridiculing me in front of all those people. I thought you said you were a doctor, tend to your patient, Mr Bruce" Mark replied and tried to walk away but Bruce held him back

"Let go off me or I will call the security guards, are you trying to force me to do what I don't intend to do?" Mark asked

Trouble settled on the face of Bruce and sweat gathered on his forehead. he was under a lot of pressure from Elena's mother and everyone at the party, how could he run from such an ugly situation?

"look, I fucking need your help right now because that lady in there is a military General's wife and the nearest hospital is miles away and the medical team in there, lacks a doctor who obviously, is on his way here. she might die before she he gets here but everyone is counting on me to save her."

"Aren't you a doctor?" Mark asked again

Bruce found it hard to speak, Mark stared at him coldly and all he could do was rub his forehead in utter confusion and uncertainty

"I'm not a doctor and everything you heard in there about me getting a medical degree are all lies, I said those things to get everyone to adore me. I'm trying to buy my way into Mrs Judith's heart and that of other billionaires in there, so you're going to help me achieve my plan and for your time, I will throw in some reward" Bruce said and grew a mischievous smile on his face

Mark scoffed, he felt irritated by Bruce's presence and all he wanted at that moment was to punch the billionaire prick and walk away.

"You're a pathetically liar and a deceiver, I knew you weren't pure from the start, you can't fool a man like me, Mr Bruce and I will never help you achieve any of your evil plans, so go fuck yourself!" Mark said with authority

Bruce felt pissed by Mark's reply but managed to smile when an idea crossed his mind, he brought out his cheque book and wrote on it.

"I will give you $700,000 if you go and help that woman, we can be close friends and I can make you so great that even your wife and mother-in-law will come to love and adore you. I have read all about you, I'm pretty sure you understand why I had to lie, you were once a marketer, sometimes we lie to get the biggest fish" Bruce revealed and tapped Mark's should

He tore out the cheque and stretched it to Mark who kept staring aimlessly at what was written on the cheque

"You think my help can be bought with money?"

"Everything can be bought with money, fool, can't you see how everyone hates you because of your poverty and predicament?. Be on my side and I will make you great again, far greater than you have ever been" Bruce said

The words of the billionaire sounded so sweet and convincing to Mark's ears, all he wanted was to get his lost respect and love. Life hadn't been rosy for him ever since he woke up from the hospital bed, he kept staring at the cheque and without thinking about it any longer, he accepted the offer.

Bruce smiled and massaged his shoulder softly, his plans were falling in place and they went back into the Grand Hall, Mark rushed to Mrs Jones who kept struggling to breathe. Her face had turned pale and she was at the very edge of slipping away before the eyes of everyone.

"She must be allergic to something, get rid of it now!" Mark ordered and everyone felt confused by his words

He brought his lips close to Mrs Jones and pumped her with oxygen, he was using all his strength to keep the lady alive while the medical team watched, without a clue on what to do, they obviously had no inhaler in the Grand Hall. Mrs Jones felt calm for a moment and Mark noticed that she might be allergic to the wine she tasted and without a second thought, he smashed the glass and everyone gasped.

Bruce was losing his chances of being the star guest and in the blink of an eye, he aggressively grabbed an injection from one of the medical team and quickly injected Mrs Jones, it was an Omalizumab injection. Mrs Jones felt more calm and peaceful while Bruce wiped the sweat off her face with his handkerchief.

He gave her a glass of water and helped her stand on her feet once more, everyone cheered him and this only made Mark furious, all his efforts of resuscitation felt useless and Bruce only acted in the last minute after he had done the hard part.

"It's a miracle that we have a doctor here, what would we have done?" Mrs Judith asked and kissed Bruce on his cheeks

"He didn't do anything, I saved Mrs Jones through resuscitation, she was obviously allergic to the wine she tasted and that's what triggered her outbreak. This man is fooling all of you and it's a shame that no one can see beyond his sweet lies" Mark said with anger in his eyes as he clenched his fist.

"I admit that you contributed to saving her life but you didn't know the final step to take in making her calm and stable, did you?. Drop your pride and be thankful for once, Mark" Bruce said with a smile on his face

"You can as well leave this place, your presence disgusts me already" a man dressed in black Italian suit added, he once worked with Mark in the same company but now, he hated Mark with passion

"I will leave, I can't be in the presence of a pathetic trickster" Mark replied angrily and as he turned his back, the party started.

He got to the door and looked back for the final time only to see his wife being too friendly with Bruce, he scoffed and tried to ignore but his eyes caught Bruce slipping a pill into her drink while Elena was caught up in a conversation with another lady.

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