False Accusation

Mark knew he couldn't look away this time or else his wife would suffer for it and as he stared at them, his heart raced with fear and his hatred for Bruce had increased by a thousand. He kept shaking as he held on to his crutches, the security guards came close to him but he kept his gaze on Elena who had no clue on what was happening, she seemed too happy to notice the evil mastermind she had befriended.

"Should we escort you out sir?" the chief security officer asked.

"No, I can't leave, not now" Mark replied and walked as fast as his wounded legs could carry him.

Everyone scoffed when he entered the hall but of course, he had grown used to their hate speeches and disgusted look, all he had in mind was to save his wife from Bruce, the deceiver everyone had grown to love.

"What is this brat doing here, I thought he said he was leaving" one of the guests asked.

Everyone soon noticed his presence but he wasn't moved, he kept moving towards his wife who was still deeply engulfed by a conversation, she finally caught sight of him and as she was about to have a taste from her glass of wine, Mark screamed.

"Don't taste that wine, he wants to kill you!"

Everywhere went dead silent at once and all eyes were on him, he felt his heart racing a thousand mile in few minutes, Judith clenched her fist in anger and gnashed her teeth hard. Mark's presence had ruined her belated birthday party and she just couldn't wait to return home and treat Mark to utter cruelty, one that he had never seen before.

"And who do you think would want to kill a beautiful goddess like me?, I'm loved by everyone here, and If there's anyone who wants my downfall, it should be you" Elena replied harshly.

Mark could hardly speak, Elena's words pierced his heart like a sword and all he could do was regret why death didn't take his life after the accident. How could the woman who he loved and sacrificed for label him as her greatest downfall, the same woman he spoiled with luxuries and risked everything just to see her career bloom with success. But even with her harsh words and rude character, he couldn't deny the fact that he was deeply in love with her, it was the strongest bond holding his hard life intact.

"Elena, you're my wife and I would never do anything to hurt you but you have to trust me, Bruce is not a man you should ever get close to, his mind is filled with evil and he wants to either end your life or use you" Mark revealed.

Everyone gasped in shock, they couldn't believe their ears, the star guest of the party soon felt so uncomfortable with Mark's words, he clenched his fist in anger and glared at him with pure hatred in his heart, the wretched son-in-law was ruining his plans.

"That's enough, don't you think you should go home and rest?, tend to your wounds and pray to recover from your Amnesia, instead of sticking your nose into places where they don't belong, you don't belong here and calling you my husband makes me cringe, you're a disgrace to my life, a deadweight that I have to carry all day long" Elena spoke fiercely.

Her eyes were filled with rage and Mark's eyes were filled with tears but he held them back, he couldn't afford to lose his composure despite the heartbreaking words his wife lashed out on him.

"You should be thankful she hasn't divorced your wretched ass, kneel and beg for her forgiveness" Bruce ordered.

Elena scoffed and was about to take a sip from her wine when Mark aggressively pushed the glass cup off her left hand, the cup shattered to pieces and the wine poured on Bruce's face, his Italian suit was stained and for some minutes, everyone watched in utter silence at what happened.

"What did you just do?" Elena asked in shock

Bruce was furious but kept his cool, he couldn't afford to raise suspicion and have everyone turn on him, he had to put the blame on someone else.

"I saved you from him, he laced your wine with a pill, this man is not who he says he is" Mark screamed.

"And we should believe you over a man who saved the General's wife?" Different comments soared the air.

"I'm not asking anyone to believe me, it's what I saw and I'm sure glad I could save my wife from this evil mastermind," Mark screamed.

"I didn't lace your wife's drink, you are falsely accusing me and you think you gonna be free from this?, a man of my reputation can't be wrongly accused, what evidence do you have of me lacing her wine with a pill?, Mr Mark, I will have to take you to court on this" Bruce threatened.

He knew he had the upper advantage and of course, the money to bring Mark to his knees but the despised son-in-law wasn't ready to go down without a fight but even with his strong spirit, he had no evidence to back up his claim and this alone, caused fear within himself.

"Mark, what evidence do you have to accuse my honored guest?" Judith asked.

"You all can clearly see that this man is jealous of the fact that I have befriended his wife, he thinks I'm out to steal his woman. It's before your very eyes that I saved the General's wife, do you think a pure heart as mine would conceive a plan to poison Mrs Judith's daughter?" Bruce asked an open question.

"We at your support, Mr Mark is nothing but a wretched man seeking validation and attention, his career as a marketer once thrived but now, he's nothing more than a poor man who feeds off his wife and mother-in-law, what a shame" Mr Gregory spoke out with pride.

"I may not know you well but I support you, after all, you saved my life and if you feel the urge to take Mr Mark to court for falsely accusing you, then I will offer my best lawyers to back up your claim" Mr Jones added.

Everyone supported Bruce and it wasn't long before Judith and Elena joined the winning side, leaving her wretched husband to dance to the tones of defeat. Everything was falling in place for Bruce and he held his joy to avoid blowing everything up, Mark was silent, obviously drowning in his thoughts but Bruce approached him slowly and whispered.

"Did you really think you could turn against me?, you're nothing but a wretched man and the world hates your existence."

Mark couldn't hold in his anger and in the blink of an eye, he punched Bruce in the nose and kicked him in the balls, using his knee. Bruce fell and groaned in pain but Mark charged at him and kept punching his face until the security guards restrained him.

"Take this lunatic out of here!" Gregory screamed

"You all can see the devil in him, I tried to offer him a way out of the mess he caused, and he attacked me" Bruce said with nose dripping a little blood.

It didn't take long before the police rushed in, they pinned Mark to the ground and Bruce smiled secretly, knowing that Mark would be behind bars for a while.

"Sir, I called the police immediately Mark started accusing you falsely," Bruce's secretary, Alexis, spoke out

"Thank you, Alexis," Bruce expressed gratitude.

"Mr Mark, you're under arrest for false accusation and assault against Mr Bruce Wellington. You have the right to request a lawyer and remain silent." The chief inspector revealed as they dragged Mark away.

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