Chapter 4

A New Identity

“I am not your son." Thomas scowled the words at the old man’. But he got a smile in return.

“You are Thomas Al Thani, my grandchild, born to me by my only son, Duncan. Bless his soul. It’s so good to see you,” the old man said with a broader smile on his face, which made Thomas even more angry and confused.

“What are you talking about?” Thomas asked, and he began to sweat profusely, ready to fight anyone he could at the moment. He didn’t trust the old man, but if this was true, then they had to prove it to him in some way because there was no way he was going to leave his grandma in such a critical condition to leave with this old man who claims to be his grandfather.

“Lucas”. The old man called, and then a young boy of about nineteen years showed up with a brown envelope in his hand. The boy had the same looks as Thomas, and that even made him want to pour out the questions in his head. The old man took the envelope and opened it, and after studying it for a while, he handed it to Thomas.

Thomas hesitated for a while, then opened it and studied the document for a while.

“I don’t believe this cooked-up shit, and how did you even get my sample to run a test I know absolutely nothing about?” Thomas said it with a frown on his face.

“That’s easy. We got it from your school. You know, son, I have been watching you for a couple of months now, and I must say that Elizabeth has done a really good job raising you." Grandpa Al Thani said: When Thomas heard his grandma’s name, his heart leaped.

‘That’s my grandmother’s name,” Thomas said.

“Yes, I know that too.” Thomas’ eyes weakened as he looked at the old man.

“Come son, I have searched for you everywhere until I was told by a good fellow that you are in the city, so I moved the family here. It’s just Lucas and I left, but thank God we found you." The old man said he was wrapping his arms around Thomas. He patted him on his back softly, and just then the neck piece on Thomas’ neck sent a signal to Grandpa Al Thani.

“She didn’t take it away’. Grandpa said that and pulled the neck piece off.

My grandma gave it to me." Thomas tried to get it back, but then he realised there were hefty men. The old man took the neck piece and opened it.

“This belonged to my son. It was a symbol of his membership in the Lesotho group.” The old man said it with the necklace in his hand.

“Lesotho group, what is that?” Thomas asked.

“Larry, my assistant shall tell you all you need to know about the necklace and the assignment; meanwhile, you haven’t met Lucas yet’. He said that, and the young man came forward.

“You are welcome, Thomas. Lucas bowed like he was serving a king.

“Why does he look like me?” Thomas asked.

“His mother is your father’s twin sister. I guess nature played its part in the  resemblance." Grandpa said.

“The Al Thani’s always have something in common, and I know you’ve got that birthmark right at your back." Grandpa said. Thomas quickly took off his shirt to confirm the mark on his back. Logan turned and showed Thomas his own mark too.

“It’s a family thing, but you are the chosen one with the mandate, so grandpa and I came all the way down to find you in this city." Lucas told him.

“What mandate are you talking about?”.

“The Al Thani linage has always had one healer and a master in marshal art. You, Thomas, are the last healer, and you have tasks ahead of you. Here is a card with an unlimited  balance." The old man said that and handed him the card. Thomas looked at it and was shocked. It was a family card with his name printed on it.

“Unlimited balance? And all the money in it was mine?” He asked, looking at Grandpa and back to Lucas, who was standing beside Grandpa Thani.

“That is nothing compared to the inheritance that awaits you, but you must keep your identity hidden until the time is right to reveal yourself to the world." Grandpa Thani answered with a smile curving at his lower lip. Thomas looked at the card and smiled. Now he can hurriedly go back to the hospital and pay for his grandma’s bills. And as for his deal with Maven, he was going to keep it since he had promised to help her get her inheritance. 

“Welcome to the family, big brother Thomas. We have been waiting for this day to come, and it eventually did. Now I have someone to head the family affairs with me,” Lucas said with a smile as he stood by his grandpa’s side. All Thomas could see was a younger version of himself, and he has definitely fallen in love with his sense of humour.

‘Your fortune awaits you, and I know that you would manage the properties quite well”.

“Take this”. Larry said, Handing him an old book.”.

“What is this?” Thomas asked in confusion.

“This is an old manual passed down to all the generations of the Al Thani healers. You have to study it. Everything you need to know is in there. And maybe you have not been told that, in the quest to harness your full potential, you have a greater task at hand.

“A task?”.

"Yes, Thomas, your parents were murdered by a certain man named Rodrigo, a rebel member of the Lesotho group; he has got powers too, and you are the only one who can avenge the death of your father." Larry told him. Grandpa rolled back his wheelchair to meet Thomas.

“For twenty-eight years, I have patiently waited for this day to come. I had no choice but to hand you over to Elizabeth to take you far away to this place. You were only a day old, and I couldn’t keep you with me for your own safety. Take son”. Grandpa Thani wore the neck piece back on Thomas’s neck.

“Find Rodrigo”. The old man said it with determination in his tone. 

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